"Little one, I advise you not to think about it! Although you know a lot, I definitely know more than you! The thing about Kairos, you should know about it!

As soon as Koronos' words came out, Ye Zhao was also a little embarrassed, and nodded immediately.

Kairos is the younger brother of Chronos, another supergod who rules time. Because he played too much with the fate of the people of the Nether, he was degraded to a mortal by Chronos and erased from all mythology. And also bear the suffering of eternal calamity, constantly reborn as mortals born, die, born, die!

Even if the space-time of the universe he is staying in is destroyed, Kairos will still be thrown into other space-time universes to continue to reincarnate, endlessly!

This kind of punishment, for a supergod, is naturally cruel to the extreme.

What's even more frightening is that Kairos' reincarnation still retains memories.

Moreover, because the power of Koronos is irreversible, even if Kairos has memories, he cannot become a god again through practice, but can only be reincarnated as a human being!

In the last Holy War, if it weren't for his reincarnated Horse who happened to be selected by one of the 108 Demon Stars of the Hades Army, Tiankui Star, and could become a Hades Warrior, then Jiama would still be a mortal, and it would be impossible to master any power, let alone stir up the Holy War!

Faced with this kind of punishment, Ye Zhao naturally did not want to try. Even if he has a systematic body, he doesn't want to be clearly arranged by Koronos.

"Sorry, one flew without holding back his thoughts!"

"Hmph, forget it this time, but there is no next time. The reincarnation of eternal calamity must be carried out, and this is the benchmark of the infinite time and space that I control! I guess you don't want to be the next Kairos! But...... Let me give you a gift! "

A gift?"

Ye Zhao was a little stunned, and in the next moment, in the infinite time and space where Koronos appeared, a ring also suddenly appeared, and instantly put it on the index finger of Ye Zhao's right hand.

For a while, countless messages immediately appeared in Ye Zhao's mind, which made Ye Zhao sigh.

Seeing this, Apollo, Hades, Poseidon and other gods also realized something, and they all chose silence.

Although they didn't know what the ring represented, they knew what the reincarnation of eternal calamity meant.

For beings like Cornos, every universe in infinite spacetime is like a book. He himself is the reader and author who reads and even writes books, and gods such as Apollo and Hades are a character in the book.

The reincarnation of eternal calamity is that the book is read again and again from the beginning to the end, and then the second brush, the third brush, and re-read over and over again.

Perhaps this is nothing for Ronos as a reader and author, but for characters in books such as Apollo, it is no less than washing away memories and starting all over again!

And Ye Zhao's power is equivalent to many special functions such as page skipping and memory, which is naturally intolerable for Coronas, who reads and writes books.

If it weren't for his extra character making this book a fandom and making Cornos feel even more interesting, then he would have taken out the eraser and erased Ye Zhao!

However, there are limits to Coronas' tolerance.

If Ye Zhao dared to use his plug-in to make a mess of his books, then Chronos would definitely make Ye Zhao taste the pain of eternal calamity.

Kairos, who is the younger brother, is the first, and it is actually not difficult for him to make Ye Zhao the second, at most, it is just a little more effort!

"So, so be it! Bub...... Don't waste my kindness!

As soon as Koronos' words came out, the shadows of infinite time and space also immediately disappeared in front of the gods.

"Little leaf..."

"I'm sorry!"

Ye Zhao opened his mouth and said, Apollo, Hades, Hera and other gods couldn't help but smile at each other.

"It's okay, for that one, I'm afraid we're just mortals who live a little longer! It's just that this reincarnation is a bit long, and you need to wait for the destruction of this cosmic space-time!

Hades sighed, at this moment, the gods had no clear understanding in their hearts, Ye Zhao's divine power must be able to break the eternal calamity cycle of Cornos.

If they can, they naturally want to break through this reincarnation.

But no way, Chronos won't let it! The gap that was so huge that they couldn't even be compared made so that they didn't have any ability to resist at all!

"Since the problem has been solved by Cornos, then today's meeting ends here!"

As soon as Apollo's words came out, the gods did not object. The appearance of Kronos has already defined Ye Zhao's existence.

In the face of the goodwill of the supergods, these nether gods naturally could only follow.

As for the ring that Kronos gave to Ye Zhao, Apollo and other gods could guess one or two.

It's just that even if you know it, it's useless, what Koronos sent, he himself must also stare.

That ring was destined to be used only by Ye Zhao, and thinking about it indiscriminately on the ring would only anger that super god, and the gods were not so stupid!

"Xiaoyezi, prepare well, our gambling battle has not been canceled!"

Ares suddenly spoke, Ye Zhaoren couldn't help but be stunned, and then nodded.

Originally, he wanted to clean up Ares during the gambling war, but he didn't have much thought about it when he was so disturbed by Chronos!

But...... Play still has to play!

With the return of Apollo, Hera and other gods to the heavenly realm one by one, soon only Ye Zhao and Athena, Poseidon, Hades, Persephone, and Aphrodite and other gods remained in the entire temple.

"Then, I'll go back first! Ye Zhao, have time to come to the Holy Domain for a walk! If you bet on the battle, I will watch it then!

"Me too! Xiaoyezi, when the time comes, you have to clean up Ares, don't let my real body go to waste!" Saori

and Hades said, and Ye Zhao just nodded and did not speak.

Soon, the two disappeared into the sea realm.

"How about it, do you want to stay with me for a while?"

Poseidon asked, and Ye Zhao immediately declined: "No need! Since I have promised Odin to be the lord of the Immortal Palace, then I have to settle in for a while! Not to mention, Heluda is still my titular wife. The things that should be done, can't just be left behind! But you, do you want to continue sleeping?

"No need, I'm not angry at all now!"

Poseidon spoke, and then sat down on the main seat of the Sea Emperor and closed his eyes.

"Aphrodite, what about you?"

"Me? Of course I'm with you!

Aphrodite showed a bright smile, the so-called smile back was beautiful, but even if she didn't look back now, it still made Ye Zhao dumbfounded.

As the goddess of beauty and love, Aphrodite does have an extraordinary charm for all male gods, even Ye Zhao is not spared.

"Aphrodite, that..."

"Okay, little leaf, don't refuse! With the exception of Hades' body, all the male gods of the twelve main gods of Olympus were related to Aphrodite. You are also a member of the male gods, so you naturally have to follow the customs. And...... Don't look at Aphrodite's bad reputation, in fact, it was also because of her unhappy marriage. If you can give her a good marriage, she will be faithful to you! Halfway

through Persephone's words, he whispered in Ye Zhao's ear.

"Please, my mother god, don't you want to..."

"Xiaoyezi, my mother will ask you!" I believe that you will definitely make my mother happy! Ye

Zhao's words were not finished, and Cupid, who was not in a hurry to leave, also suddenly spoke.

His words directly made Ye Zhao roll his eyes....

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