Pillar of Shaman

As time went by and the stay time was approaching the end, many teams of players had gathered nearby.

Although there were mutual tests and vigilance, everyone kept their distance tacitly.

Because everyone comes here to"sacrifice" rather than fight.

Although the atmosphere was somewhat tense, it was generally quite restrained.

According to the default principle of first come first served, the team closest to the witch sacrifice pillar takes out the sacrifice and makes the sacrifice.

Then evacuate through the portal that appears after the sacrifice, leaving room for the next team

Somewhere near the Pillar of Sacrifice

A team of survivor players gathered together, talking in low voices.

Their eyes crossed, and they kept looking at the nearby teams for something.

"Look at that team, they are in good shape and should gain something."

"The top 50 rankings have just changed again"

"I don't know if the sacrifices we have can get the rewards for the top 100."

"Do you want to go get some more dinosaurs?……"

"Forget it, it's getting late, and if I delay any longer I'll risk getting lost."

"Look, there's a new team coming.——"

At this time, other teams came to the vicinity of the witch sacrifice pillar and waited for the sacrifice.

It was a very rare and common thing.

But the difference is that this time two teams appeared together.

Moreover, most of the members in the team are 453 young and beautiful girls!

This peculiar team composition immediately attracted the attention of the survivor players present.

"10 people? There must be two teams. How did they get together?……"

"With so many beauties, how great it would be if I were the captain!"

"Didn't you see the man in there? He must be the support of these women."

"They look a bit disheveled, probably just finished fighting"

"In this state, it is estimated that he has not collected many offerings, and he may have escaped."

"After all, there are so many vases, dinosaurs and zombies don't care what you look like"

"It's the first day, I guess I won't survive for a few days before being killed by a dinosaur"

The female players in other player teams cursed bitterly.

The girls' youthful and beautiful appearance makes their same-sex friends very jealous

Hearing malicious whispers coming from all around

The girls were already tired, and even more uneasy.

"Don't worry about them"

Lu Chen said without turning his head

"What we need to do now is to sacrifice quickly and evacuate the dangerous area after receiving the reward."

"team leader"

Shuangye poked Lu Chen's waist from behind and pointed in a direction.

"Looks like we have to queue up."

"There are many teams waiting to offer sacrifices ahead."

"Queuing? These people are quite civilized.……"

Seeing a team of players who have kept their distance but are not too far apart

Lu Chen thought for a moment and decided not to break this conventional rule.

It's not that he wants to follow the rules, but the condition of the players, including himself, is really bad.

My mental strength is almost exhausted. Although my physical strength is still sufficient, my body is already very tired.

It is not a wise choice to conflict with other players at this time.

Even the most dangerous wave of dinosaur attacks has survived

There's no reason you can't wait this little while.

After all, the team in front of us sacrificed very quickly.

Everyone wants to get the rewards as soon as possible and evacuate from this damn place as soon as possible.

While waiting, there were constant curious and speculative glances towards Lu Chen and Asuna's team.

Lu Chen was also observing other players...mainly observing the number and types of sacrifices they offered.

After watching the sacrifices of several teams, he couldn't help but curl his lips.

"With just such a small offering, are you trying to fool the witch god?"

Then, Lu Chen looked at the rankings

The team that never came back for the second sacrifice has fallen off the list.

At this time, the team ranked first has a sacrifice score of over 2,400!

The second place is just over 2000

Lu Chen's team only scored over 100 points.

But this is the score from his first attempt at sacrifice.

There are still a lot of unsacrificed offerings in the storage space.

"Apparently, 1 small sacrifice counts as 1 point." (To read the most exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Lu Chen thought thoughtfully

"I don't know how to calculate medium and large sacrifices."

The dinosaurs attracted by the flesh bait, except for small dinosaurs such as Velociraptor

There are also special individuals such as young Spinosaurus and Tyrannosaurus Rex

The former is a medium-sized sacrifice (agaa), while the latter is a large-scale sacrifice.

The loot dropped by the"Ancient Titan Python" is also a large sacrifice.

Apparently, any"dominant" predator is considered a large sacrifice.

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion around.

Lu Chen subconsciously looked towards the Pillar of the Witch Sacrifice, only to see a team of players

Instead of stepping directly into the evacuation portal that appeared, he scanned the entire scene with a proud gaze.

This is also a full team of players, with a total of six people

The reason why the players around were whispering was simple.

Because after this team completed its sacrifice, the rankings changed dramatically!

Lu Chen's expression changed, and he looked at the top of the list.

I saw that the team that just topped the list had been pushed down to second place.[]

The sacrifice points of the first-place team reached 3,000 points!

"3000 points?! How did they do that?!"

"I just saw them placing some large skulls in the sacrificial circle, maybe that has something to do with this?"

"They must be firmly in first place, there is no time to kill monsters anymore"

"The momentum of these people is like that of veterans who have been through many battles. Just looking at them makes people feel nervous."

"Compared with a certain team full of pretty faces, they are two extremes, haha"

"I wonder how many sacrifices those two teams made up entirely of girls can come up with.……"

"Forget it, evacuate quickly, what's so good about that team?"

The top-ranked team didn't stay long

After showing off his victorious aura, he stepped into the evacuation portal.

Because the portal has a limited duration of 1 minute

"It's our turn"

Lu Chen led the team to the sacrificial circle next to the witch sacrifice pillar and looked at Asuna.

"Captain Yuki, you guys go first."

"After all, we might have to waste a lot of time."

"……Okay, then we'll go first."

Asuna nodded, knowing that Lu Chen was taking care of them.

However, based on the previous distribution of spoils, what he said was true.

Under the gaze of other players, Mengzi smiled softly and began to take out the offerings from the storage space.

This scene alone has already made many players look surprised and puzzled!

"I was wondering why they didn’t carry offerings… turns out there is storage space!"

"Isn't this a privilege only available to elite survivors?!"

"I didn’t expect that the quiet-looking black-haired girl was actually the ruthless person who won the first place in the channel on the first day!"

"Interesting... Could it be that she is the real pillar of this team?"

"Look at the number of their sacrifices, isn't it a bit... too much?!"

"The sacrificial circle is almost full, and they are still taking out!" boom!!!!

Accompanied by the loud noise of the red sacrificial thunder

In full view of the crowd, the witch god accepted the sacrifice of Asuna's team

At the same time, the rankings changed again!

The team that just sat at the top of the list for less than 5 minutes

He was immediately pushed down and became the second place!

At this time, the team ranked first was suddenly a team composed of four girls!

Sacrifice points...3200!

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