
Rubbing his eyes to make sure it wasn’t his vision,

Lu Chen realized that he had indeed awakened the system!

“Is this the benefit of being a time traveler?”

“Or maybe it’s a reward for saving someone’s life?”

But none of this matters.

What matters is the effect of this”unlimited entries” system!

Following the prompt, Lu Chen silently recited the word”system” in his mind.

Some information was immediately poured into his mind.

After careful tasting, Lu Chen’s eyes suddenly lit up!

In simple terms, this system allows Lu Chen to”brush entries” for everything!

As long as it is an item he owns, he can brush an entry for free once a day.

The levels of entries are high and low, which is consistent with the level classification of the”Survivor Game”.

They are all from E to S.

The higher the quality level of the entry, the stronger the effect will naturally be!

“Anyway, let’s try it first.”

Rubbing his hands, Lu Chen couldn’t wait to receive the novice gift package in the mailbox.

After receiving the attachment, a magical scene happened immediately – a box suddenly appeared out of thin air on the table next to the computer.

The box was wrapped tightly, and if you concentrate and scan it, you can still see the message

【Novice Survivor Gift Pack: E-level, a gift pack containing a basic survival kit]

According to the comments of other players in the chat room, the contents of everyone’s gift pack are actually the same.

They are all a small dagger and a bottle of mineral water. Just as Lu Chen was about to open it, he suddenly had an idea.

“I wonder if I can add attributes to the novice gift package?”

It’s free to try anyway, so Lu Chen raised his hand and swiped it.

To his surprise, the novice gift package could actually add attributes!

The surface of the originally plain gift package actually glowed with a deep blue light!

The size of the package also expanded a lot, and it looked full.

【Ding! The”Novice Survivor Pack” gains a C-level entry:”Rich”!】

【”Rich Novice Survivor Gift Pack: E++ level, a fully prepared survivor survival gift pack containing various equipment, props and resources】

Although only C-level items were obtained, the novice gift pack has undergone earth-shaking changes!

Judging from the appearance alone, it is completely different from before!

“I wonder what’s inside.”

Rubbing his hands excitedly, Lu Chen opened the gift package with curiosity and anticipation.

10 bottles of mineral water, 10 bags of compressed biscuits, these are survival supplies.

1 large-capacity black travel bag, which can be used to store and retrieve items.

In addition to a dagger, there is also a heavy pistol that doesn’t look like a fake one!

“……This should be a real gun, right?”

Having the gun in his hand with some doubt, Lu Chen saw relevant information in front of him.

【Glock pistol: E+ level, lethality E+, uses 9mm bullets, a light firearm with a short range, and a magazine capacity of 10 rounds】

In addition, there is a box of pistol ammunition with a total of 60 rounds.

The ammunition capacity of this Glock pistol is 10 rounds, and these ammunition can fill 6 magazines.

However, Lu Chen did not have a spare magazine on hand, and when the bullets were empty, he could only reload on the spot.

“Anyway, this is a genuine hot weapon!”

Lu Chen weighed the Glock pistol filled with bullets and was quite satisfied.

Although he had never fired a gun, as long as he had a gun in his hand, he could feel safe.

Of course, he did not forget to add an entry to the pistol and dagger.

【Ding!”Glock Pistol” gains D-level entry:”Silencer”!】

(Silencer: reduces the damage slightly and greatly reduces the noise produced when shooting)

【Ding!”Dagger” gains a B-level entry:”Automatically Recover”!】

(Automatic recovery: The dagger can be automatically transferred back to the hand 3 seconds after it is out of the hand)

“Not bad.”

Seeing the two newly acquired entries, Lu Chen raised his eyebrows.

The type of entry is obviously related to the type of props.

“The”silencer” entry is equivalent to installing a silencer on a pistol out of thin air.

“”Automatic Recycling” allows Lu Chen to throw flying knives as much as he wants… provided he can hit the target.

Otherwise, he will face the embarrassing situation of having no weapons available for 3 seconds.

After putting the dagger and the gun in his pocket, Lu Chen tried to brush the attributes of mineral water and bread.

Unfortunately, these items did not seem to be”props”, but just the most basic supplies.

No matter how he brushed the attributes, it was useless, and finally Lu Chen gave up wasting time.

Because there was still 1 minute left, all players would be teleported to the danger zone and play the first”survival game”!

In the last remaining time, Lu Chen clicked on the [Chat Room] and scanned the messages sent by other players.

This way, at least he could feel that he was not fighting alone.

“Mai Sakurajima… I don’t know if she can survive.”

Lu Chen clicked on Mai Sakurajima’s avatar, and his hand slipped and used the ability to refresh the entries.

But what he didn’t expect was… He originally thought that the ability would be ineffective like mineral water. It actually worked on Mai Sakurajima!

【Ding! Player”Sakurajima Mai” obtains a special entry:”Love at first sight”!】

(Love at first sight: After entering the danger zone, you will be teleported to the same location, and the other party will fall in love with you at first sight after meeting you. It disappears after taking effect)


Before Lu Chen could be surprised, he disappeared from the spot.

The scene in his field of vision distorted rapidly, and then quickly returned to normal.

When he came to his senses again, Lu Chen found that he had left the small safe house and came to a desolate area full of lead gray.

The dark clouds blocking the sun, the dilapidated city, the streets blocked by abandoned vehicles…

It looked so bleak and dangerous.

In the vast expanse of gray, a black-haired girl who was also teleported and looked surprised became the only radiant scene in the field of vision.

After seeing Lu Chen, the black-haired girl was startled at first, and instinctively took a small step back.

Then, she didn’t know what she thought of, her expression gradually became firm, and she took the initiative to speak

“Hello, my name is Sakurajima Mai”

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