“Huh? The second batch of airdrops has been opened so soon?”

In the commercial street near the school, Lu Chen, who was searching for supplies in various stores, suddenly raised his eyebrows and looked surprised.

He just wanted to open the city map to see where else he could search.

Unexpectedly, he found that the parachute icon of the second batch of airdrops had turned gray.

This means that the supplies in the airdrop supply box have been taken away by other players.

“It’s only been less than half an hour.”

“It seems that the decision not to take advantage of this airdrop was the right one.”

“Otherwise, you will find that you have done nothing halfway.”

“In addition… the strength of the players who received the airdrop should not be underestimated~ah.”

The distance of the airdrop supply box is determined by luck.

But being able to open the supply box and snatch the supplies in a large group of zombies is related to strength.

Lu Chen’s way of snatching the airdrop supplies is actually a bit tricky.

It seems to be a head-on collision with the zombies, but in fact it is just letting Mai and Hua control the groups of zombies.

And he took advantage of the mobility advantage of the”gravity” ability and performed a drama of an aerial thief.

After getting the supplies, he evacuated directly, and did not kill all the zombies on the playground.

“I don’t know how the players who snatched the second batch of airdrops dealt with the zombies around them.”

“Maybe this player is a strong player merged from another channel!”

Compared to the airdrop event, the”channel merger” in the announcement does not seem to attract much attention.

But in fact, the impact of this rule is very far-reaching.

The merger of channel players means that the top elites in other channels will also be teleported to the same dangerous area!

“The special reward of”No. 1 Survivor” is not only for Lu Chen.

The first place in each channel has a similar reward!

“The intensity of competition between players has gradually increased.”

“I don’t know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing.”

Lu Chen felt a sense of crisis.

As the leader of the team, he could not ignore this problem.

“”Did you find anything?”

A familiar voice came from the front.

Looking up, the black-haired girl was looking at him with a concerned look.

“It’s okay, I was just thinking… it would be better if the third batch of airdrops could be closer.”

Lu Chen smiled and didn’t say what he had just found.

This was just his guess, and there was no need to put pressure on others.

“This kind of thing wouldn’t make you look so serious.”

But Mai was not fooled by his acting.

The girl looked around to make sure no one else noticed this place, and asked in a low voice:

“What trouble are you in?”

“……The water temperature is starting to rise.”

Lu Chen hesitated for a moment, and under Mai Yi’s gentle gaze, he told her his previous inference.

“Elite players from other channels are indeed a bit tricky.”

After listening to Lu Chen’s words, Mai also realized this problem.

“Is there no possibility of cooperation?”

“Yes, but the probability is almost zero.”

Lu Chen said helplessly.

“You also saw what the group of survivors who were watching did when they were trying to grab the airdrop.”

“If they were stronger and braver, we would not be able to get the airdrop so easily.”

“What’s more… there is only one airdrop, but there are many people who want to grab it”

“Would you be willing to share most of the supplies you have with others?”

After hearing this, the girl was silent for a few seconds. She felt a lot of pressure just from these few words.

And this pressure was just part of what Lu Chen accidentally revealed.

“Even if we don’t go for the airdrop, we can still survive.……”

Mai pursed her lips and whispered

“The supplies in this city are enough for us to survive.”

“You don’t need to take such risks and pressure”

“Compared to the rare items in the airdrop, I hope… that you can be safe and sound.”

Although Lu Chen was quite moved by the concern and affection shown by the girl, he could only smile bitterly on this issue – if the goal of this game was really just”survival”.

This is only the fourth day, and the number of enemies and the intensity of danger faced by the players have increased several times compared to the first day.

What’s more, there are threats from other survivor players.

If you don’t have enough strength, you will encounter other players with bad intentions in the dangerous area.

Needless to say, the consequences are natural. Refer to the several cases Lu Chen encountered in the past two days.

“I’ll be fine, don’t worry.”

Lu Chen didn’t intend to continue this topic. He stretched out his hand and pinched the girl’s soft and delicate face, and said with a smile

“But if I could get more encouragement like today, I would be more motivated.”

Although she knew he was changing the subject, Mai’s cheeks still blushed and she gave Lu Chen, who was grinning, a look.

But she thought about it and seemed to have decided something, and suddenly said

“If you can keep safe, I can fulfill a not-too-extravagant wish.”


Speaking of this, Lu Chen suddenly became interested.

“For example?”

“It’s like… a knee pillow or something.”

Mai’s voice became quieter and quieter, almost as thin as a mosquito’s.

“It’s not okay to do something too extreme…at least not now.”

Lu Chen didn’t hear the last half of the sentence clearly, but it didn’t matter.

“Then it’s decided to use a knee pillow!”

“I’ll confirm it for the time being… Miss Mai won’t go back on her word, right?”

Seeing Lu Chen’s excited look, Mai couldn’t help but replied with a smile and anger.

“Who would lie to you about something like this? What kind of awareness do you think I had when I said this?”

“It seems that I am too petty.”

After receiving Mai’s”reward” promise, Lu Chen’s mood suddenly brightened.

The haze that had just shrouded his heart seemed to be swept away.

What survivor competition, elite players from other channels…

For Mai’s lap pillow reward, I will kill, kill, kill!



Suddenly, the two of them let out a low cry at the same time.

A prompt message appeared in front of them at the same time.

Then, Lu Chen and Mai looked at each other.

The time for the third batch of airdrops… has arrived!

“You should have all seen the regional announcement.”

After gathering everyone together, Lu Chen looked at the map and continued

“The airdrop location this time is still not close”

“Even if you drive, it’s still about an hour away.”

“But compared to the location of the second batch of airdrops, it is already much closer.”

Hearing this, He Hua couldn’t help but interrupt

“Eh… Does this mean we can try to steal it?”

“That’s right.”

Lu Chen glanced at the dusty blonde girl.

She must have just gotten into some dusty place, and her body was covered with dirt.

“But I plan to go alone, it will be faster this way.”

As soon as these words came out, the girls looked at Lu Chen in surprise.

Mai, who had just promised to come back”safe and sound”, also cast a puzzled look.

“Lu Chen must have his reasons for doing this.”

Shuangye made a very calm suggestion.

“Captain, won’t you explain?”

“In fact, it is because of the location of this airdrop……”

Lu Chen looked at Shuangye approvingly, and then said

“According to the airdrop location shown on the map plug-in, it is near the city library.”

“City Library……”

Hearing this place, Hehua and Mai were stunned for a moment.

They had been there not long ago and got a few function plug-ins.

“But, if I remember correctly, that should be the default meeting point for the mutual aid group.”

“There was an airdrop landing nearby, and the first people to arrive at the scene must be them.”

“Even if we hurry as fast as we can, we can’t shorten this distance.” (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

However, Lu Chen smiled and took out a key.

“”The key to the Wasted City Library”!

So far, among all the props owned by Lu Chen, this is the only prop with an A entry!

“Using this key, I can teleport to a safe area near the library.”

“But I can’t bring anyone with me to teleport, so I can only use it by myself.”[]

“This is why I just said that I would go to grab the airdrop myself this time.”

Transmission prop!

Hearing the purpose of this key, the girls immediately understood Lu Chen’s intention.

The disadvantages in time and space can be directly erased by this key!


“If there is only one person, what should I do if I encounter players from the mutual aid group?”

Ma Yi remembered what Lu Chen said just now and said worriedly

“The opponent has a huge numerical advantage, so it’s hard to overtake them.”

“That’s not necessarily true.”

Lu Chen shook his head confidently.

He has the ability of”gravity” and���There are so many props and equipment with additional entries.

Facing ordinary survivor players, even if the opponent has a large number of people, he still has the advantage!

Moreover… although he cannot get help when acting alone, he also has fewer concerns.

“It seems that you have decided to leave.”

Kirisu Madoka came over and handed the Glock pistol back to Lu Chen.

“In that case, take it, it will be an extra guarantee.”

Lu Chen looked at the pistol in his hand and asked

“Kirisu-sensei…what are you going to do then?”

“Evacuate, this is the best option at the moment.”

Kirisu Madoka crossed his arms and analyzed in an orderly manner.

“We have collected a lot of supplies, and this operation has been successful.”

“After you leave, it will be difficult to bring back supplies even if you get them.”

“Rather than staying there and increasing the risk, it is better to evacuate to a safe house and count the gains.”


Teacher Tongxu paused and looked at Lu Chen.

“You don’t have to worry about our safety anymore, right?”

“……As expected, Teacher Kirisu has considered everything carefully. I think this plan is fine.”

Lu Chen nodded and glanced at the time.

“It has been more than ten minutes since the airdrop supply box was dropped. I don’t have much time left. I must teleport immediately.”

“Everyone… See you in the safe house.”

Then, Lu Chen directly used the key in his hand, and his figure disappeared in a distorted white light.

Although there was only one person missing from the team, the girls looked a little dazed.

It seemed that their minds had also gone to a distant place with Lu Chen’s departure.

“I’m sorry to interrupt your thoughts.”

Futaba coughed lightly to let the others come back to their senses.

“But the zombies are about to spawn.”

“We can’t relax before we get to the evacuation point.”

Mai nodded somewhat disappointedly, forcing her attention to shift

“Futaba-san is right.”

“The important thing is to evacuate to a safe house as soon as possible”

“Lu Chen… should be back soon.”

The team that lost its captain became active again and rushed to the nearest evacuation point.

Shuangye Zhu stared at the back of the black-haired girl and shook his head silently.

“Having good hearing is also a problem”

“But…reward? That’s a good excuse.”


The first time he experienced the feeling of teleporting through the”gate”, Lu Chen felt a little dizzy.

When he regained consciousness, he found that he had come to a familiar yet strange place.

“Isn’t this the small square in front of the library?”

Looking around, Lu Chen didn’t see any living things except for the bloodstains on the ground.

Both the survivors and the zombies seemed to have disappeared halfway. The latter was not bad, they were just cleaned up.


“Strange, isn’t this where the mutual aid group gathers?”

“It’s only been three and a half hours. Did they evacuate?”

“Or… are they all looking for airdrops?”

After thinking about it, Lu Chen felt that the latter guess was more likely.

“I have to hurry up and take action”

“Can’t let them get ahead”

��The city map of the nearby area was enlarged, and the landing point of the airdrop supply box was located in an ordinary residential area.

There are many buildings in the residential area, and the paths are narrow, intricate, and the terrain is complicated.

Seeing this, Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

Other players should not have such a detailed map plug-in.

In other words, the people in the mutual aid group should not have found the location of the airdrop supply box.

Even if they find it, they will not be able to break through the defense of the zombie group for a while.

He has a lot of opportunities…!

After planning the most efficient route forward according to the map.

Lu Chen very luxuriously added an”energy supplement” to increase the recovery speed of mental strength.

Afterwards, he directly turned on the zero-gravity mode, taking three steps at a time, and rushed to the destination as if skipping stones on the water.

As soon as he entered the residential area, he smelled a strong smell of blood.

In the middle of the road in the residential area, there were corpses scattered all over the ground.

“There are corpses, probably wandering zombies, killed by passers-by.”

“The cut is very smooth, and the weapon used to kill… is very sharp.”

Lu Chen looked at it carefully, and in his mind he had already sketched out the image of a knife-wielding murderer, Xiao Hei.

“A survivor player who uses knives?……”

“Fortunately, I have a gun.”

Thinking this way, Lu Chen followed the predetermined route and went directly into the narrow passage between the buildings.

Near the exit of the passage was the location of the airdrop supply!

“……There are so many corpses.”

Looking at the fresh corpses with severed limbs and heads in the passage, Lu Chen couldn’t help but be secretly surprised.

Although he could easily kill this number of zombies.

But one uses a gun and the other uses a knife, the difficulty is completely different.

The bloodstains of the corpses extend all the way to the end of the passage, which is also the location of the airdrop supply.

“That mysterious player with a knife, is he also coming for the airdrop?”

Lu Chen’s heart tightened, he opened the safety of his Glock, held his breath, and rushed out of the passage.

Although he had made all the preparations, the moment Lu Chen appeared – a piercing cold light pierced his neck!

The blood-red eyes, like Shura, suddenly woke up and became much clearer after recognizing Lu Chen’s identity.

But it was too late to put away the knife.

The owner of these eyes could only watch the blade in his hand pierce Lu Chen’s neck… In the wall next to him

“Damn, that was a close call… Fortunately, I reacted in time!”

In a hurry, Lu Chen, who used his supernatural power to divert the direction of the knife tip, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, he heard the purple-haired woman in front of him, who looked very familiar, said in a panic:

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to attack you!”

“……I know.”

Lu Chen’s throat was a little dry and he glanced at the sharp blade beside his neck and muttered

“But Miss, before you apologize… please pull out the knife first. It’s stuck on my collar.”

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