(Chapter 59 has been released. If you haven’t read it, you can go read it first, otherwise some of the plots will be out of context.)

Although Lu Chen, who has become a”new human”, is very energetic and doesn’t need much rest.

To be on the safe side, he still took a light sleep until about 5 o’clock.

With less than an hour left before the transmission, he sent invitations to the girls in the team and prepared to gather.

Of course, two of them were already in the safe house and had not left.

Walking out of the bedroom, Lu Chen wanted to see what props the vending machine had refreshed today.

As soon as he came to the living room, he found that Teacher Kirisu, who had used the seed of supernatural power, had woken up.

On the contrary, Hehua, who was taking care of her, was sleeping soundly on the sofa.

“Teacher Kirisu, how does it feel to awaken your superpowers?”

Lu Chen bought two bottles of drinks from the vending machine, walked towards Kirisu Madoka, and asked casually.

“Wonderful, it is hard to describe the effect of this magical ability……”

Kirisu Madoka subconsciously looked up at Lu Chen.

When the latter’s figure came into her sight, she was slightly startled.

They had been together for several days, but at this moment, Lu Chen gave her a completely new feeling.

It was as if the students under her had a summer vacation, not only tanned, but also grew a lot taller.

The feeling Lu Chen gave her was almost the same, but more obvious and stronger.

The handsome face with clear edges and corners, the strong and powerful body that showed the masculine heroic posture… and an inexplicable attraction that constantly drove the female teacher’s feminine instinct.

“Teacher Kirisu?”

Seeing that Mando’s eyes were a little dazed, Lu Chen waved his hand in front of her in confusion.

The latter’s eyes suddenly cleared up and she looked away in panic.

“It’s okay. I just awakened my superpowers and I’m not used to it.”

Strange, why would I have such thoughts about Chase Lu?

That kind of thing… is obviously something that only lovers in love would do!

Her reaction just now was as if she was craving Chase Lu’s body!”Five Zero Zero” As an educator, it’s really shameless to have such thoughts!

If Kirisu Mando’s entry today is”Telepathy”,

Chase Lu might be able to discover something from her inner emotional fluctuations.

This is one of the additional effects of his”new human” trait. He has an extremely tempting attraction to all”low-level humans”, especially the opposite sex!

This attraction comes from the reproductive instinct in the genes.

Strong males will naturally be sought after by many females, who want to combine with them to give birth to stronger offspring and continue their bloodline.

This is in line with the natural law for the survival, development and growth of species.

In other words, Chase Lu is now a humanoid self-propelled pheromone dispenser.

“By the way, what is the ability that Kirisu-sensei awakened?”

Lu Chen, who had not yet discovered the problem, asked.

Although he knew that the other party must have awakened an auxiliary ability, but what it was specifically, he had to let Kirisu Madoka tell him in person.

“It’s hard to describe, but I can directly experience its effect.”

The cherry-haired female teacher lowered her head and did not dare to meet Lu Chen’s eyes again.

She stretched out her arm and rolled down her sleeves, revealing her fair and delicate skin.

Then, Kirisu Madoka pursed her lips and gently cut her arm with a dagger.

Fine beads of blood immediately oozed out from the shallow cut, appearing particularly bright on the white forearm.

“This is……”

Lu Chen watched Kirisu Madoka’s movements, and saw her other hand covering the wound.

A glittering emerald light bloomed from under her palm, like the color of life.

A few seconds later, when Kirisu Madoka moved her hand away again, the cut on her forearm disappeared without a trace of red mark left!

“It healed so quickly? Could it be a healing ability?”

Faced with Lu Chen’s guess, Kirisu Madoka shook his head and said firmly

“No, I can feel that the power that heals the wound does not come from supernatural powers, but from the regenerative effect of the human body itself.”

“Inferring that the effect of my awakened ability is probably just to catalyze or stimulate the activity of life forms, so that they can recover faster.”

If this is the case, then what happened just now is easy to explain.

Considering that the ability seed used by Teacher Kirisu only has a C-level entry, it is very likely that the awakened ability is a low-level ability with only partial effects.

If Lu Chen were to classify it, her ability should belong to the”life” system.

It is just one of the branch abilities.

It is not like Mai and her own ability, which can be developed into various ways of use.

“This is already very good.”

Lu Chen said seriously without pretending

“You are now the only psychic in the team who can provide recovery means.”

“With Teacher Kirisu here, the safety of the team will be more guaranteed.”

This is true. After all, playing with a healer and without a healer are two completely different situations.

“Is that so?”

Hearing what Lu Chen said, the stone hanging in Kirisu Madoka’s heart finally fell to the ground.

“As long as I can help everyone, that’s all.”

As she spoke, she stole a few glances at Lu Chen and felt her heartbeat quicken.

She felt happy to receive Lu Chen’s recognition and praise.

At this moment, there was a rustling sound on the sofa.

“Hmm… what time is it?”

Hehua, with her slightly messy blond hair, rubbed her eyes and got up from the sofa.

“Hey, is Kirisu-sensei awake already?”

“Lu Chen is also here… Wow! What’s wrong with you?! Why did you suddenly become……”

“Speak nicely.”

Lu Chen mercilessly hit the confused blonde girl with a knife, and she woke up.

The latter held her head and muttered in grievance.

“I wanted to praise you for being manly, but I didn’t expect you to hit me.”

“Are you praising me? That’s fine, I’ll rub it for you.”

Feeling Lu Chen’s big hand constantly stroking her forehead, Hehua’s pretty face suddenly turned rosy, and she squinted her eyes to enjoy it.

She quietly opened her eyes a little and looked at Lu Chen who was talking to Teacher Kirisu.

Although she had a good impression of this man who had saved her several times before.

But today, the throbbing in her heart was particularly clear and fanatical.

Even if she just looked at the other person, she was about to be attracted to him.

“Who is the idol after all?”

In her heart, the girl didn’t forget to complain.

A few minutes later, Mai and Futaba, who received Lu Chen’s invitation, were also teleported to the living room one after another.

The former was fine. Although she had experienced yesterday’s charm, when she saw Lu Chen again, her pretty face was only slightly red, and she greeted him gently and generously.

Futaba… She teleported here with a bunch of Molotov cocktails.

If she wasn’t a teammate, Lu Chen might have thought she was here to be a self-destruct truck.

“Have you reached level 10 in manual training?”

Lu Chen picked up a Molotov cocktail and immediately saw relevant information.

【Flame Cocktail: E+, a civilian Molotov cocktail made based on certain technology, has guaranteed safety and stability, and can create a more lasting burning effect】

【Producer: Rio Futaba】

It was indeed a prop made according to the recipe.

The grade was the same as the recipe, both were E+.

Judging from the description, this was much better than the simple Molotov cocktail Lu Chen had made.

“It’s already level 14. It seems that the higher the formula level, the faster the skill will improve.”

Shuangye fumbled in her white coat for a moment, and took out a few bottles of Molotov cocktails hidden on her body.

This made Lu Chen’s mouth twitch. It turned out that this girl was full of powerful weapons.

“How many bottles were made in total? What was the cost?”

“42 bottles, and some are in the safe house and not brought here.”

Futaba thought about it, as if recalling the specific details

“The 5000 gear coins you gave me have been used up. I still have some materials left, but not much.”

“The cost of each bottle is about 80 to 100 gear copper coins, depending on market conditions.”

“Well… that’s worth it.”

Lu Chen nodded, indicating that he could accept it.

He could get an E+ lethal item with less than 100 gear coins.

This deal is a sure win!

Lu Chen wanted to say something else, but found that Futaba was staring at him.

As if there was something dirty on his face.

“What’s wrong?”

“……Isn’t it an illusion?”

The girl muttered something meaningless, and then suddenly said. (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“In order to complete the order you gave me, I only slept for 4 hours.”

“So…Is it okay for me to ask for some rewards?”


Lu Chen was stunned for a moment. He thought Shuangye was complaining, but he didn’t expect her to suddenly say such words.

“Of course you can, but what reward do you want?”[]

“Game coins? Equipment? Or supernatural seeds?”

Tsk, this guy who doesn’t understand the hearts of girls.

Futaba pushed his glasses and glanced at Mai who was secretly paying attention to this side, and whispered

“Let’s talk about it after today’s survivor game is over.”

“I don’t want to set some weird death flags before the war.”

“……Then you are quite self-aware.”

Lu Chen held his forehead and looked at the gray-haired girl who turned and walked towards the vending machine, muttering in his heart.

The girls today… why do they all feel a little weird?

Could it be related to the”new human” characteristics he obtained?

Thinking of this, Lu Chen suddenly realized.

As a more advanced species

“The”new humans” are very attractive to the opposite sex of lower humans.

“So I have my own O drug effect, right?”

“I hope it won’t affect today’s action.”

As a man, Lu Chen naturally enjoyed this kind of treatment.

But he also did not forget that he was still in the dangerous survivor game.

“The weather is nice today, no rain”

“There are no new rules, everything remains the same.”

At the combat meeting 10 minutes before the transmission began, Lu Chen arranged today’s action plan.

“Just like yesterday, after teleporting in, I will gather everyone to grab the airdrop”

“The difference is that we now have two city map plugins, which should be able to merge faster.”

“In addition, Teacher Kirisu has also awakened a special ability, which is a healing ability. Please protect her.”

“Futaba made a lot of Molotov cocktails. Each person carries one in their backpack. The rest are with me. You can take them whenever you need them…….”

“As for the threat from the Wolfheart Society, we will wait until we encounter them. If we are located by radar, report immediately.”

Lu Chen placed his hands on the coffee table and scanned the team members one by one.

“That’s all I have to say. Does anyone have any other questions?”

The girls shook their heads, indicating that they had no questions.

They just had to follow orders, but Lu Chen had a lot to consider.

“Since there is no one, let’s wait for the transmission.”

There are still 5 minutes left, and everyone is resting their eyes.

Although they have returned safely from dangerous areas several times.

But the moment of transmission before departure still makes people nervous and uneasy.

No one knows what kind of danger they will encounter this time.

Lu Chen stared at the countdown that was constantly decreasing, and a cold figure appeared in his mind.

“Will I meet her again this time?

Although he had expectations in his heart,

Lu Chen also knew that the probability of this happening was very small.

【Transmission Begins]

The countdown returned to zero, and with a burst of white light, the living room became empty in an instant.

The next moment, Lu Chen regained consciousness in a humid and sultry environment, and looked around vigilantly.

“It’s so dark… and the air is full of rotten smell”

“Where on earth have I been teleported to?”

After taking out a flashlight from his watch and pressing the switch,

Lu Chen could see the surrounding environment clearly.

Under the illumination of the beam of light, a winding passage continued to extend in front of him.

Under his feet was a layer of black mud that was like silt and constantly emitted a foul smell.

The harsh environment made Lu Chen’s face look ugly, and he quickly came to a very bad guess in his mind.

He directly opened the city map and found that his location was actually in the deep mountains and old forests far away from the city!

“Damn! I was actually teleported to the sewer!”

After realizing this, Lu Chen cursed inwardly. This damn random teleportation was too”random”.

He accepted the wilderness, but at least teleported him to the ground!

“I don’t know how the others are doing now.”

This remote location does have an advantage.

That is, Lu Chen can use the”survivor broadcast” function of the watch without restraint, without worrying about the news leaking.

“This is Lu Chen. Please reply with your own location.”

After paying 100 gear copper coins and publishing a broadcast message, Lu Chen waited silently. He also used the telepathic function to locate the location of Mai and Kazuka.

“Fortunately, it’s not far away”

“Even if we can’t hear the broadcast, we should be able to reunite soon.”

“The only ones left are Futaba and Kirisu-sensei.”

“I hope they don’t run into any trouble.”

Soon, two reply messages came from the watch.

Lu Chen was refreshed and quickly established a temporary communication channel.

“I’m Futaba. I’m currently in a dark, smelly, and narrow place. The good news is that there are no signs of zombies.”

“Lu Chen, this is Mai, I’m with Hua, this seems to be the suburbs, there are no obvious buildings nearby”


Based on the two people’s replies, Lu Chen quickly determined the current distribution of members.

“Our Futaba should have been teleported to the sewer, Mai and Kazuka are on the ground not far away”

“Futaba, protect yourself first, I will follow the pipeline to find you”

“Mai, take Hehua and explore the area first, maybe you can find the exit of the sewer.”

After issuing several instructions in an orderly manner, Lu Chen still had a cloud of gloom in his heart that had not dissipated for a long time.

“The one who is out of communication range this time is Kirisu-sensei?”

“Keep moving and search for Shuangye’s whereabouts while sending a broadcast.”

After deciding on the action plan, Lu Chen took out a tissue, tore it open, rolled it into a strip and stuffed it into his nose.

“The senses of the”new humans” are more acute, but correspondingly… they are also more susceptible to stench.

Holding a flashlight in one hand, Lu Chen did not choose to use a gun in the other hand, but took a dagger.

In such a narrow place, if a ricochet occurs, it will be very dangerous to oneself.

“Should I use zero gravity mode to float and travel? Isn’t that a bit too extravagant?”

Looking at the stinking black mud under his feet, Lu Chen hesitated.

In the end, he chose not to waste his mental energy and walked on the ground honestly.

It was just a little dirty, but it was acceptable.

“”Futaba! Are you nearby?”

Lu Chen’s voice echoed in the space inside the pipe.

The pipe was about two meters high, just enough for Lu Chen to stand up straight.

But if he moved more violently, he would probably hit his head.

So he could only move forward with his body slightly bent.

“There is movement.”

Suddenly, Lu Chen frowned and stopped.

His ears seemed to catch a slight abnormality.

It was as if there were some groups of things around him that were constantly approaching him!


Suddenly, a large group of small eyes with red light emerged from the end of the pipe!

The scarlet eyeballs were connected into a piece and kept approaching!

“Is it a rat?!”

Lu Chen reacted quickly and identified the attacker!

“No…it’s a swarm of rats!”

“A swarm of mutated zombie rats!”.

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