"I know! Thank you, Ye Zhao! "


Ye Zhao was slightly puzzled, not understanding why Saga thanked him.

What he didn't know was that the previous words were actually the greatest affirmation of Saga's contribution to the Holy Domain in the past 7 years.

At least, Ye Zhao let him know that his conscientious work in the past 7 years was not in vain. Even if the crime of assassinating and pretending to be the Pope and assassinating Athena is unforgivable, he is still working as a holy seiya to maintain justice and peace on the earth!

"Ye Zhao, thank you for your kindness! It's just that I have always been a Golden Saint Seiya, and losing to my own evil thoughts is my biggest shame in Saga. If I can't defeat him, then I will die, and I will not die!

Saga's face was firm, he didn't think that Ye Zhao couldn't solve Hei Sa's problem.

But since Hesa is another personality of himself, Zaga feels that it is another self.

As a righteous Golden Saint Seiya, if he loses to his evil self, it is his biggest failure.

Sagar also has his own dignity and pride, and if such things need to be done by the hands of others, what face will he have to live in the world?

Therefore, Sagar must defeat Black Saar with dignity and righteousness, and then atone for his sins to Athena as a glorious golden saint!

"If you insist, then I have nothing more to say... Lord Pope!

"Is there anything else, Ye Zhao?"

"Actually, it's nothing, now I'm already a teacher from Sharna. There is no point in going to her to train again. So, morning time, I want you to leave me at my disposal. Preferably, there is the right to freely enter and exit the Holy Domain... In addition to the Saint Seiya, guards, and trainers of the Holy Domain, I feel that cultivation places in other parts of the world also need to be taken care of accordingly. I have the strength of a Golden Saint Seiya, and I also control the speed of light, it is very convenient to travel around, and it is easy to heal Saint Seiya and trainers in various regions, and it also saves them the trouble of running back to the Holy Domain for treatment!

Ye Zhao said, and after a little thought, Saga nodded in agreement.

"Your reason is very good, and I agreed to that. However, I would like you to take on more of the work of the medical center. After all, the Holy Domain is the base camp of the Saint Seiya!

"Don't worry, I won't slack off in my afternoon work!"

Ye Zhao responded with a smile, with the free time he could use in the morning, he could do a lot of personal affairs.

Although he had to travel around the world to heal Saint Seiya and trainers outside the Holy Domain, this was not a problem for him at all.

With Ye Zhao's current strength, he can appear in any corner of the world in an instant.

"Ye Zhao, you now have the strength of a Golden Saint Seiya, tomorrow, I will announce to the outside world to improve your treatment. As for the issue of Ophiuchus Palace and Ophiuchus Golden Sacred Clothing, you can deal with it yourself! It's just that I hope you can think more about the situation of the Holy Domain, which is also my greatest request to you!" "Good


Ye Zhao nodded in agreement, the two of them actually had self-awareness between each other, but they didn't declare it.

On the one hand, for Ye Zhao, Saga actually did not have any ability to restrain him.

In the small universe alone, Saga knew that he had completely lost.

But since Ye Zhao was still willing to honor him as the Pope, then naturally there was still room for negotiation.

On the other hand, as far as the issue of the Holy Domain was concerned, since both of them hoped that the Holy Domain could develop steadily, they could also avoid unnecessary conflicts.

The Holy Domain develops steadily, Saga can atone for the return of Athena in the future, and Ye Zhao can better fleece.

Since the two sides can win-win, there is no need for-for-tat

... In the dark, the capital of the island country, in the large villa of the Guladu consortium.

Mitsumasa Jodo lay in bed tossing and turning and couldn't sleep, tonight, the flash of Sagittarius' golden holy clothes box made him a little uneasy.

Others who really couldn't sleep also got up directly and sat in front of the window looking at the stars in the night sky.

"I didn't expect that people like you would actually have leisure and elegance and appreciate the night!"

"What people?"

The sudden voice startled Jodo Mitsumasa, and as soon as the light turned on, he was surprised to find Ye Zhao sitting on the head of his bed, with a smile on his face.

"Ye Zhao? Impossible, how could you be here? "

Jodo Mitsumasa was a little surprised, Ye Zhao has superpowers, he has actually heard what the housekeeper Tatsumi Tokumaru said.

But even so, he didn't think Ye Zhao could appear here.

At least in Jodo Mitsumasa's opinion, it was impossible to leave the Holy Domain unless Ye Zhao became a deserter.

Of course, he wouldn't believe that Ye Zhao could become a Saint Seiya in just 7 days!

"Is this kid

coming to kill me?" Right!

Ye Zhao said with a sneer, and Jodo Mitsumasa immediately turned pale and leaned his back against the window in fright.

Because, that's exactly what he had in mind.

Ye Zhao spoke his thoughts.

Jodo Mitsumasa did know that Ye Zhao had superpowers, but that was only limited to what Tatsumi said about the power of mind-reading, and he really didn't know about this kind of thing.

However, although he was alarmed, after all, Mitsumasa Jodo was a person who had seen strong winds and waves, and he quickly calmed down, ran to the bed and pressed the alarm.

Seeing this, Ye Zhao did not stop it.

Because, even if Jodo Mitsumasa called all the self-defense forces of the island country today, it would not help.

Soon, the alarm bell sounded throughout the villa.

Saori Jodo, who was sleeping, got up in a hurry, and before he could even change his pajamas, he was escorted out by a group of servants and security guards.

For Jodo Mitsumasa, the importance of Jodo Saori is even higher than his.

Prioritizing the protection of Jodo Saori has long been the top priority for Tatsumi and the guards.

And when Tatsumi Tokumaru rushed to Jodo Mitsumasa's room with a group of guards, the guards immediately floated into the air, and their limbs were directly twisted into twists, rolling on the floor like balls of meat.

The intense pain made them howl miserably. Many people even went into shock and completely lost consciousness.

"Sir, it's not good... Ye, Ye Zhao! As

soon as Tatsumi Tokumaru opened the door of the room, before the words came out, he found Ye Zhao's figure in horror, and the person was directly frightened and sat on the ground, and the whole person broke out in cold sweat!

"What's going on, Tatsumi?"

"Yes, sir, the guards I brought with me have suddenly all become crippled, I'm afraid, I'm afraid..."

Tatsumi's face was full of fear, and his eyes couldn't help but glance at Ye Zhao. That means it goes without saying.

If it is just an ordinary person, no matter what kind of underground boxing king or terrorist, Tatsumi, a kendo master, is confident that he can deal with it.

But Ye Zhao's superpower, Tatsumi can only say, butler, I can't do it!

Seeing this, Jodo Mitsumasa did not blame Tatsumi.

Because he also knew that this was beyond the scope of Tatsumi's ability to handle.

There is a specialization in the art industry, and a master of the secular world like Tatsumi can only deal with mortals at most!

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