『Coming from the abyss, it brings a whirlpool of rapids.

It devours everything, and the sea god incarnates as"Dagon"."』......

【Dagon is the name given to Godzilla by deep-sea worshippers.

The name comes from one of the Old Ones in the Cthulhu mythology.


Godzilla now has a headache with this"name".

Seeing this

, you may feel confused because of the lack of foreshadowing.

Who is Dagon?

What is a Naga?

What the hell is a fishman?

Has Godzilla encountered any trouble?

Don't worry.

This matter has to start from one year ago.......

One year ago.

After investigating the"Illusion of Potimas", Godzilla left the Demon King and Spider Girl.

And crossed the continent known as the resting place of the human race - the Dustrutia Continent.

Because the planet is round.

So when Godzilla passed through this continent, he entered the sea of the"Kasanakara Continent", which is the continent in the center of the world and has the largest area in the world. The legendary Fairy Forest and the Lianksandu Empire and the Demon Territory bordering the Lianksandu Empire are also here.

And Godzilla's purpose is obviously to land on this continent.

While swimming in the deep sea, Godzilla discovered a tribe of deep-sea people.

The deep-sea tribe is a general term.

Including fish people, turtles, nagas, shrimp people, deep-sea crocodiles, and multi-headed snakes.......Creatures such as the Aquatic Monsters from the Elro Great Labyrinth also live in this place.

And here, there is also an area called [Dark Deep Sea - Challenger's Abyss].

This is where the [Throne of the Sea Tides] is located today.

However, this place is not shown on the map.

Only after using magic positioning did we know that this place is directly below the Elro Great Labyrinth, in the deep sea below the lowest level of the labyrinth.

In a sense, this should be considered as [Elro Great Labyrinth: Special Area"Dark Deep Sea"」DLC】Expansion pack.

Anyway, to make a long story short.

This was originally a lush underwater world and the kingdom of the sea creatures.

But when the God of Destruction Godzilla arrived, everything here changed completely.

In addition, there is another reason why Godzilla came to this cold and dark deep sea.

That is, due to the damage to the cooling system of the Red Lotus Godzilla, the dorsal fin cannot completely dissipate heat, and can only cool down through the environment and the cold sea water.

Just like the chip processor will burn out if it does not dissipate heat, the cheetah will not be able to dissipate heat if it continues to run at full speed, burning the brain and dying.

If the Red Lotus Godzilla does not suppress the continuously increasing temperature in the body, there is no way to break through the upper limit.

In order to cool the"atomic reactor heart", physical cooling had to be carried out, and

Godzilla came to this deep sea.

But the cold and dark deep sea also caused the environment to change drastically because of its arrival.

At that moment.

The"Red Lotus Godzilla", known as"the one who can both transform the earth and destroy the world", turned into a terrible monster like the incarnation of lava, the embodiment of the earth's anger.

Because of its arrival.

The entire seabed was boiling - the reason was that the high temperature emitted by Godzilla evaporated the seawater all the time, causing the death of a large number of creatures.

But this was not the most fatal thing.

Soon, the radiation spread, and the insoluble monster cells began to pollute the entire sea area.

In just one year, countless races mutated and became huge.

Because of the larger size, more energy is consumed during exercise, so the demand for food is also higher. The mutated marine life began to prey on other species uncontrollably, staging an accelerated elimination of deep-sea races.

At that time, the king who stood above the sea clan was the Sea Dragon King Clotar.

Its body was a huge Mosasaur-type monster with a body size of more than 90 meters, and its danger level was ranked as a mythical monster.

The so-called mythical level refers to the degree of danger that humans cannot resist at all.

Mythical monsters have the power to destroy a country alone.

Currently known mythical monsters include: Earth Dragon Chief, Queen Spider Monster, Diablo Godzilla, White Nightmare (Spider Girl), Ice Dragon Nia, Magic Whale Shupu, Phoenix, Puppet Spider, etc.

This Sea Dragon King is one of them.

""Roar, ang ang ang ang ang!"

At that time, a roar that was not from this world resounded in the deep sea.

The monster seemed very angry and shook its body violently.

Just like that, it sent out a shock wave, and the surrounding reefs were all turned into fragments.


The Sea Dragon King that appeared in Godzilla's eyes was very similar to the Mosasaur in his impression.

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