In the heavenly realm, there will be no night.

After the banquet, Ye Zhaoren also took Persephone to temporarily live in the medical god realm of Olympus.

At his request, the Ophiuchus Palace of the Holy Domain was relocated here by Apollo as the residence of Ye Zhao, the newly promoted twelve main gods, in the Celestial Realm.

In the palace, there were fairy services arranged by Zeus, Apollo and other gods for him.

As for Aphrodite, she temporarily returned to her realm of love. Even though the marriage of the two has been witnessed in front of the gods, they are also one of the twelve main gods, and they still have their own realms and divine realms, which is equivalent to pre-marriage property, sacred and inviolable!

Even Zeus and Hera have their own dwellings!

"Xiaoyezi, the gambling battle with Zeus, are you confident that you can win?"

Persephone was a little worried, but Ye Zhao laughed about this.

"This kind of thing, you still have to fight to know!"

"You better be serious, Zeus is no ordinary god."

"Don't worry, I've always been serious!"

Ye Zhao said, in fact, he also had no bottom in his heart.

At the realm of the upper lord god, pure energy is no longer meaningful.

After all, they all mastered the infinite ultimate power, and even if Ye Zhao treated them no matter how he treated, his energy would not increase at all.

Even Apollo, who has no ultimate power, his small universe of gods is equally infinite. Even if Ye Zhao fought him, the advantage in energy when he really fought was actually not obvious.

The gods who have reached the level of the upper main god always compete in laws and combat skills.

And Ye Zhao and Zeus already have the resonance of the law, and the two are half a pound and eight taels in the law, each with its own merits.

Therefore, what can really determine the victory or defeat is actually the combat skills of the two. Whoever has the stronger stunt will be able to win the battle, there is nothing to be clever!

Of course, the so-called gambling war actually has no "gambling" component, and can only be regarded as a simple contest.

"Then again, Persephone, how long has it been since we were in the Celestial Realm?"

Ye Zhao asked, after becoming a god, his perception of time seemed to have changed a little.

Or in other words, the living habits of the gods are already very different from the living habits of human beings.

It was clear that he himself had all-knowing and all-powerful, and this kind of thing was completely known at a glance, but Ye Zhao still inevitably fell into self-doubt.

"It's been three days! Speaking of which, in the beginning, you will still work at sunrise and rest like humans. But now, there's clearly a huge change in timing!

Persephone said, and Ye Zhao also nodded.

The celestial realm, illuminated by the divine light of Apollo, has always been sunny, and there is no night at all.

Even though three days had passed, Ye Zhao did not feel the slightest tiredness, but was always in good spirits.

This is not the work of Apollo's divine light, but the self-regulation of his divine body after becoming a god.

Ye Zhao finally understood why Hades would start a holy war with Athena's Holy Domain every two hundred years.

The strength of God's true body is not comparable to that of humans, and the human body is easily fatigued, and after working for four or five hours continuously, it will be hungry and fatigued, and it will need to eat and rest to replenish physical strength and energy.

But the gods are different, for whom their energy is far from comparable to that of humans. God can work energetically for hundreds of years without a trace of weariness. They don't even need to eat or sleep.

But in the same way, when God voluntarily enters the sleep stage, one or two hundred years is just a normal rest time for them!

If God wants to get a good night's sleep, sleeping for a thousand years is a common thing! Some gods will even take the initiative to choose to sleep for a long time, sleep for tens of thousands of years, and even destroy the universe.

But even when sleeping, God's will will still work.

Especially the Lord God, as the master of the universe, unless there is interference from other gods, the universe will coordinate the will of the gods and help them continue the work that was not completed before going to bed.

To put it ugly, the universe is a working boy for the gods, the gods are the bosses, and the universe has to operate according to the bosses' ideas.

Disobedient, the gods do not mind changing the world.

Don't doubt that powerful gods really have this ability.

In the Saint Seiya plane, the laws of the universe are set by the gods. All beings are created by the gods, and all the rights of living beings are also given by God.

Just like human beings, in the mythical era of the pioneering period, human beings did not have so-called power.

Human thinking, speaking, vision, and even love... All given by the gods.

What the gods give, human beings can have. If the gods do not allow it, if human beings are slightly involved, they should suffer heavenly punishment!

These are the gods, both loving and cruel. Both gentle and tyrannical!

Now, with the end of the mythical era, although the gods have chosen to be silent, their eyes have always been on the human world.

The gods are actually dissatisfied with the development of mankind.

With the development of technology, human beings have been polluting the earth given to them by the gods and smearing other living beings.

For human beings themselves, there may be good people and bad people.

But in the eyes of animals, all humans are actually bad people.

In their eyes, the only truly pure human beings in the world who still worship God and love nature are probably the only ones who still worship God and love nature.

Even if they launch a great flood and cleanse the world again, as in the mythical era, the gods do not feel that there is anything wrong.

But the earthly realm was ultimately entrusted to Athena by Zeus, and the earthly realm was subordinate to the Olympian gods. The gods of other god systems can only be a corner at most, and even if they want to punish humans, they cannot casually cross the line.

Otherwise, it will be regarded as a provocation to the Olympian Protoss and may well trigger a mythical war!

That kind of situation is definitely something that no god wants to see.

And now, Ye Zhao has become a god. Even if human nature is not lost, the body is inevitably closer to the gods after all.

In the future, he will also become a god whose work lasts for hundreds of years, and then take a nap for decades and sleep for hundreds of years!

"It seems that you have to pay attention to the rhythm of life! Time, what a gentle and ruthless force! It can heal everything and destroy everything. Maybe the next time I sleep, the world I know will be completely different! With the vicissitudes of the sea and the rapid changes, this is probably the case!

Ye Zhao sighed, and Persephone stood aside, silent.

She is originally a god, and the concept of God is naturally different from that of humans.

Therefore, although she can feel Ye Zhao's troubles now, it is difficult to understand the feelings in it.

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