When Lu Chen cleaned out the wine cellar in the basement and the canned goods in the warehouse according to his previous experience,

He Hua showed an undisguised look of envy.

“It’s a good thing you found such a good place on the first day.”

She didn’t bring anything back from the danger zone that day, so she had to participate in the survivor game on an empty stomach the next day.

As a result, when she met Lu Chen, her stomach growled.

“It was a big risk at that time.”

Lu Chen looked at the guard zombie lying at the door of the storage room and shrugged.

This time he didn’t commit suicide, but killed it directly and successfully got the key to the storage room.

“Take stock of your harvest”

“Two boxes of well-preserved canned goods and several bottles of wine that are still within their shelf life”

“In general… it’s much richer than the last time.”

But this doesn’t mean that the looted materials can last longer.

Because at this time, Lu Chen is not just alone.

There are also Mai, Hehua, and Kirisu Madoka who will join the team in the future.

So many cans seem to be a lot, dozens of them.

But if they are distributed among four people and guaranteed three meals a day, they will be used up in just a few days.

“There is a huge gap in supplies… I hope there will be a stable way to obtain supplies in the future.”

After confirming that there were no missed resources, Lu Chen took He Xiang back to the missed hall.

It was already the second hour since they stayed in the danger zone.

Since arriving at the hotel, the team has ignored the refreshed zombies and let them gather downstairs.

The cumulative amount of monsters spawned by the four survivor players is quite astonishing.

A huge pile of zombies has accumulated outside the hotel building.

The ragged and silent group of zombies, coupled with the continuous pouring rain, formed a horrifying picture like a movie scene.

Lu Chen looked at the entrance to the hall that was blocked by his own hands. After thinking for a moment, he actually reached out and pushed away part of the blockage at the top.

“Hey! What do you want to do?”

This action startled Hehua, and she quickly grabbed his arm.

“Do you want to let all these zombies in?!”

“That’s not the case.”

Lu Chen pushed the obstacle open a little, then patted He Hua’s head.

“……What are you doing?”

“Stand back so I don’t scare you later.”

“You are so mysterious… What are you trying to do?”

Although he said so, He Hua still loosened his arms and obediently retreated to a safe distance.

Lu Chen put on metal boxing gloves, stretched out his hand towards the gap that he had deliberately pushed open, and grabbed the air.

Then he saw that the nearest zombie in the group of corpses outside was suddenly”sucked” over and took the initiative to put its neck into Lu Chen’s hands!

“The most basic function of gravity.

Using itself as an anchor point, it exerts a pulling force on the target.”!

“The first lucky person has entered the arena.”

Lu Chen pressed the zombie to the ground with his left hand, and took out a gun with his right hand and fired several shots!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

In the blink of an eye, the zombie’s arms were shot off, and it lost the ability to scratch and tear.

At the same time, its bite could not break through the defense of the metal gloves.

It can be said that it can only be slaughtered by Lu Chen.

“Right now!”

The next second, Lu Chen refreshed the entry for zombies!

【Ding! The enemy”Zombie” has gained an E-level entry:”Strong”!】

(Strong: Physical attribute increased by 1 level)

The zombie under Lu Chen’s hand visibly expanded, and the originally dry muscles became full.

A strong force came from the zombie, trying to break free from Lu Chen’s restraints.

“Tsk, no good start.”

Lu Chen decisively fired, shooting the zombie that had finished brushing the entry.

After confirming the death, the zombie’s body gradually disappeared, leaving only a few gear copper coins on the spot, turning into streams of light and flying into Lu Chen’s watch.

He Hua, who witnessed the whole process, walked over with some fear and asked in a low voice

“Do you want to catch all the zombies outside and kill them like this?”

“That’s right”

“Wouldn’t it be enough to just shoot them to death from upstairs?”

“Children should not ask about adult matters”

“You are the child! I have already said that I am only one year younger than Sister Mai!”

In fact, Lu Chen did this naturally to facilitate the brushing of entries for the zombies.

The range of the entry is very close, at most only three or four meters around Lu Chen.

Of course, there are special cases, such as on the computer in the safe house, he can brush entries for other players.

However, this computer must be the black technology of the survivor game, so it is naturally not included.

Finally, Lu Chen shut up He Hua with a sentence

“If you want to awaken your superpowers, just cooperate with me.”

“……Why didn’t you say so earlier?”

So the two began the long process of killing monsters.

Although Lu Chen’s killing efficiency is very high, he can kill more than a dozen zombies with refreshed entries in one minute.

But in the process of killing, new zombies will continue to refresh, providing a steady supply of”supplies”.

In addition, the use of superpowers will also consume Lu Chen’s mental power.

Fortunately, he had the energy supplement he accidentally obtained from the clinic before, which can temporarily make up for the loss of mental power.

The original energy supplement can only last for one hour

, but Lu Chen gave it a D-level”durable” entry to double the effective time.

In this way, you only need to drink a bottle of energy supplement to get two hours of lasting endurance!

This endurance, even sildenafil would be in awe.

【Ding! The enemy”Zombie” has gained a B-level entry:”Collector”!】

(Collector: After killing this zombie, you will get a random collection card)

B-level entry!

Seeing the”B-level” prompt, Lu Chen was first excited.

Then he shook his head in disappointment.

It was not easy to refresh a B-level entry, but I didn’t expect it to be”Superpower Mutation”!

However, this”Collector” is the first time I have seen it, and the effect seems to be similar to the”Wealth” entry on the first day.

Both get extra income by killing zombies.

“Doesn’t this entry have any effect on combat effectiveness?”

Lu Chen looked at the poor zombie that was pinned to the ground like a chicken, raised his gun and aimed at its head.

“It seems to be a simple welfare term……”

“Forget it, although it is not a ‘superpower mutation’, it is okay.”


With the sound of a gunshot, the zombie’s body, which had completely lost its vitality, gradually disappeared.

In addition to the blood-stained floor

, there was also a floating card that automatically floated in front of Lu Chen.

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