
Spider-Girl recognized the owner of the dark figure.

That was the nightmare.......

It's a monster!

It's Godzilla!

It's the despair that Spider-Girl first encountered after reincarnating into this world.

"Damn it!"

Spider-Girl used her telescope skill to spy on Godzilla in the distance.

"Could it be that it deliberately blocked the entrance to the maze and waited for me to show up!"

No, no, no!

Spider-Girl hurriedly shook her head. She really couldn't understand why a poor, skinny, and inconspicuous little spider like her would be targeted by such a big monster.

There must be some misunderstanding!

Could it be that it came here to chase after the group of human soldiers?

"I hope so......."

Spider-Girl was almost frightened and retreated back into the maze. She kept an observational attitude and kept a close eye on the situation.

Tens of thousands of human soldiers were approaching from the other side, sandwiched between two mountains. Spider-Girl was on the left and Godzilla was on the right. It seemed that Godzilla's attention was focused on the human soldiers.

It did not hide, but directly flattened the foothills!


Suddenly, the mountains and hills shook violently, and terrible cracks spread outward like an earthquake. It was getting closer and closer, and every step caused the earth to shake.

""Enemy attack!!"

Spider-Girl vaguely heard the humans shouting something.

Soon after, she felt the ground tremble slightly, like the footsteps of thousands of troops, which put the army of Oz on alert.


""Report to me quickly, how many troops are there in the enemy!"

The commander-in-chief asked loudly at this time. The sand on the ground was shaking. Feeling the trembling of the ground, everyone became nervous.

It can be felt that this is a huge army. They must be running collectively, so there is such a violent vibration.

But the enemy has not appeared yet.

It stands to reason that such a big movement should not be completely without trace.



The heavy footsteps became clearer and clearer, and the humming sound turned into a rumble. This didn't sound like the running of the human army, but rather the footsteps of some giant monster.

"What is going on?"

"Report to the commander-in-chief, the footsteps don't sound like a legion, but more like...Some kind of gigantic monster......!"

It's on the mountain behind you!

Spider-Man was anxious when he saw this scene and was worried about these people.

"The intelligence said that a mythical monster called Godzilla disappeared after attacking a coastal city in a nearby kingdom. Could it be that......Is that it?"

The commander and his subordinates became restless.

The 50,000 soldiers nearby seemed to be in a state of shock and did not notice anything unusual. Godzilla's concealment ability was too good.


"Where is it?"

Thousands of archers and magicians felt a deadly chill at this moment. The vibrations coming from under their feet made their ominous premonition stronger and stronger.

Suddenly, the heavy footsteps stopped.

But then, something seemed to come from the abyss.

Low, deep, terrifying, and overbearing, it sounded like the long breathing of some monster.

The reason they didn't find Diablo Godzilla was because of optical concealment.

The scales covering Godzilla's surface refracted sunlight, making it look integrated with the surrounding forest. The reason why Spider-Girl was able to find it was purely coincidental because of the magic skills she used to explore, and humans didn't know this.

"Run away! That guy is about to spit out his breath!"

Although Spider-Girl didn't know these humans, she couldn't help but get nervous.


The soldiers closest to Godzilla's feet couldn't help but tremble. Although they didn't see anything, fear began to spread. Their voices were stuck in their throats and they couldn't make any sound.

"Come out to me!"


As if in response to their call, Godzilla lifted his cover.


Suddenly, the commander-in-chief and the army of tens of thousands of people looked up at the mountain beside them. Their eyes looked involuntarily, and then they heard a terrible buzzing sound in their ears, as if the air was evaporating.


When the commander saw Godzilla's pure white terrifying eyes up close, he despaired.

"It's over, these people."

Spider-Girl sensed the strong fluctuation of magic power and cried out in her heart,"Oh no!"


A huge roar resounded through the sky, and then a blue-white beam of light cut through the earth and sank into the mountains and forests.

The incarnation of destruction showed its terrifying appearance!


The earth was blown away, and the mountains, forests and rocks were turned into dust in an instant.

The tinnitus of thunder and the strong light made the swordsmen and archers close their eyes tightly, but in Spider-Girl's magical vision, she saw a shocking scene that would be indelible in her life.

A beam of light passed across the earth!

The ground cracked and exploded instantly!

The black smoke distorted the sky!

The forest filled with high-temperature nuclear fission turned into a hell of charred magma!

As far as the eye can see - the violent sea of fire burned, swallowing outwards in all directions!

In the ruins!

Tens of thousands of Oz warriors evaporated collectively, the charred ashes merged with the molten ground, the sea of fire and a clear and terrible gully were everywhere, and the fear and trembling from the soul and life instinct broke out at this moment!


A huge foot stepped onto the plain, causing the shaking ground to roar.

An incredibly huge, dark and ferocious body stepped out of it, as if every move could overturn this tiny world.


The King of Monsters!

Those indifferent eyes that looked down upon everything seemed to be looking in this direction.

Looking at this scene blankly, Spider-Girl's brain briefly lost its ability to think, and only deep trembling and terror enveloped her heart.

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