"I know, Zhushi! My words, only one point. At least, after you die, let me extradite your soul to the universe I created!


"Even if I am reincarnated, when I wake up again, I hope to be able to marry you again!"

As soon as Ye Zhao's words came out, Zhu Shi couldn't help but burst into tears, and then nodded, feeling extremely happy in his heart.

If she said that before she met Ye Zhao, she didn't believe in any past and present lives.

But in the 10 years of living with Ye Zhao, she has seen too much magic.

Zhu Shi knew that Ye Zhao must have done what he said. Since it is said that she will be married to Ye Zhao again in her next life, it is definitely not a false statement.

With Ye Zhao's promise, Zhu Shi felt that his life was really worth it!

"Master, after you fall asleep, what will happen to this land?"

Ye Ji asked, in the past 10 years, the entire island country has been well governed by Ye Zhao. Whether it is the people or the officials, it is not unconvinced.

As for the major princes and warlords in various places, they have already been dealt with by Ye Zhao with various means, but there is no need to worry.

It's just that now Ye Zhao suddenly doesn't care about things, and he has been a burden for more than two hundred years, which will inevitably make some people feel upset.

Especially when Ye Zhao's three sons are still young, I am afraid that there are still many people who have this mind!

"Don't worry, Ye Ji, even if I fall asleep, my will will still envelop this land. Under the guidance of my will, no one dares to make trouble at this stall. I will also guide the children towards the right path! Yudu will become the leader of the monsters of this land, and Aotian and Ling'er will change the world in the universe I created, preparing my descendants to enter the upper realm. As for Ling Xiao, he will succeed him as the God Emperor and govern this land on my behalf!" I would guide him in my dreams to study politics and make him a good emperor.

"I know, Ye Ji will help Ling Xiao manage this land!"

"Me too!"

Ye Ji and Ling Yue spoke, only Zhu Shi, who was Ling Xiao's mother, was a little powerless.

She is just an ordinary human being, although she knows some medical skills, she can only take care of the daily life of the little one.

When it comes to political matters, Zhu Shi can't help at all.

In this regard, Ye Zhao also nodded with satisfaction. He was not afraid of anything else, he was afraid that the three women would make trouble after he fell asleep because of disagreements.

Now, my three women have no objection to their arrangement, so everything is much easier to handle.

"Speaking of which, 10 years have passed, and the daughters of the priest family have grown up now. While I can still move now, I can take this opportunity to help my three children set up a family affair!

As soon as Ye Zhao's words came out, the three women couldn't help but be stunned, and their faces were full of stunned.

"Husband-kun, isn't this going to be too early? The three children are not even 10 years old, or wait a few more years!

"Wait a few more years, and those little rabbit cubs' wings will be hardened, and they won't fall out!" Zhu Shi, you don't have to worry, the girls of the priest family are all beautiful and fragrant, and they are born with a strong appearance, which will only help the three children and will not drag them down! It's also the luck of these three little rabbit cubs, if I hadn't fallen asleep soon, where would the women of the priest clan still get their turn, I would have gone on myself! At that time, wouldn't it be beautiful to give them a group of younger siblings! Seeing

Ye Zhao say this, the three women were a little speechless.

As early as 10 years ago, Ye Zhao had already agreed with the priest Sheng Tai to let the female relatives of the priest family marry him.

It's just unfortunate that at that time, all the female dependents of the priest family were just female dolls, and the oldest was only 3 years old.

Even if Ye Zhao is hungry and does not choose food, it is impossible to start with a 3-year-old child.

Even if he is not a human now, he can't do this!

So, thinking about it, he decided to let his three sons get started.

After all, this fertile water does not flow into the fields of outsiders!

With the ability of the girls of the priest family, it is impossible to mean that Ye Zhao will wake up more than two hundred years later, and even Er Sun will have it.

What, you don't know what it's called Earsun?

The name of the eighteen generations of ancestors, you can go and flip through!

At least, in the current era, early marriage and early childbearing are inevitable. Ye Zhao's words, it is completely possible for the ninth generation or even the tenth generation to be in the same house!

And just when Ye Zhao was thinking about the beautiful scene in the future, the person's face suddenly changed, and he looked a little gloomy.

"Did something happen, little leaf?"

Ling Yue, who noticed this change, also opened her mouth and asked, she knew that something troublesome must have happened.

"Nothing, don't worry! It's just that there have been some changes on the mainland side, the Southern Song Dynasty can't last long, and the one in the Yuan Dynasty seems to be riding crazy on horseback and wants to play water battles, so he decided to send troops to expedition to the island country!

"That is, there is going to be a war!"

Ling Yue, Ye Ji, and Zhu Shi were all a little dignified.

Fortunately, Zhu Shi only knew that fighting a war would destroy the lives of people and cause a large number of human casualties.

But Ling Yue and Ye Ji are different, the two know very well that the real trouble is never the human army, but the demons from the mainland!

Every time a major change occurs on the mainland, occasionally there will be demons and monsters who smuggle into the island country because they can't get mixed up.

They may not be strong enough on the mainland, but after arriving in the island country, they are all big monsters the most.

Like the Jade Mo a few decades ago, it was one of the great monsters that came from the east of the mainland.

The earlier Yagi Great Snake was defeated by Sangyanagi in the Ancient War and retreated to the island country.

Its words are far beyond the big monster, and it is the demon god of the Eight Classics!

When it was stirring up trouble in the island country, I don't know how many humans and monsters were buried in its belly.

Although it is now close to the end of the law, even so, this continental expedition to the east will definitely cause a lot of turmoil.

"Well, don't worry, this matter is not a problem at all! Don't forget, in the past 10 years, the strength of the two of you has also risen a notch!

Ye Zhao opened his mouth and said, Ling Yue and Ye Ji also looked at each other and smiled, and their faces were more confident.

Since Ye Zhao dominated the faith of this land, Ling Yue and Ye Ji also benefited.

Ye Zhao did not need the power of faith in itself, and after he poured these powers into Ling Yue and Ye Ji, both women underwent earth-shaking changes.

Ling Yue changed from a big monster to a demon god, and Ye Ji's divine power has also been extraordinarily improved, and both of them have the level of a third-rate god.

This strength may not be the top in this direction, and it should be more than enough to deal with those monsters running from the mainland.

As for the children such as Yudu and Aotian, then Ye Zhao didn't have to worry even more.

They are young, not weak.

In terms of strength, they who use the small universe to fight are much stronger than Ling Yue and Ye Ji, who use demon power and spiritual power.

That's it, Ye Zhao has nothing to worry about!

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