"Sharna, he is Ye Zhao, 7 years old this year, from the island country, I hope you can teach him!"

"Please wait a minute, Lord Pope! Originally, your entrustment, my lord, your subordinates should do their best to complete it. But please forgive the subordinate for not being able to do anything, now that there is already a student under the subordinate, there is really not much energy to teach another student!

Sharna said, she was not discriminating against Ye Zhao, but this was the case.

Now she is actually only 10 years old, and there is still room for growth!

Although she has awakened the small universe, obtained the holy robe of Ophiuchus, and become a silver saint, she herself is actually still practicing.

In itself, getting the holy robe and becoming a holy seiya is not the end.

On the contrary, after becoming a Saint Seiya, continuing to practice and become stronger is the norm for every Saint Seiya.

Sharna has put a lot of effort into teaching a Casiosian while practicing. Let her teach another student, she doesn't think she can teach people well!

"Sharna, I know a little about you. However, Ye Zhao's words, you don't have to worry too much. Although this child is only 7 years old, he has already awakened to the small universe. Unsurprisingly, with a little guidance, this kid can become an excellent Saint Seiya.

"What, has the small universe awakened?"

Sharna was a little surprised, because she herself had awakened the small universe early, and she knew very well how quickly people who awakened the small universe could become Saint Seiya.

In itself, the most difficult thing in Saint Seiya's practice is the process of awakening the small universe.

Since Ye Zhao has already passed the most difficult level, next, he only needs to temper his body properly, learn some combat skills and how to use the small universe, then becoming a Saint Seiya will be just around the corner!

After Sharna herself awakened the small universe, it only took half a year to become a qualified Saint Seiya.

In her opinion, even if Ye Zhao's situation is worse, one year is enough for him to become an excellent fighter.

If you are lucky, it is also possible to get the holy robe directly and become a holy seiya.

"Sharna, actually, before I came here, I already went to the magic bell!"

"Magic Bell!"

Sharna looked a little surprised, both female Saint Seiya, the two were rivals.

Although Magic Bell has always chosen to avoid her, Sharna has already regarded her as an old enemy.

Sagar also heard about this, and said, "You don't have to think too much, Sharna! This time, I brought two children, another child, which I gave to the magic bell to teach. As for Ye Zhao, because she is from an island country like Magic Bell, I originally wanted her to teach it too. However, this child awakens the small universe, and the guardian sign is also Ophiuchus like you. That's why I thought about putting him in your hands!

"What, Ophiuchus? Is this child also an Ophiuchus?

Sharna was shocked again, and Saga also nodded, without explaining much, but just pushed Ye Zhao towards her.

"Ye Zhao, do you know how to burn the small universe?"

Sharna asked, although Saga had already said that Ye Zhao's guardian constellation was Ophiuchus, she still wanted to experience Ye Zhao's small universe for herself.

If it is really Ophiuchus, then Sharna does not mind cultivating Ye Zhao as an heir.

Don't look at the silver holy robe of Ophiuchus is currently feminine, but in fact, the holy robe will change accordingly according to the gender and height of the owner.

The silver holy robe of Ophiuchus is currently here in Sharna, naturally it is women's style. But if the owner is replaced by Ye Zhao, it will naturally become a male-only armor.

Ye Zhao looked at Sharna, his eyes also flashed with a fine light, and said with a smile: "I know a little about the small universe, but I don't use the small universe." But compared to the small universe, I am more powerful than superpowers! I was born with a magical superpower, as long as it is touched by my right hand, then any injury or disease can be fully recovered in a few seconds, do you want to try it? "

Instant healing powers? A truly remarkable superpower! According to legend, Ophiuchus corresponds to the god of medicine in Greek mythology, Asclepius. Perhaps your ability came into being! But...... I'm fine now, I'm not hurt!

"That's not necessarily, I've read some medical books and know some things." Saint Seiya has to undergo brutal training since childhood, and although he has gained a lot of magical powers, it is inevitable that he will leave some dark wounds. My superpower is the ability to heal any injury or illness. We might as well try, perhaps, you really have some dark wounds left!

Sharna was stunned, then looked at Saga.

The latter also nodded, he was actually quite curious about the superpowers Ye Zhao said.

The small cosmic energy system practiced by Saint Seiya began to show power from the sixth sense.

But strictly speaking, the real small universe is actually the seventh sense, the last knowledge.

The sixth sense can only be counted as a superpower!

Mindfulness, elemental manipulation, flying, illusion, mind reading, mind control, foreknowledge of the future... and other superpowers, in fact, are all derived from the very powerful sixth sense.

At least, in the Saint Seiya plane, superpowers are set like this.

Strictly speaking, superpowers are not worthy of being called Saint Seiya at all.

Only those who comprehend the essence of the small universe, the seventh sense, are the true Saint Seiya.

And the Saint Seiya who have comprehended the seventh sense have no doubt that they all have a variety of powerful superpowers.

It's just that these superpowers, compared with the small cosmic combat method of the seventh sense, are indeed nothing.

But it is undeniable that these superpowers are very powerful for ordinary people.

And the healing ability is also very rare in the silver and bronze Saint Seiya with a strong sixth sense.

Moreover, what Ye Zhao was talking about was still the kind of instant healing, which even a Golden Saint Seiya who had comprehended the seventh sense might not be able to do it.

If Ye Zhao really had such a power, then in Saga's opinion, he would undoubtedly become a treasure of the Holy Domain.

After all, Saint Seiya's practice was extremely cruel, and injuries and even deaths were common occurrences.

If Ye Zhao's ability could be used here, the casualty rate of the Holy Domain would undoubtedly be greatly reduced.

Saga is not a fool, naturally knows the strategic significance of Ye Zhao's existence!

It can be said that with Ye Zhao, then the logistical support mechanism of the Holy Domain will undoubtedly be greatly improved!

"I see, then, what do you need me to do?"

Receiving Saga's approval, Sharna did not hesitate and asked directly to Ye Zhao.

"Actually, you don't need to do anything, give me your hand!"

Ye Zhao said, and Sharna also directly stretched out her hand.

As Ye Zhao's right hand held her palm, in the next second, a golden light immediately appeared and began to envelop Sharna's body!

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