Saga didn't stay long, and after explaining some things to Sharna, he left the cultivation ground.

In any case, the current Saga is the Pope, and in the absence of Athena in the Holy Domain, he has a lot of affairs to deal with, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he has every opportunity.

Now, he found Ye Zhao's treasure again.

Then, the corresponding medical center should naturally be built as soon as possible. As a righteous Lan Sa, how could he sit idly by and watch the casualty rate of Saint Domain warriors remain high!

"Then, Ye Zhao, starting from today, I, the Ophiuchus Silver Saint Seiya, Sharna, will be your instructor!"

"Yes, Sharna!"

Ye Zhao nodded, but Sharna was a little helpless.

"Call Teacher, boy! Forget it, your situation is very special, although I will teach you, but there is really not much that can teach you. Your little universe is already stronger than me, as long as you train a little, in less than a year and a half, it should be no problem to become a Saint Seiya! But what's

wrong..." "What's wrong?"

Seeing Sharna's appearance of wanting to say something, Ye Zhao couldn't help frowning slightly.

"As I said, you're very special. I'm afraid you haven't realized it, from the moment you show that miraculous healing ability, your identity and status are destined to make a big splash in the Holy Domain!

"Well, actually, I know!"

"No, you don't understand! Ye Zhao, let me ask you, what is your purpose in coming to the Holy Domain?

"Become a good Saint Seiya!"

Although he had the Medical God System, Ye Zhao had not forgotten his original intention of coming to the Holy Domain.

Of course, Saint Seiya is just a milestone in his growth. His ultimate goal is actually to become a god!

After all, with the system, if he is not a god, he feels sorry for the identity of the traverser.

It's just that this kind of thing of becoming a god must not be said to the outside world.

The god served by the Holy Domain is Athena, Saint Seiya, and naturally can only exist for Athena.

If Ye Zhao set up his own portal, he would definitely become the public enemy of the Holy Domain, there was no doubt about this.

However, nothing is absolute, as long as the plan is right, Ye Zhao feels that even if it is to replace Athena to rule the Holy Domain, or even to rule the entire land by this, it may not be impossible!

It's just that Ye Zhao is self-aware of this, and he himself doesn't actually have the desire and ambition to rule.

And seeing Ye Zhao say this, Sharna also nodded and said, "That's right, your purpose here is to become a Saint Seiya. But Ye Zhao, when you show that divine healing ability, do you think that the Holy Domain will still care if you become a Saint Seiya? "


Ye Zhao was stunned and looked at Sharna with dismay.

"I seem to think things too simple!"

"It seems that you are not stupid yet! That's right, from the moment you show this ability to the Pope, your value as a doctor far exceeds your value as a Saint Seiya. One more Saint Seiya in the Holy Domain is just one more combat power. But if the Holy Domain can have one more Divine Doctor, then the Holy Domain's continuous combat ability will be greatly enhanced! I think that when the Pope reports your situation to the entire Holy Domain tomorrow, all the Saint Seiya, no, it should be said that all the warriors of the Holy Domain, will find you, there is no doubt about this!

"You're right. However, the two identities of doctor and Saint Seiya should not conflict!

"There really is no conflict! However, not to mention the existing Saint Seiya in the Holy Domain, the number of ordinary warriors and guards alone reached thousands. Even people like me, who have become regular Saint Seiya, still have dark wounds, do you think they will not have them? At that time, they will come in a rush, all of them will come to you for treatment, Ye Zhao, do you think you still have time to practice?

As soon as Sharna's words came out, Ye Zhao was also stunned.

"I guess it's fine! You have also experienced my instantaneous healing ability, and it is only a few seconds to treat a person. Maybe the initial stage may be a little busy, but in the follow-up, it should be much better!

"You're thinking things too simple! If it was a Saint Seiya, if it wasn't for the accumulated injuries, there would be no problem. After all, Saint Seiya who awakened the small universe can basically use the small universe to warm their bodies. Even if you are disabled, you can treat at the atomic level. But the ordinary warriors of the Holy Domain can't, although they have physical qualities far beyond ordinary people, but under the strict training, injuries are common. Maybe if you are cured today, tomorrow they will come to you again, and when the time comes, you will be busy! Seeing

Sharna say this, Ye Zhao's brows couldn't help but wrinkle deeper.

But when he thought of his own situation, his brows stretched a little.

It is true that those ordinary warriors in the Holy Domain may take up a lot of his time to heal, but don't forget that after the healing god system heals the target, it can allow Ye Zhao, the host, to obtain the attributes and skills of the target.

With such a guarantee, it meant that Ye Zhao could save a lot of time on cultivating skills.

This plus one subtract, when the time comes to plan well, the problem of time is really not as big as imagined!

Of course, it was impossible for Ye Zhao to say anything about the medical god system.

Even if Sharna, the silver Saint Seiya of Ophiuchus, had a great relationship with him, Ye Zhao couldn't tell her that this was the most important means for him to settle down in the Saint Seiya plane!

"Sharna, I will communicate with the Pope about the problems of the medical center. I think the Pope should consider my opinion!

As soon as Ye Zhao's words came out, Sharna couldn't help but be slightly silent, and then nodded.

"Also, if your ability shows enough value, I think even the Pope should really value your opinion." Perhaps, there will be some turning point in this! When the problem of the medical center is solved, the rest is the holy clothes! Ye Zhao, I believe that your existence itself is a miracle, and I can also be sure that you will definitely be able to surpass me, and even surpass most of the Saint Seiya in the Holy Domain!" But, Ophiuchus's

holy robe..." "Don't worry, Sharna, my holy robe, you should have seen it too!"


As soon as Ye Zhao's words came out, Sharna's hands were directly clapped on his shoulders.

Although he couldn't see her face under the mask, Ye Zhao could feel that Sharna's face was now serious.

"Ye Zhao, that holy robe is extraordinary. Listen to me, unless, unless you have the ability to wear that holy robe and have an extraordinary reputation in the holy domain, don't fight the idea of that holy robe!" Its existence may not be a good thing for you and me!

"This, I know. I won't fool around until the time is ripe! Feeling

the faint concern between Sharna's words, Ye Zhao also said solemnly.

The golden holy robe of Ophiuchus is actually the biggest secret for the holy domain, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is equivalent to the gods.

Before he didn't have enough strength, Ye Zhao naturally wouldn't wake up that holy robe.

Otherwise, it would be no different from suicide!

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