"I see! His entire body has become a weapon! Has he transformed himself into destruction?......Are you crazy? You will die if you do this!"

Because - this is natural!

The Red Lotus Mode plus the self-destructing core, this high temperature is enough to melt all matter!

Looking closely, Godzilla's giant body has actually collapsed, but the strong magnetic field is forcibly restraining the appearance of"Godzilla" and not melting.

If the restraint of this strong magnetic field is lost, the uncontrolled nuclear fusion will explode like a small sun with a mass of 100,000 tons.

The gamma rays emitted are enough to turn the surface of the planet into ashes, and the melted core will carry the high temperature to fall into the center of the earth, and eventually the planet will explode!

【bring it on】

【God of the Black Dragon, Qiu Lidis.】

At this moment, the End Godzilla was still indifferent, looking at the black dragon in the sky without emotion.

It had made all preparations, opened its mouth, and gathered terrifying energy towards the sky, with extremely exaggerated, shining, endless lightning, and emitting a strong light on its breath.

【you......Are you afraid of death?

Godzilla's words shocked the Black Dragon Qiulie.


Godzilla awakened the most fear in the Black Dragon's heart. Yes, all living creatures are afraid of death, but the Black Dragon Qiulie was more afraid of not being able to see Sariel again after death.

In fact, if he had fought back desperately at this moment, perhaps things would have turned out differently.

But unfortunately.

He was afraid of death.

No one is not afraid of death, even Godzilla, but Godzilla knew that he had no choice, and he had no worries! So, it would not lose, nor would it die.

【Red Lotus - G Flash Heat Ray!!!】

Because of this, the Black Dragon must die!

The End Godzilla, who was forced into a desperate situation by the Black Dragon Monster and was in a state of near death, had super lightning appear on his melted dorsal fin, and melted the infinite heat rays and evolved into the ultimate red heat rays!

Before this heat ray was released!

The land became brighter than day in an instant, and the temperature of millions of degrees instantly expanded to tens of millions of degrees. The terrifying heat radiation ignited the coal within hundreds of kilometers around, and the barren land in the heat storm was burned and blown down!

Shatter it!!

The End Godzilla let out a final roar, and then released the red super spiral heat ray. The dorsal fin emitted red light and then turned around through the body. After a circle, all the energy around was concentrated at one point, turning into a red heat ray and bombarding the direction of the Black Dragon Monster in the sky!


The word death almost appeared in the eyes of the Black Dragon Qiu Lie.

He could clearly sense that the huge power far exceeded the height of his normal attribute value of 500,000, and even exceeded millions!

That was a blow that was powerful enough to penetrate the stars!

Instantly, a revolving lantern of thoughts emerged in the mind of the Black Dragon Qiulie: Will I die? Will I die on a foreign planet? As a true dragon, I was actually defeated by a little guy who had just become a god! ?


This is definitely not the future I want!


I will not abandon you!

At that moment, the Black Dragon Qiulie's mind was full of the desire to survive. He desperately flew into the universe, and instantly accelerated to exceed the sound barrier several times. He transformed into a half-human, half-dragon form and fled the planet at a faster speed. His eyes stung, and a spiral red beam was chasing him!

And in the sky, there was a blurry figure shouting like crazy:"Hahaha! Unexpectedly, Godzilla, this is my escape route! You are the one who loses!!!"

Then the god flew out of the sky, laughing wildly with bruises all over his body.

【Did I lose?】

Godzilla, who was in a state of cooling due to the exhaustion of all the energy around him, had his cells squeezed to the limit. After losing the surrounding temperature, the planet would gradually return to a freezing sub-zero temperature.

At that time, even if some monster cells were still alive, Godzilla would be forced to sleep in order to preserve his life.

【No, I will not lose! 】

A hundred kilometers away in the sky, the black dragon was being chased by a spiral red beam, but Godzilla below felt a burning sensation as if his eyeballs were blinded, until he saw the Red Lotus G flash heat beam completely hit the black dragon.

The sky above the entire planet suddenly became full of strange lights, like the power of the Holy Spirit, and only a thousand suns could compete with it.

【You——can’t escape!】

The last atomic reactor ignited the fire of nuclear fusion, and Godzilla’s giant body slowly rose into the air, controlling the remaining energy and began to chase towards the universe!

In space!

Endless rays of destruction were released in the universe. In the explosion just now, Godzilla finally saw a black dragon monster with half of its body blown through flapping its wings and flying towards the earth in another world!

You can’t escape!

The pupils of the final Godzilla stared at the front like a candle that was about to go out. The black dragon Qiulie flew out of the expanding fireball and looked extremely miserable.


Black Dragon Qiu Lie suddenly saw something chasing him from behind. He turned around and was horrified to find that it was Godzilla!

"Impossible, you are still alive!"


Black Dragon felt great fear. He knew that the culprit who caused all this destruction was behind him. It was coming and would kill him!

This made him not care about recovering from his injuries. He could only run away! Run away! Run away!

As if looking for some longed-for salvation, Black Dragon flew towards the direction of the alien planet. Godzilla behind him was also chasing him, but he became weaker and weaker as time passed.


Black Dragon was delighted. Sure enough, having a pair of wings at this time was a gift from God!

But at this moment.

His peripheral vision seemed to find that Godzilla was opening his mouth and accumulating some breath.

"Impossible, your energy is infinite! Your body is about to completely collapse!"

【But it is still more than enough to destroy you - this is my last heat ray! Super Spiral Heat Ray!】

The black dragon stared at the most magnificent explosion of flames.

Although it cannot be compared with the heat ray released in full state, compared with ordinary heat ray, the super spiral heat ray is spiral-shaped, with a range of hundreds of thousands of kilometers, and has a very terrible destructive power!

But because of the overly strong recoil, Godzilla consumed all his energy after releasing this move. At this time, in space, all the energy was released, and he also lost the physical strength to return to the planet.


The seemingly calm and silent spiral heat beams from space were now chasing the direction of the black dragon.

But Godzilla could no longer aim.

So the direction of the breath deviated from the trajectory and was dodged by the black dragon Qiulie!

It was so thrilling!

The black dragon felt like he had survived a disaster, and he looked at the direction where the spiral beams fell.


What's going on?

Before he could realize anything, the black dragon Qiulie watched the spiral heat beams fly uncontrollably towards the direction of the alien planet.


Black Dragon Qiulie seemed to have hallucinations. He saw the breath blasting towards Sariel!


Don't do that!

When Black Dragon Qiulie rushed forward in a hurry, he actually burst out with an even faster speed and flew towards one end of the spiral heat line.

What happened?

Godzilla's whole body was extremely cold at this time. On the torn body after cooling, the cells began to freeze at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He couldn't hear or see anything. He could only vaguely feel that a group of moving heat sources representing the black dragon and the heat source of the spiral heat line collided with each other.

But, didn't it just miss?

Why is this happening?

On earth......occur.....What's up?......

Outside at this time, as if he had seen the goddess Sariel at the last moment, the black dragon Qiu Lie instantly moved to the surface of the planet and rushed towards the breath, colliding with it.

He prevented the heat line that was enough to destroy a continent from falling into the surface of the planet.

But he also suffered fatal injuries!


It was as if everything was dissipated in the explosion.

The body of the black dragon Qiu Lie was shattered in the universe, but his consciousness did not disappear immediately, but looked in the direction of Godzilla.

It seems...I lost.......

Qiu Lie laughed.

He slowly closed his eyes, as if he had accepted his fate.

He would never let anyone hurt Sariel. This planet was Sariel's favorite place, and the world could no longer withstand this level of destruction.


Thank you.....Godzilla......

At the very end, Qiu Lie said to Godzilla in his heart,"Thank you for protecting this world for me. Let me complete this last duty."

The Dragon God turned into pieces at the last moment.

All the energy and vitality gathered in the direction of Godzilla like a tide.

"Take care of Sally for me......."

The voice of the black dragon Qiu Lie disappeared at the last moment.

When all the energy and vitality were absorbed by Godzilla, the giant monster floating in the frozen space opened its eyes again, and then the ice shattered and it escaped.

【Qiu Lie......】

Godzilla seemed to sense something and looked around. He saw nothing but dust.

It was as if everything had disappeared like bubbles.......

(PS: Poor Dragon God was eventually forced to death by Evil God D and became Godzilla's experience value. But remember, how much Evil God D hates people now, how miserable she will be later.).

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