"Coming, coming, the lord is coming!"

"What an adult, it's His Majesty the God Emperor!"


As Ling Yue, who Ye Zhao was riding on, lowered his figure, the villagers of Boshui Village also spontaneously gathered together, kneeling and kowtowing to Ye Zhao and Ling Yue.

"It's really good, after all, the village sheltered by the gods is completely different from the village I have seen along the way."

Ye Zhao looked around, and people couldn't help but speak. Although the whole Boshui Village is not the kind of lively town, it is also full of peace and peace, which is completely different from those villages that are often infested by monsters.

"Are you the village chief of Boshui Village?"

"Yes, Your Majesty the God Emperor, the little one is the village chief of Boshui Village, Nu Shintaro!"

The village chief Nu Shen looked respectful, at first, he did not care too much about Ye Zhao, the so-called god emperor, after all, their village was sheltered by the water god, and it had always been a smooth wind and rain, and the fields were harvested.

The men, women and children of the village do not worry about eating and wearing, where do they need to worship any god emperor! With the protection of the water god, they only need to worship the water god, and that is enough.

But a few days ago, when an aging Yin-Yang Master of the Dragon Bell appeared in front of him and told him that Ye Zhao was a great god with a higher identity and status than the Water God, Nu Shen also began to face it squarely.

In any case, since Ye Zhao was a god even more powerful than the water god, even if the village did not need his protection, Nu Shen could not provoke him.

"Since everything is fine in Boshui Village, Village Chief Nushin, you should continue to worship God sincerely, and you must not slacken!"


"Let the villagers go back, it's almost time for me to go to the banquet!"

Ye Zhao opened his mouth and said, his words directly made Nu Shintaro stunned in place, his face full of stunned.

Because a few days ago, the Yin-Yang Master who came to their village also instructed him to wait until Ye Zhao and Ling Yue arrived, and guide the two to the Water God Mansion for a banquet!

But now, before he spoke, Ye Zhao said it first, which made Nu Shintaro's mind a little unable to turn.


, Village Chief, as long as it is something I want to know, I will definitely know!" The words of the water god and that old guy, originally I also wanted to meet. Moreover, this time, I'm afraid it's not just the two of them!

"Uh... Since Your Majesty you know, then the small one will not be mentioned!

Nu Shen said, and then the people also bowed down and evacuated the gathered villagers....

Boshui Village is called Boshui Village because the village was built on Boshui Lake.

In the center of this lake, there is a shrine built by the god of water with divine power. It is wooden, but its luxury is indeed not much worse than the residences of contemporary emperors and shoguns.

In the shrine lobby.

"How does it feel?"

"It's much better, but after all, it's just a façade. The path of my Yin-Yang Master was broken, and I was doomed to a short life. I just hope that my life can be in the end, and I can do something practical for this land! The

man spoke, and his old appearance began to regain his youth, and it was the Onmyoji who had arrived from the Kamakura shogunate, Abe Yasuko.

And it was not others who helped him recover some vitality, it was the water god of this thin water village, and it was also one of the few gods in the island with quite divine power in this apocalyptic era!

"However, it is really unbelievable that even a great yin-yang master like you would be swallowed up in such a situation because of this little divination, is that God Emperor really so terrifying?"

Next to the water god, a man who was also wearing a plaid dress couldn't help but speak.

In this regard, Abe Tai couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "It is precisely because of this that it proves how terrible that person is!" Moreover, I was only divining for General Hojo, not specifically to spy on the great god. However, just the cause and effect involved led me to such a situation. If I had spied directly at the gods at that time, I am afraid that I would have been violently killed on the spot!

"The situation turned out to be so serious!"

Abe Tai nodded, then looked at the man and said, "Then again, Sheng Tai, what happened to your priest family?"

"It's okay! Because of their fear of sunlight, evil spirits generally only move at night. Moreover, it is basically far from the place where the yokai are. The Oni King also seems to be worried about becoming a target for youkai, so when creating evil spirits, he tries his best to avoid places where there are rumors of yokai. It's just that they are always active in town, which is always a hidden danger! At present, according to divination, I have helped the Isayashiki clan find forging materials that can restrain ghosts! It is a special ore that can absorb sunlight, and the Nikkawa knife created from this can effectively kill ghosts!

"yes! This is the only good thing to be thankful for in a bunch of bad news!

Abe Tai said in person, but the priest Sheng Tai shook his head.

"What kind of good news is this, as a contemporary god lord, but he can't kill demons and eliminate evil, how unfortunate!"

"No way! Now that the gods are in hiding, your clan of priests will inevitably be lonely after all. It's just that the great god who suddenly came is a blessing and a curse?

"Just do your best! I think that if that person is really a great god, he should also look down on me waiting for this projectile land! As

soon as the words of the water god came out, Abe Tai and the priest Sheng Tai did not know what to say.

Although what the water god said was the truth, it was really a bit of a loss of face.

"Boom..." Just

as the three sighed, a thunder suddenly resounded in the sky.

The three were shocked and hurried out of the shrine.

At this time, in the sky, Ye Zhao and Ling Yue were slowly descending towards the shrine where they were.

Seeing their arrival, the water god couldn't help but turn pale, and the whole person trembled with fear.

It was the end of the law, but hundreds of years ago, she had also had the privilege of meeting the great gods of the High Heavenly Plain.

But even Amaterasu, in front of Ye Zhao, was just a firefly light.

If Ye Zhao is the sun that has just risen, then Tianzhao is no different from the lights that can be blown out at any time.

This gap is too big, so big that the water god is a little suspicious of Shensheng at the moment!

At this moment, the water god even wondered if those gods of the High Heaven Plain had just foreseen Ye Zhao's coming, so they chose to retreat.

Because this kind of divinity is really too frightening!

"Meet His Majesty the God Emperor!"

Without any hesitation, the three of them directly bowed down in front of Ye Zhao, not even daring to raise their heads and look at Ye Zhao.

"Is that you, who spied on my human beings when I was probing heaven and earth!"

Looking at the three, Ye Zhao also quickly located Abe Taiqin and said with interest.

"Yes, it's the villain!"

Abe Tai personally said, just this matter, in fact, can be big or small.

But this decision is still on Ye Zhao after all.

Either a word of unintentional mistake and forgive you for not guilty!

Or blasphemy, deserve heaven's damning!

To put it bluntly, his current little life is all in Ye Zhao's hands!

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