"That, don't hurt Shoko, what's the matter, come at me!"


Seeing her sister Hibiko protect herself behind her, Shoko couldn't help but grab Hibiko's clothes, her face full of fear.

"Hey, Dismask, you guys aren't going to bully them, are you?"

Looking at the reactions of the two sisters, Ye Zhao also said a little speechlessly.

"Bullying? How is it possible, I'm not that bored! But these sisters, Pope, what are you going to do with them? They were born in response to the cruel star of fate, and if Eris wanted to be resurrected, he would definitely come to them! To be on the safe side, I think it's best to kill them directly!

"Dismask is right, Pope, killing them, is the best outcome." In this way, dealing with an evil god who cannot be completely resurrected, the Holy Domain will undoubtedly be much easier! As

soon as Dismask's words came out, Abrodie, who was wearing the golden holy robe of Pisces, also walked into the papal palace.

Since this time, he has been assisting Ye Zhao in handling government affairs, but he is wearing a magic robe.

Wearing a golden holy robe today, Ye Zhao quickly forgot that he was a golden saint.

"Killing them is indeed a hundred, but... Don't underestimate God! Zaga's evil personality can be resurrected without a physical body and by the power of Eris. Eris's words may not be without this ability! So, personally, I still tend to keep them. Besides, this time our Holy Domain intervened, and the enemy also tasted the pain, and if it lurked, it would also be a trouble for us. In this way, it is better to prepare bait and fish out the enemy so that we can destroy them!

"Do you want to use them as bait?"

Abrodie looked at the two sisters, Ye Zhao also nodded, and said: "This is the best situation!" Of course, the bait cannot be without the ability to resist. Things are unpredictable, sometimes, the plan just can't keep up with the changes, and it's always right to be prepared! Neither

Dismask nor Abrodie refuted this.

Both are not stupid, whether they kill or not, there are pros and cons. What decision to make, it is naturally Ye Zhao who decides.

Ye Zhaoren also looked at the two sisters and said, "You have already heard the words, and the two of you must have been impressed by what happened last night." And in the near future, the same thing is bound to happen again, this is the fate of both of you sisters! "


"Yes! Of course, the Saint Seiya of the Holy Domain will fight the evil gods to the end, but... If you also have the courage to face fate and break the shackles of fate, then become stronger! Living under the wing of others is always impossible to grow. The predicament you will face in the future may be even more terrifying than I expected!

"I'm going to get stronger! In order to protect Shoko, I must become stronger!

"Me too!"

As soon as Ye Zhao finished speaking, the two sisters spoke.

"I know, just right, today is the opening ceremony of Saint Seiya Academy, you two sisters will enter as freshmen!" There is just a lack of Saint Dou Maiden around the goddess, and with your qualifications, it may really be possible to accompany the goddess! "

Saint Fighting Maiden?"

"I'll know the details when you enroll... Come!

As soon as Ye Zhao answered, the two guarding soldiers immediately walked into the hall and knelt down in front of several people.

"Bring these two kids to the academy!"


As soon as the soldiers answered, they took the two sisters of Hibiko Shoko down.

As early as the construction of the college, the Holy Domain had already announced the plan of the college.

After all, it is a school that specializes in cultivating and training Saint Seiya, and it is naturally impossible to divide into first grade, second grade and so on like ordinary schools.

Saint Seiya Academy is divided into two classes according to the gender of men and women.

Because the main body of warriors who guard Athena is male, the number of students in the male class is naturally far higher than that of the female class.

Of course, no matter how you divide the class, the training that Saint Seiya should have is actually the same. At most, in terms of logistical support, the Holy Domain has done a little more humane!

And the instructor of the male and female classes, that is naturally also guided by the corresponding gender Saint Seiya or retired Saint Seiya.

Especially the female trainers, Ye Zhao actually gave them a considerable degree of care during the enrollment period.

The most obvious is the mask problem.

At least until they graduate, they can train without masks.

Moreover, the male and female classes are also separated, and male students are not allowed to harass female students.

Once discovered, it is directly dismissed.

If it is a serious violation of discipline, it will be dealt with as the crime of disturbing the order of the Holy Domain and directly executed!

"Pope, isn't it too risky to train them to become Saint Fighting Maidens? If the evil god finds Lord Athena because of this, unnecessary hidden dangers may occur!

Abrodie spoke, after all, the Saint Fighting Maiden was to serve Athena.

He was not opposed to using the two sisters as bait, but if Athena, as the master, was also included because of this, it would be impossible to say!

In this regard, Ye Zhao was not impressed, and said: "Don't worry, Abrodie!" If it was outside the Holy Domain, I naturally wouldn't do it here. But after all, this is the Holy Domain, under the noses of our Saint Seiya. Wouldn't it be a shame if we couldn't even protect Athena on our territory! Again...... I think it's time for Athena to go through something, and you can probably feel that she's a little too dependent on me!

As soon as Ye Zhao's words came out, Abrodie also had nothing to say.

During this time, he had been assisting Ye Zhao, and among the Saint Seiya, he could be said to be the one who had the most contact with yarn.

As far as Saori's little daughter's thoughts were concerned, how could Abrodie not see it.

If it's just an ordinary girl, then naturally it's fine.

But Saori is Athena, the goddess of war, and must later become the leader of their Saint Seiya and stand alone.

In this way, it is natural to be too weak.

"I know, let's do it!"

"You can also rest assured, defense officers, I will arrange it!" But you, Abrodie, have already decided on the choice of president of the academy?

Ye Zhao spoke, and Abrodie immediately sighed a little helplessly.

At Ye Zhao's request, he had actually consulted with other Golden Saint Seiya, but the results were not satisfactory.

Mu refused on the grounds that the holy robe was repaired, although Ye Zhao could repair it, but Ye Zhao was the pope after all, not only to deal with government affairs, but also to heal others, and he was busy with affairs. If it's just some minor problems, there is no need for Ye Zhao to make a move, Mu can completely handle it on his behalf!

As a contemporary holy robe restorer, Mu could not let the holy robe restoration technique be lost in his hands.

Arudiba's words are too rigid to meet Abrodi's standards.

If the academy only has male classes, then Arudiba is undoubtedly very suitable.

But the academy still has a women's class, and a tough guy like Arudiba is not very suitable.

Aeolia and Miró rejected the proposal on the grounds of cultivation.

Asura and Kamiao are too cold, do not smile, and do not meet Abrodie's wishes.

Sajah is still in the epiphany, and Abrodie is inconvenient.

As for Dismask, Abrodina never thought about it.

Just this riffraff-like personality, really made him the principal, maybe a group of hooligans will come out.

So thinking about it, Abrodie can only go to office on his own!

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