Below the text version of the announcement, there are items that may be found in the airdrop supply box.

Supplies, weapons and ammunition, protective equipment…

Even the”safe house upgrade blueprint” that Lu Chen has obtained is included!

However, this is a”rare reward”.

Common supplies such as water and food are general rewards.

In addition to upgrade blueprints, rare rewards also include high-level watches and functional plug-ins.……

“The seed of superpowers! It can actually be opened from an airdrop supply box!”

Seeing a certain item among the rare rewards, Lu Chen’s heart was shocked!

This means that”superpowers” will be obtained by some lucky people from now on.

It is no longer an ability unique to Lu Chen and his team!

“It seems that from now on, the Survivor Game intends to strengthen a wave of players.”

Lu Chen continued to browse the announcement thoughtfully.

Above the”rare rewards”, there is another level of rewards.

This is the highest level and also the most difficult reward to come by.——””Unique Rewards”!

The unique rewards contain few items, but each one is heavyweight!

List of unique rewards

【Flower of Superpower: D-level, after using it, it will definitely awaken a superpower, or upgrade a low-level superpower to a mid-level superpower.】

【Collectible Card I: After use, you will get a random”Doomsday City” series collectible card】

【Tactical Squad Contract: Use to create a tactical squad with up to 6 members, unlocking team survival mode】

【Immunity Token: Skips one Survivor game after use. Cannot be used on the first day of a Danger Zone rotation.】

【Enhancement kit: Contains 5″enhancement reagents”, each of which can randomly increase the physical or strength attribute by 1 level, up to level D】

The only familiar item on this list was”Collectible Cards I”!

“I didn’t expect the rarity of the collection to be so high that it can be ranked together with these amazing items.”

“No wonder the”Collector” entry can reach the B-level rating.”

Thinking of this, Lu Chen couldn’t help but sigh at his luck.

He was the first to experience the surprise of grabbing an airdrop and opening a top-quality item.

Lu Chen wanted every one of these”unique rewards”. But the two he wanted most were the Enhanced Potion Box and the Tactical Squad Contract!

The former could directly improve his two attributes and enhance his combat effectiveness!

The latter was an”official” designated team item!

“Tactical Squad Contracts can accommodate up to 6 players”

“My team currently has 5 members, and there is 1 vacancy……”

“But now it’s just empty talk, we have to grab the airdrop supply box first.”

The reason why I use the word”grab”.

Lu Chen is sure that once the airdrop supply appears tomorrow, it will definitely cause all players to scramble for it!

The reason why this announcement is so generous is that the treasures that can be opened by the airdrop supply are announced.

It is probably to arouse the greed of the players and then trigger a scramble!

“If this game has an operator, it must be a devil!”

This method of using desire to manipulate collective behavior made Lu Chen feel a little cold in his heart and secretly alert.

He believed that someone must have seen this, but it was useless.

After all… even Lu Chen coveted these airdrop props!

“Check tomorrow’s weather”

【Tomorrow, the weather in the”Doomsday City” area will be heavy rain turning to cloudy, with an average temperature of 23C, unless there are special circumstances.

Although there is still some rain, it will gradually stop, which is convenient for players to fight each other!

“It looks like tomorrow will be a difficult operation.”

Rubbing his temples, Lu Chen digested all the information he knew so far.

After thinking about it, he could only sum it up in three words…

Grab the airdrops!

The more airdrops you grab, the more you gain!

Compared with other players, Lu Chen has an advantage that no one else can match!

That is, his watch has double the storage space, so he doesn’t have to worry about the weight problem!

“Let’s discuss the airdrop when we gather tomorrow.”

“Now it is probably too early to talk about business as some are taking a shower or resting.”

Looking at the time, Lu Chen invited Mai, who had just gone back to get her clothes, to come over.

Then he opened Futaba Rio’s chat box.

Lu Chen:”Are you there?”

Futaba:”……I thought you weren’t the type to waste time saying hello.”

Lu Chen:”After all, there’s nothing serious to do. I just came to care about the mental state of my team members.”

Shuangye:”Compared to this kind of thing, the announcement in the mailbox is more important, right?”

Lu Chen:”I’ve read the announcement. I’ll discuss it with everyone when we gather tomorrow.”


The topic couldn’t go on here. After all, the two didn’t have much in common.

“What about the promise of ‘opening your heart’?”

Lu Chen glanced at the chat history and muttered.

“Why does it feel like it’s no different from a normal chat.”

Just then, Futaba took the initiative to send a message.

Futaba:”Have they finished their showers?”

Lu Chen:”Not yet, I guess we’ll have to wait an hour or two.”

Judging from the noise in the bathroom, Kazuka should be almost done, but there’s Mai to come.

As for Kirisu-sensei, he gave up the idea of taking a shower because he hasn’t fully recovered from his cold.

Even if there is a bathroom, only cold water is available at the moment.

Futaba:”Is that so?……”

Futaba:”Captain, after we are teleported to the danger zone tomorrow, can I ask you for a favor?”

Lu Chen:”Captain Futaba, what do you want?”

Futaba:”I want to find a clothing store to see if I can collect some suitable clothes for replacement.”

Lu Chen:”Mai has some women’s clothes. If you don’t mind, you can borrow a few from her.”

Futaba:”……Our body shapes and heights are different, so even if we borrow them, they won’t fit us.”

Lu Chen:”That’s right.”

Although Mai is still a head shorter than Lu Chen, she is also close to 1.7 meters tall.

After all, she is a popular star who often appears on magazine covers, so her figure is absolutely perfect.

In comparison, Futaba, who tends to be petite, is only about 1.5 meters tall.

Lu Chen:”Okay, I’ll keep an eye out for clothing stores tomorrow… and also prepare a few more sets for Teacher Kirisu.”

Futaba:”Oh, thank you, Captain.”

Lu Chen:”……Your”oh” seems insincere.”

At this point, Futaba seemed to be busy and did not reply.

Just when Lu Chen was about to take a break, he saw that the chat window was suddenly filled with a large photo.

Futaba:”[Send picture]” Futaba

:”Is this sincere enough?”

In the photo, Futaba raised her arm and took a selfie with her watch.

The shape is somewhat similar to the photo that Mai sent to Lu Chen before.

But the difference is…

Futaba is not wearing any clothes.

To be precise, except for a thin white coat, she seems to be wearing no clothes inside.

In the corner of the photo, the girl’s clothes were neatly stacked at the head of the bed, verifying this conjecture.

The wide researcher’s robe fits Futaba’s body tightly.

Under the restraint of her arms, it highlights her youthful curves and fullness.

At the slightly open neckline, one can get a glimpse of her rich and generous heart.

Lu Chen:”……Why did you send me this kind of thing?”

Futaba:”You don’t like it?”

Lu Chen:”It’s nice, I like it, send more.”

Unlike Mai who didn’t respond at that time.

Futaba then sent a few more selfies.

Although she only changed a few poses.

But each one can arouse the nerves of men with normal aesthetics.

Lu Chen:”That’s enough, it will affect my sleep if you send more.”

Futaba:”Okay, let’s stop here for today.”

Lu Chen:”How many days do you want to send?!”

Futaba:”Until you don’t want to see it anymore.”

Lu Chen:”Madam, you are fighting an endless war.”

In another safe house.

Seeing Lu Chen’s reply, Futaba’s mouth corners rose slightly.

But then, she frowned and looked down at her chest, which was full enough to make the Mai sisters envious and jealous.

“Is there really anyone who would like such an ugly body?”

Feng Ye seemed to recall some unhappy memories, and her expression was a little gloomy.

When she was in junior high school, she was often talked about behind her back by her classmates because of her premature development.

Not only boys, but even girls who were jealous of her were secretly spreading rumors, which eventually led to Shuang Ye being isolated by everyone.

This also cultivated her withdrawn personality. She was unwilling to reveal her true feelings and hated the plump body that caused her to fall to this point.

For some reason… when Lu Chen talked to her, she wanted to pour it all out.

Futaba lowered her eyes and finally typed out the reply to the previous sentence.

Futaba:”I’m going to rest. When the bathroom is empty, remember to invite me.”

Lu Chen:”Okay.”

Futaba:”Do you want to take a picture to show you?”

Lu Chen:”No, if you send it again, I really won’t be able to sleep today!”

Futaba:”What a pity”


Looking at the last reply in the chat bar, Lu Chen felt a little itchy.

Futaba Rio, so scary!

On the first day of joining the team, her exposure has surpassed her senior Mai!

“Even if there is a term like ‘open your heart’, most people wouldn’t do it to this extent, right?”

“Sure enough, it is still related to her experience in junior high school.”

Lu Chen, who knew the whole story, shook his head secretly.

He was not a saint who could remain calm.

If a good brother (although this brother was a girl) was willing to send a pornographic picture, he would certainly agree with both hands.

But tomorrow there will be a heavyweight new rule such as the”airdrop supply box”.

He naturally has to conserve his energy and face the upcoming challenges in the best condition.

After all, this may be the most dangerous day since he was involved in the survivor game!

After resting until after midnight, Lu Chen got up from the bed on time and took out the superpower seed in the storage space.

This is the superpower seed promised to Hehua.

Only E-level entries were brushed out yesterday, let’s see how her luck is today

“The entry for”Lucky Favors” hasn’t disappeared yet, so it should be a good result…right?”

Lu Chen thought uncertainly, and then refreshed the entry for”Ability Seed”.

【Ding! The item”Energy Seed” has gained a B-level entry:”Storm”!】

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