Sanctuary, the central square outside the zodiac sign.

Aioria and Arudiba put on the holy robe box and waited for Ye Zhao's arrival.

"Aeolia, do you know about our mission?"

"I don't know, I still want to ask you!"

Aioria opened his mouth and said that he and Arudiba had been notified by the Pope in advance to accompany Ye Zhao on a mission.

But what the specific task was, the two did not know at all, and the Pope only persuaded Ye Zhao's arrangement.

"However, the mission that can be carried out by our three Golden Saint Seiya together is probably not simple! Perhaps, this mission will be extremely dangerous!

Arudiba's face was serious, and Aioria nodded.

Although Ye Zhao did not put on the golden holy robe, in the hearts of the golden saints, he had already been regarded as a golden saint.

Under normal circumstances, the tasks issued by the Holy Domain are actually performed by the Silver Saint Seiya, and the Bronze Saint Seiya is a rookie, and in most cases it will become an assistant to follow the instructions of the Silver Saint Seiya.

The Golden Saint Seiya is the core force of the Holy Domain, and will only be entrusted with a heavy task if it encounters a major change.

Otherwise, in most cases, the primary duty of the Golden Saint Seiya is to guard his palace and prevent the invasion of evil forces.

Now, a mission actually requires three Golden Saint Seiya to dispatch, which is absolutely unique in peacetime.

At least, it was the first time that Aeolia and Arudiba had met since the two became Golden Saint Seiya.

"Sorry to keep you guys waiting!"

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, let's talk about the mission first! If the three of us are asked to act together, Ioria and I are still curious! Seeing

that Ye Zhao was late, Arudiba was also unimpressed, and asked directly.

"I can't tell you about the mission for the time being, I can only say that our mission is top secret, and when you get to the location, you will naturally know!" Oh yes, remember to hide the little universe. Because our whereabouts are also top secret!

As soon as Ye Zhao's words came out, Aioria and Arudiba also looked at each other, and there was no doubt that there was him, and immediately did so.

In the next second, in the courtyard of the capital city of the island country and the castle mansion.

"Here it comes!"

Mu Ye, who was talking to Saori, suddenly froze, his eyes glanced, and at the empty flower bed, the figures of Ye Zhao, Aioria, and Arudiba also appeared.

"Is this an island country?"

"You are, Mu of the Aries Golden Saint Seiya! Ye Zhao, what's going on? "

Aioria and Arudiba both looked at Ye Zhao, since the Pope asked them to obey Ye Zhao's arrangement, then this mission, the two naturally had to take Ye Zhao as the mainstay.

"Mu, the specific situation is bothering you to tell them, my words are just a show!"

Ye Zhao spoke, and Mu's heart was also full of joy.

In fact, before the three of them came, Ye Zhao had already told him about the situation.

If everything was really as Ye Zhao had planned, allowing the Golden Saint Seiya to contact and recognize Athena one by one, then the impact of the Holy Domain Rebellion caused by Saga would undoubtedly be minimized.

In Mu's opinion, this is naturally a good thing.

After all, no one wanted to see a civil war for Saint Seiya, which would greatly weaken the power of the Holy Domain.

Soon, Mu told the two of them the truth about Saga's sneak attack on killing the Pope 7 years ago, and pretending to be the Pope to assassinate Athena.

This, of course, also includes the truth of Ai Russia and the identity of Saori as Athena.

"Impossible, in this way, my brother Aiyuhe..."

Aioria trembled, and then looked at Ye Zhao involuntarily.

Since this mission was the order of the Pope, and Ye Zhao was the main one, if Ye Zhao did not deny it, it would mean that everything Mu said was the truth.

Even if the truth was unbelievable, Aeolia had to believe it.

"Aioria, your brother Aiori, is indeed a model for Saint Seiya!"

Ye Zhao spoke, and then ignored the shocked Aioria and Arudiba, and walked directly to the yarn.

"Say, what's the matter with looking for me this time?"

"Actually, it was grandpa who made some arrangements after he died. These, look at it, and there are some about your will!

Saori handed a document to Ye Zhao, and Ye Zhao simply read it.

Perhaps in order to atone for his sins, the old guy specially made arrangements for more than three hundred illegitimate children before he died.

Those children who were not selected by him will be arranged to work in the consortium when they grow up.

And Ye Zhao and the other 100 children who were sent around the world for Saint Seiya training, as long as they returned alive with the Holy Clothes, then each of them would be rewarded with 5 million US dollars.

Of course, the Guladu consortium must have been inherited by Saori.

In addition to the operation of the consortium itself, most of the remaining wealth needs to be invested in two projects.

One is the construction of Saint Seiya Academy.

In the future, the Guladu Foundation will invest part of its income in the construction of the academy and the cultivation of Saint Seiya, of course, this kind of matter related to Saint Seiya must be inseparable from the permission of the Holy Domain.

Without the affirmation of the Holy Domain, once this academy is built, I am afraid that it will be erased by the Holy Domain at the first time.

The other is the Iron Sacred Vestment.

The number of holy robes of Saint Seiya is only 88, which is still a little less in Johto Mitsumasa's opinion.

In order to ensure that those who have talent but do not get the holy robe can also become holy seiya and protect Athena, the steel holy robe was born.

This kind of scientific crystallization may not be comparable to the real holy clothes, but it is also much stronger than ordinary armor.

Moreover, with the development of science and technology, in the eyes of Jodo Mitsumasa, the prospects of the steel holy robe are undoubtedly excellent.

Therefore, the Guladu consortium has been secretly investing in development for a long time.

Once it is really manufactured, the guarantee for yarn weaving will undoubtedly be more comprehensive.

I have to say that the old guy loves Saori more than he loves himself, and even when he dies, he doesn't forget to help her pave the way!

"Well, I'll discuss these things with Zaga. You can also rest assured that if it comes to you, Saga will basically not be embarrassed! He is still waiting for you to return to the Holy Domain and stab him to death!"

"Ye Zhao, I can understand your scruples. However, with your support and Sagar's willingness to bow down and confess, why don't we welcome Athena directly back to the Holy Domain?

Aioria asked directly, and he couldn't wait to make a mistake for his brother, Airu.

"You're thinking too simply, Aeolia! It would be nice to say that it was just Saga's problem, but the real problem is not our Saint Seiya, but Saori herself!

"What do you mean?"

"Not to mention that I haven't recognized her yet, Saori is still too young after all. She is only 7 years old, and she has not really awakened yet. Saori in this state, do you think she can lead the Holy Domain, Aeolia!

"Isn't our support enough?"

Aioria was a little unwilling, and Arudiba also spoke.

In this regard, Ye Zhao also shook his head directly.

"If it's peacetime, it's fine, because there's plenty of time for the yarn to grow! But..."

Ye Zhao paused, and people couldn't help but look at the sky.

Although it was a blue sky and daylight, he could already feel the ominous aura approaching.

In this world, I am afraid that there will be problems soon!

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