At this time, inside the village.

"Back, Lingyu, how is it, have you gained anything?"

"It's a big locust! I removed its shell and it looked pretty sturdy, and it should be fine to create a defensive armor! The

young exorcist brought back the harvest from outside and said to the sixth aunt.

Exorcists are their profession, naturally, and a means of subsistence.

For ordinary villages that talk about the color of monsters, monsters are the prey of exorcists to make money.

Their demon removal village is also well-known in this island country, and every time a demon disaster occurs in an ordinary village or town, someone will pay for them to exorcise demons and remove demons.

At that time, the exorcists will not only be able to get a large reward, but the corpse of the monster will also be a good benefit for them.

Tough teeth and bones can be used to craft weapons and armor, and some flesh and blood can also be used as medicinal herbs.

It can be said that every time the demon village is hired, it can basically get a lot of benefits, which belongs to the type that does not open for three years and eats for three years!

Of course, your family knows about your own affairs! No matter how powerful the demon masters are, it is okay to deal with some ordinary monsters. If it's a big youkai, it's troublesome!

Moreover, exorcism and demon removal are dangerous jobs after all, and those who do their work must also be ready to sacrifice at any time.

After all, the enemy is a man-eating demon, and it is also a common thing for a person to accidentally put himself in!

However, even if it fails, the client basically does not blame the demon village.

Because the price of failure is most likely death, even people are dead, what else can the client say!

"Lingyu... It seems that you have become a qualified exorcist!

"Yes, Father!"

Seeing his father, who was also the head of the village and the leader of the demon eradication village, Lingyu, who was only 15 years old, looked a little excited.

Being able to go out on a mission alone and come back alive is the best proof of an exorcist.

Moreover, his father Mingyu was much stronger than him, and having his father's affirmation was also a matter of pride for Lingyu.

"Very good, worthy of my son. Bring mica with you on your next mission, it can be your best helper! "


" mica! But my lord, isn't mica your best helper?

"Stupid boy, let you bring you and bring you, where is so much nonsense... Do a good job, the future of the demon village, but it is on you!

Mingyu spoke, and the demon exterminators who accompanied him also smiled.

Being able to become the leader of the demon eradication village, Mingyu's strength naturally goes without saying.

Moreover, for Lingyu, the son of the leader, the exorcists were also quite optimistic. Many uncles and uncles have already regarded him as the next leader!

"Speaking of which, since the end of the war, in the recent period, there have been frequent rumors of monsters in the villages around us!"

"Hasn't Your Majesty already issued a circular stating that the war has been won, Chief!"

"You are right, if the war is won, it can indeed save a lot of disasters. It's just that in recent years, the yokai seem to have become very honest, and I always feel a little unusual! As

soon as Mingyu's words came out, the exorcists also faintly guessed.

"Father, isn't Your Majesty a god? Perhaps, it is precisely because of His Majesty's restraint that the monsters are relatively honest and much more secure! As for the monsters that have been making trouble in the recent period, will they come from the mainland side? Lingyu

spoke, and everyone was also thoughtful, and they all felt that it made sense.

"In any case, this matter requires us to be vigilant. It's just that then again, although peace in the world is a good thing, but His Majesty is too capable, the monsters are honest, and we are about to lose our jobs, which is really distressing! "

Haha... Head, or simply farm. Don't we also have fields in the demon village, and they can't die of hunger!

"Shut up, you, how can you get rid of demons quickly from farming!" Lingyu, this kid still wants to marry his daughter-in-law, what's the matter, are you going to take out your coffin book and sponsor it? "


The exorcists chatted and joked, and no one noticed that little moths had slipped into their village...

In the dark, most of the villagers in the demon removal village had already gone to sleep, and only a few patrolling exorcists carried out vigil as usual.

Unlike other villages, because there are more monsters killed, exorcists in demon villages often encounter relatives of killed monsters to seek revenge.

For example, the big locusts that Lingyu killed today, maybe one day a group of big locusts will fly over to help their brothers and sisters take revenge.

Although most of these miscellaneous demons and goblins are a neat family, it is not guaranteed to meet a good time, such as when the exorcists are resting, or they are injured and are not in good condition.

In that state, the strength of the exorcist is undoubtedly greatly reduced, and it is normal to be counter-killed.

exorcist team


Lao Xu, how are you over there?"

"No problem! How about you, Inoue?

"Everything is fine!"

"Finally let me find it, Jade of the Four Souls!"


The sudden sound caught the attention of the two exorcists.

It's just that when they saw the figure of the onyx pill, countless moths had already swarmed up, directly covering their bodies completely.

Before they could even warn, they fell to the ground and suffocated.

In this regard, Onyx Maru also ignored the two dead people, but walked towards the ancestral hall where the village was enshrined.

Although he was not afraid of this exorcist in the demon village, if it caused too much movement, it would not be a good thing for Onyx Pill.

Once the capital is alarmed, the situation may get out of control.

Therefore, work quietly and do not shoot guns, this can also be regarded as the purpose of Onyx Maru's trip.

Fortunately, before he came, he had used the little moth to find out the internal situation of the demon elimination village in advance, so this trip, he was still very confident to achieve his goal.

Soon, Onyx Maru entered the ancestral hall of the village.

When he saw the jade of the four souls enshrined in the ancestral hall, his eyes couldn't help but shine, and the whole person looked extremely excited.

"Finally found you, only by eating you, I will be able to have the power to rival the demon god!"

Onyx Pill said to himself, although he didn't know the specific situation, but in the depths, there was a voice telling him that he must get the Jade of the Four Souls, and then obtain powerful demon power to destroy the monsters on the island country!

During this time, others were also like demons, and they had been secretly searching for the whereabouts of the Jade of the Four Souls.

As long as you get this precious jade, it can sweep the entire island demon realm, and even pocket this land.

At the thought that he was about to accomplish a feat that even his father could not do, Onyx Pill couldn't help but feel excited!

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