207 year of the divine calendar, the first day of the first month.

"Ga, ga..." In

the sky, several wild geese lined up and flew towards the south.

On the ground, a 6-year-old girl looked at the wild goose with a happy face.

She picked up a stone from the ground and threw it towards the wild goose. The stone that should have been missed was instantly turned and accelerated under the blessing of an invisible force, and flew towards the targeted wild goose.

“biu...... bong!

"Thank you to your ancestors for your blessings and for nature's gifts!"

The girl clasped her hands together and looked reverent. After praying, she ran towards the wild goose that she had beaten, and then grabbed the wild goose by the neck and ran back to her home.

"Xiao Xuan, has the wild goose called back?"

The man in charge, Ye Haoran, was busy in the kitchen, and his daughter Ye Xuan was also smiling and said: "Hit back, my lord, and besides, I beat down the fattest one!"

"Oh, it's really fat, this piece, let alone 12 pounds!"

Ye Haoran smiled, and his wife Ye Ling also took the wild goose with a smile.

In the next instant, an invisible force directly acted on the neck of the wild goose.

For a time, the neck of the wild goose was cut, and blood continued to flow out.

And this blood did not flow to the ground, but was held up by an invisible force.

"Husband, boil water!"

"Good wife!"

Ye Haoran answered, and in the next second, the well of the courtyard immediately burst out of a stream of water and floated in front of Ye Ling.

This water suddenly and continuously boiling, which is a sign of being boiled.

And Ye Ling also threw the bloody wild goose directly into it, and while cleaning the wild goose, he removed the hair and cut the pieces in one go. During the whole process, the couple did not even move any tools.

It was only after doing all this that he took a pottery plate and packed the wild geese and blood.

"Haoran, is the banquet ready?"

"Soon, big brother, it will be fine soon!"

The voice of the eldest brother Ye Haotian sounded in his mind, and Ye Haoran immediately replied with telepathy.

His wife Ye Ling also took a porcelain bowl, beat a few bowls of rice, and put it in the basket.

The little girl Ye Xuan looked at the meal prepared on the table, and couldn't help licking her tongue, her face full of longing.

"Mother, can I eat some first?"

"No, Xiao Xuan, today is an annual ancestor worship ceremony, and you can only eat it after you get the temple to worship the ancestors!"

Although Ye Ling said so, looking at her daughter's eyes, she handed her the croquettes prepared in advance last night.

Whether the daughter is hungry or not, after eating these few meatballs, at least until the ancestor worship ends and comes back, it is absolutely no problem.

Soon, under the operation of her husband Ye Haoran, the family prepared three vegetarian and one meat, and went out together with the vegetable basket.

In the next second, the bodies of the three flew up, flying towards the direction of the central part of the continent.

By chance, I could also meet several familiar pairs of Ye Clan people in the air, and go to the Central Temple to worship their ancestors together...

The shrine in the middle of the continent, which is a Western-style open temple.

The temple does not have a gate in the true sense, but is open in all directions, allowing the Ye clan to better enter the temple.

In the center of the temple, the statue of Ye Zhao, the god of creation and the source of the blood of the Ye clan, is enshrined.

The entire statue is made of gold, embellished with various gemstones, and Ye Zhao's appearance is completely depicted in the form of one-to-one.

In addition to not being able to move, it is basically made of a mold.

In the next instant, as several auras appeared, Yudu, Aotian, Ling Xiao, and Ling'er also appeared with a group of clansmen wearing combat clothes.

As soon as they appeared, all the Ye Clan members present couldn't help but look stunned and were in awe.

Several clansmen dressed in battle suits also immediately stepped forward to maintain order in the temple together with the clansmen in charge of taking care of the temple.

Soon, under the arrangement of the soldiers, the group of personnel was arranged into three teams.

Of course, only one male head of the family is really in line.

The wife and children waited by the side, and when the head of the family came forward to worship, the wife and children came up to bow down and bow together.

Otherwise, these thousands of people lined up together, and the queue would have to line up outside the square!

"Four adults, ready!"

"Then let's get started! Xiao Fan, you maintainers of the temple come first!

Aotian opened his mouth and said, although Ye Fan was his grandson, here, these second-generation gods could act as "Lord Monarchs".

"Yes, my lord!"

Ye Fan saluted, and then greeted the staff of the temple.

These clansmen also called their families, and after putting the prepared banquet on the table, they began to worship as the first tribesmen.

"Four generations of Sun Yefan have seen the ancestors, and hope that the ancestors will continue to bless the family and prosper peacefully!"

"The sixth generation of Sun Yeqiu has seen the ancestors, and hopes that the ancestors will continue to bless the family and prosper peacefully!"

"The three generations of grandson Ye Tianming have seen the ancestors, and hope that the ancestors will continue to bless the family and prosper peacefully!"


After paying homage one after another, groups of clansmen waited on the side.

The first day of the first month of each year is a festival for all Ye clan members to worship their ancestors together.

This day is not only the day that Ye Zhao officially entered the world and began to operate the world, but also the first day that Ye Zhao entered the state of sleep.

And all the Ye clan members would get up early on this day to prepare for the feast to worship the ancestors.

Although this is only the earthly realm, it is also an extraordinary paradise on earth.

There are not only endless fruits, but also infinitely growing crops in the land.

It can be said that even if nothing is done, this land is enough to feed hundreds of millions of people.

Of course, even with unlimited grain, every Ye Clan member was seriously warned not to be extravagant and wasteful.

Especially in the treatment of meat, if the creatures on the earth are indiscriminately killed in order to satisfy their appetites, then even the clansmen who are in the same vein will not have to suffer the punishment of heaven.

This is a world created by God, and even if Ye Zhao is still sleeping, the second-generation gods are enough to govern this world.

The merits and deeds are recorded in the cause and effect of this world.

Dare to do something wrong in this world, tarnish the grace of your ancestors, and beware of a thunder slashing you to death!

"Okay, next!"

Seeing his turn, Ye Haoran also stepped forward with his wife and daughter, and after setting up the banquet, he knelt in front of Ye Zhao's statue.

"The seventh generation of grandson Ye Haoran has seen the ancestors, and hopes that the ancestors will continue to bless the family and prosper peacefully!"

"The seventh generation of Sun Yeling has seen the ancestors, and I hope that the ancestors will continue to bless the family and prosper peacefully!"

"The eighth generation of Sun Ye Xuan has seen the ancestor, and hopes that the ancestor will continue to bless the family and prosper peacefully!"

The family of three said the message in a polite manner, and then kowtowed three heads in a row.

Just as the three of them were about to get up and clean up, a hand suddenly appeared on the offering table for the banquet, and grabbed the fat wild goose legs!

"Ah, my legs!"

Seeing the legs of the wild goose that he was thinking about being eaten, the little girl Ye Xuan immediately burst into tears, as if he had an indescribable grievance!

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