"Operation time?"

Zeus was a little puzzled, Ye Zhao stretched out his hands, and at this moment, the powerful ultimate power immediately attached to his hands, burning and rising.

The Light of Total Healing, the Law of Awakening, and the Divine Operation are the three most powerful divine techniques given to Ye Zhao, the Medical God System.

Although the light of the whole rule is focused on by the system, and the efficacy of the system is completely based on the light of the whole rule as the medium to play a role, the other two divine techniques cannot be ignored.

If the light of total healing is the purpose of healing and the law of awakening is the result of healing, then God's surgery is the process of healing!

All three divine skills have different effects, and each ability is also a bug-level skill.

But in terms of personal preference, Ye Zhao actually prefers the operation of God.

At that moment, Ye Zhao also looked at the arena and said: "Sure enough, no matter how I look at it, this arena I feel a little smaller, and it's a little bit inadequate!" For me, the whole universe is actually my operating table! "

Operating table?"

Zeus was puzzled again, but Ye Zhao didn't explain much, but the corners of his mouth raised slightly, looking at the sky.

"Chronos, I know you're watching. If it's you, you should be able to expand the space. It

seemed that he had also heard Ye Zhao's words, and for a while, it was clear that the entire arena did not seem to have changed on the surface, but the interior seemed to have expanded tens of thousands of times.

Many powerful Lord Gods also noticed this scene, and they were all stunned.

After all, the battle that could keep the attention of the supergod Cornos was the first time since the mythical era.

"The interior space has become larger, so let me see your surgery, little leaf!"

"Don't worry, surgery, there must always be a goal!" Although it is easy for gods of our level to create things out of thin air, I still like to do things with other things! So...... Let's just use it as an object! God's Surgery and Patient Transfer!

Ye Zhao snapped his fingers, and for a while, the Zeus was also stunned, looking up at the sky incredulously.

Some powerful Lord Gods also noticed the abnormality, and when they looked up at the sky, their faces were also full of shock.

At this time, countless meteorites actually fell from the sky, which was a scene that the gods could not have imagined anyway.

"It's impossible, it's going to rain meteorites! This is the heavenly realm, it can be said to be the highest place in the universe, how can a meteorite appear in our Olympus sacred mountain!

"No, at that moment just now, I can clearly feel the spatial fluctuations, if I guessed correctly, it should be that Xiaoyezi used space transfer to transfer a large number of meteorites in the universe to our sky!"

"However, even if it is a space transfer, transferring a large number of meteorites to the celestial realm at one time is a very incredible feat. You know, the celestial realm has the enchantment set by Lord Zeus! "


In the audience, the gods were amazed by Ye Zhao's feat.

Zeus, who was confronting Ye Zhao, was full of disdain, and directly grabbed the god-killing thunder and waved.

For a time, this rain of meteorites turned into flying ash in an instant, and only a few rubble fell on the arena.

Apart from a little smoke, it had no effect on Zeus at all.

"Your space transfer skills are truly remarkable, little leaf. However, if your surgery is only to this extent, it will be really disappointing!

"Don't worry, the patient has not already arrived, moreover, it was still delivered to me by your own hands!"

As soon as Ye Zhao's words came out, the Zeus people were also stunned.

In the next instant, the rubble that peeled off from the meteorite body also immediately flew up and appeared around Ye Zhao.

"Then, the operation continues! God's Surgery and Life Endowment!


For a while, under Ye Zhao's power, several pieces of rubble, which were originally inorganic substances, immediately emitted strange fluctuations.

Zeus and the other gods couldn't help but be stunned, and at this moment, they magically heard the unique heartbeat sound of the gravel body.

Although the creation of life can basically be done as long as it is the Lord God, but giving life at will, that is, the Lord God, is not so easy to do, because these are completely two concepts!

"It's not over yet, God's Surgery, Race Transformation, Dragon Clan!"

"God's Surgery, Volume Control, and Giantization!"

As soon as Ye Zhao's words came out, the form of the stone life immediately changed.

The rough gravel surface was immediately transformed into tough dragon scales, and dragon wings, dragon heads, and dragon claws also extended from the stones.

Originally, they were just a small dragon, but under Ye Zhao's control, the size of the small dragon instantly expanded, and a terrifying dragon with a head size of tens of meters appeared in front of the gods.

"Oh, that's interesting!"

Zeus was slightly stunned, but he was actually just interested in Ye Zhao's ability.

Just these dragons, in front of him, are really no different from ants.

"It's too early to be interesting, and my surgery isn't over yet! God's Surgery Absolute Thunder Attribute Resistance Blessing!

"God's Surgery and Tenacity Attribute Blessing Maximized!"

"God's Surgery and Strength Attribute Blessing Maximized!"

"God's Surgery Speed Attribute Blessing Maximized!"

"God's Surgery, Skill Empowerment, Atomic Breath!"


"Roar..." A

stream of spiritual light appeared around the dragon, and with the roar of the dragon, its powerful little universe was also completely manifested in front of the gods.

In terms of intensity, that's at least the level of the seventh sense.

"So, the game begins, Father!"


Ye Zhao snapped his fingers, and for a while, the dozens of dragons surrounding him immediately flew up and disappeared.

"Interestingly, the speed has reached the speed of light! Such dragon creatures, even in the mythical era, belong to the overlord level. Still, that's not enough for me to see!

Zeus opened his mouth and said, the god-killing thunder in his hand also turned into a thunder giant sword at this moment, and with a swing of the sword, several dragons were directly divided into pieces.

"You seem to have endowed these dragon thunder attribute resistance, right, but unfortunately, my god-killing thunder is not a simple thunder. Simple thunder attribute resistance is irresistible!

Zeus smiled, at this moment, he instead wanted to see if Ye Zhao could break through his God Killing Thunder.

If he couldn't even deal with his God Killing Thunder, let alone let him use his full strength!

In this regard, Ye Zhao was also full of confidence.

Although under his divine surgery, these dragons have been transformed extraordinarily.

Their dragon scales were harder than the twelve golden holy robes of the Holy Domain, and their speed was no less than that of the Golden Saint Seiya, and their strength was even greater. The skill it was given, Atomic Breath, was not much worse than the battle skills of the Golden Saint Seiyas, but if he wanted to rely on these Golden Saint Seiya-level dragons to defeat Zeus, Ye Zhao had never thought about it!

These dragons are just foreplay, not even warming up, the real good show is still to come!

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