"Lord Wu Miserable..."

"I know, Black Death Mou!"

As soon as the words of the black death were spoken, the eyes of the miserable people froze.

In the next instant, his arms turned into a thorn whip, directly cutting Naraku's body in two.

"Really, I wanted to have a good exchange with Your Excellency." Seemingly...... You still have to rely on strength to solve the problem!

Naraku smiled wickedly, and then directly removed the fur coat, and the broken body was also instantly restored.

"Naraku, there are not a thousand or eight hundred people I have eaten, and my sense of breath and cells is extremely keen. From the moment you appeared in front of me, I knew that your body was made up of countless monsters! If I'm not mistaken, you should have the ability to devour! Wu

Miserable said, and Black Death Mou's six eyes were also fixed on Naraku.

Wu Miserable will not penetrate the world, but being able to sense the breath of flesh and blood is enough to penetrate the essence of Naraku.

And the black death Mou who can penetrate the world, not to mention, Nai Luo in his eyes, is no less than a weird tree that uses grafting techniques to beat seven and eight.

This kind of person talks about cooperation, either wants to eat you, or wants to turn you into, and can't believe it at all.

"It seems that I still underestimated His Excellency the Ghost King after all. Since this is the case, there is nothing more to say, and I hope that Your Excellency's ability will satisfy me. If you are lucky enough to get a powerful blood demon technique, it can be regarded as a worthless trip!

"Dare to hit my idea, it's not a small dare, half-demon! In that case, then don't blame me for eating you! It just so happens that I eat too much human flesh, and I haven't tried the meat of the monster yet, so I'll taste it today! Wu

Miserable said, and the clothes on his body immediately burst open, revealing fangs and sharp teeth on his skin, as well as shocking scars.

This was slashed by Enichi, and although several days have passed, the injuries are still obvious and dull pain.

These scars are like a constant reminder of the father who is not miserable, and the cause is that you can't afford to provoke, so be sure to avoid him as much as possible!

However, even if Enichi is a father, but it is only Enichi, a half-demon like Naraku, although it is a little weird, but it is not miserable in the eyes.

I can't afford to mess with Dad, and I can't afford to mess with such a thief as you!

In this regard, Naraku did not panic at all, and his hands turned into the claw vine whip of the monster, and fought with the cruel thorn whip.

The regenerative ability of ghosts, Naraku naturally also has. Maybe it's not as perverted as Wu Miserable, but Naraku is not afraid of the sun, which is a defect that Wu Miserable dreams of making up.

Although the current Naraku is not powerful and does not have the Jade of the Four Souls, but it is not miserable to entangle it and drag it until the sun rises, Naraku is still very confident.

At that time, with the sunlight, Naraku can take this opportunity to take it down in one fell swoop!

At that time, after eating the ghost king, Naraku believes that he will definitely become stronger!

"This guy..."

Black Death Mou also saw Naraku's careful thoughts, but he was not in a hurry, just closed his six eyes, feeling his power.

black death mu

is also a ghost, ordinary ghosts will lose their minds due to excessive hunger in the excessive initial stage.

But Black Death Mou was different, for three whole days, he was in the stage of transforming ghosts, and he specially hunted some humans to supplement his nutrition.

Therefore, after turning into a ghost, Black Death Mu did not fall into a state of crazy hunger, on the contrary, his spirit was very full and his strength was very strong, even far better than in the human period.

Except for the markings on the face that completely lost their function and became ornaments, all other abilities were preserved intact.

Even, Black Death Mou could feel that his breathing method had even been terribly strengthened by turning into a ghost.

It's just that he has just turned into a ghost, and he is not familiar with his own power at the moment.

In this regard, Wu Mi also knows this.

So for Naraku, he didn't expect Black Death Mou to help from the beginning, and it was enough to think that he would deal with him himself!


Wu Shu beat the stump of the youkai to the tooth sacrifice, and Naraku also chewed the blood to a thin bone, absorbing the blood of the ghost king.

"Yes, that's it, I can feel that my body is already undergoing some kind of change!"

Naraku was extremely excited, but in the next moment, several hideous arms were also broken from his body, which looked extremely terrifying.

"Do you think my flesh and blood are so delicious, Naraku? I might as well tell you that even the scattered blood is still under my control! "

Hahaha... It doesn't matter, for me, digesting these troublesome flesh and blood is just a matter of time! I have observed ghosts transformed by you, and some guys who are very far away from you will have extremely weak control ability!

"You guy, it seems that you are fully prepared!"

"Of course, after all, it is Your Excellency the Ghost King, how can you be cautious! However, you have also eaten the flesh and blood of the monster, and perhaps, for a ghost like you, there will be a considerable degree of gain! As

soon as Naraku's words came out, Wu Wu couldn't help but be silent.

He could feel that his body had indeed undergone a subtle change. It's just that whether you can carry the sun, you still have to try to know!

"That's it, let's get here today! Your Excellency the Ghost King, I hope that the flesh and blood of the monster will make you better. Maybe the next time we meet, you'll be even more delicious!

"Each other!"

At this moment, he knew that Naraku had already started the same idea as him.

Now, the two have regarded each other as prey, and if they can become stronger because of this devouring each other, the next meeting will undoubtedly be a great opportunity for each other.

Anyway, either you eat me, or I eat you, who can completely devour the other party, who can become the final winner.

In the next instant, the Naraku people turned into a cloud of black smoke, flew into the sky, and disappeared.


It seems that there is one more person we need to watch out for, Black Death Mu." But...... Maybe this is also an opportunity!

"What does my lord mean..."

"I'm a little curious what will happen to that guy in Naraku if he runs into Jigoku Enichi!"

Seeing that Wu Mian said this, Black Death Mou also pondered.

"You can give it a try! It's just that whether Enichi can meet him depends on luck!

"Don't worry, I know exactly where that guy is hiding!" I can search for memories from the cells, and although the youkai stump I devoured was Naraku's devouring of other youkai, since these cells were obtained from him, I can still dig up a little information! The

miserable smile gradually lacked morality, and he also wanted to see if Naraku would recognize Ichiichi as a father!

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