"【[Question], Fan Lou... who is it?"

The young goddess who woke up from her deep sleep blinked her eyes, but did not break free from Su Mo's palm, nor did she show any surprise or resistance.

She just asked a simple question with a dazed expression.

"Fanlou is your name."

Su Mo replied

"【"I don't understand, who am I?"

The young goddess blinked and raised another ultimate philosophical question.

Su Mo immediately gave an answer to this question.

"You are my pet."

At least that's the case from the perspective of the relationship between the gods.

The God of Doubt, Hanlou, is a god born from doubt. Her existence is much older than that of the God of War Artosh, and long before all other known gods.

At that time, she didn't know what she was, nor did she know why she was born, so she created the Mechas to figure out her own doubts. However, the Mechas did not satisfy her purpose.

In the end, she even doubted her own existence. With the idea that she could confirm that she was alive through death, she pierced through her own godhood and fell into inactivity.

After an unknown amount of time, she was rediscovered by Su Mo.

Hanlou, who allowed herself to sleep, had no ability to resist during her sleep. Although her strength was better than that of Cainas and Okan, for Su Mo, she was easier to deal with than Cainas and Okan. He only needed to interfere with the other's godhood a little to make it subordinate and successfully capture the young goddess spirit.

For this answer, the young goddess spirit was stunned, but she also realized that something was wrong.

"【Deny], I don't know you, and I'm not a pet.

She shook her head

"Who are you?"

Su Mo asked back directly using her words

"【I don't know."

Fanlou shook his head.

27 27 She fell asleep because of the answer to this question, so how could she answer this question?

"If you don't know, I've already told you that you are my subordinate god."

Su Mo repeated this answer again, and directly mobilized the godhood of the sail tower through the power of the contract.

After feeling the connection between Su Mo and her godhood, the young female spirit suddenly widened her eyes. After checking several times, she finally dared to believe this fact.

"【Inquiry], are you really my Lord God?"

"Of course."

Su Mo nodded without hesitation.

After receiving this affirmative answer, Fanlou's eyes suddenly lit up, and the look she gave Su Mo became eager, and her attitude suddenly lost its previous alienation.

It was like... like a young girl who finally found her father.

Strange, with her strength, it should not be difficult to see that this divine contract was added by Su Mo later.

Since she knew this, her attitude towards Su Mo should be the same as Okan's at most, more of awe for his power and identity.

But looking at her expression, it was completely different. It was just like a baby bird opening its eyes and seeing its parents for the first time. Her eyes instantly became dependent and eager.

"【[Confirmed], the concept of the essence is deeply bound, you are indeed my main god!"

"【Request 1: Lord God, please tell me why I was born?"

"【Request 2] Lord God, please tell me, what is the heart?"

"【Request three], Lord God, please tell me, what is a pet?"

"【Request Four】……"

A series of questions were said in one breath without stopping. The young goddess stared at Su Mo with sparkling eyes, waiting for the answer from the Lord God.

Seeing her like this, Su Mo finally understood why Fan Lou did not question this relationship.

In order to confirm whether she existed, she got the answer by personally penetrating her own essence. Since she could fall asleep, it meant that she was awake before, which also meant that she was indeed alive.

Since she was alive, where did she come from?

Su Mo's existence naturally gave her a stable answer, which naturally came from her Lord God.

If Fan Lou could not confirm what was herself and what was others before, the connection between Su Mo and her in the essence directly confirmed her identity and position in this world.

That is, she is the subordinate god or pet of the Lord God Su Mo.

Fan Lou's fundamental doubts came from the ambiguity of her positioning of herself and the world, and after the appearance of Su Mo, the Lord God, this proposition was well buffered.

She no longer needed to study the relationship between herself and the world, but only needed to study the relationship between herself and Su Mo to solve all doubts.

Su Mo was like a relay. All her questions about the world were answered by Su Mo, the main god. She only needed to clarify the relationship between herself and the main god.

In a sense, Su Mo did carry the same ecological niche as a parent.

After understanding this, Su Mo was not impatient, nor did he think that the young goddess was too talkative. He immediately answered the other party's questions with the high-speed divine language that Fanlou could accept.

Although the language system itself has limitations, as long as this limitation is taken into account, a universal answer can be obtained.

"The first answer is that the reason for the birth of the Old Deus is usually a prayer, and there are no exceptions to this even today."

"The second answer is that the mind is an internal reflection system of external activities, which will be explained later."

"The third answer……"

Hanlou's questions were so many that they could make all the Flügels collapse, but Su Mo's answers made Hanlou unable to keep up with the speed of his questions.

For Hanlou, who was skeptical about the definition of concepts, every time Su Mo answered, he would have more questions, but these questions would soon be filled with more explanations, each of which was an answer that the Ex-Machinas could not give.

Therefore, even though she asked more and more questions, her eyes became brighter and brighter, and her attitude towards Su Mo became more and more intimate. The long communication lasted for most of the day, and at the beginning, only Azriel blocked her ears and chose to sleep.

Later, even Jibril, who was a Flügel, couldn't help yawning, feeling that her head was filled with too many things and was completely numb.

She couldn't understand why the god in front of her had so many endless questions, why he was so serious about those insignificant things, were these strange concepts really important?

Compared with Hanlou's weird persistence, she admired Su Mo's patience more. He could answer such a messy question for so long, he deserved to be the master!

It was not until the sunset that Su Mo stopped answering questions and asked Fan Lou who wanted to continue asking questions:

"Remember the second question?"

"【Search successful], the second question is what is the heart!"

Hanlou answered without any pause

"I said before that I would explain it later, now is the time to explain it."

Su Mo then said

"Just now you asked more than 100,000 questions, and I gave you more than 100,000 answers, but you had more than 1 million questions, right?"

"【Admit it], yes!"

Houlou nodded.

"Because of my answer, all the doubts and thoughts generated, including all the fluctuations in your thoughts that you still want to ask questions now, are your heart."

Su Mo gave a summary answer.

"The way you ask questions may be wrong, and the answers you get from thinking may also be wrong, but the motivation of seeking answers itself is the best proof of your existence."

One should give rise to the mind without dwelling on anything." He also has a basic understanding of Buddhist theories.

"【��Chaos], my reaction itself proves my existence?"

Even Fan Lou was a little confused at this moment.

What if I don't react, I don't exist?

Seeing her confusion, Su Mo corrected her.

"The reaction itself is just your thought. What determines your reaction is your heart. It is neither thinking nor not thinking."

This time, Fan Lou was completely trapped.

After lowering her head and thinking for a long time, she raised her head again and looked at Su Mo eagerly.

"【Failure to understand], please use a simpler way to explain."

Faced with this request, Su Mo would naturally not refuse.


"Why should I help you?"

Su Mo asked

"【[Beware] Because I am your pet, the Lord God wants to deny this relationship?"

Fan Lou suddenly became nervous, and the look she gave Su Mo was like seeing a father who wanted to abandon her.

She was obviously a deity abducted by Su Mo, but she looked as if she was afraid that Su Mo would run away. It was really unclear who was taking advantage.

In any case, Su Mo was her Lord God, so he had to be responsible for her. This was her basic idea, and it was also the reason why she was so close to Su Mo and accepted all of Su Mo's explanations without hesitation. In her eyes, everything was uncertain, except for the connection between Su Mo and her that bound her to the essence, which was extremely certain.

"Very good."

After getting this answer, Su Mo's taming work was completed.

It is not easy to educate such a curious baby to the point of being obedient.

However, doing so also has great benefits.

"Since it's a pet, you should also fulfill the duties of a pet, right?"

"【Adopted], the Lord God's request is reasonable, what do you need me to do?"

Fan 090 floor quickly agreed with this logic

"Do you still remember the Mecha-Machina you created before?"

Su Mo went straight to the point and said

"I need you to call them all back."

"【Accept], accept the order."

The gods have the most basic control over their creations, and this is not difficult for Hanlou.

At Su Mo's request, a total of 13,985 Ex-Machinas, including a scrapped analytical body, all appeared in front of Su Mo.

Unlike the Flügel army that looked like the god of death, the Ex-Machina army in front of them was more like a torrent of steel.

For the Ex-Machinas, Hanlou's existence was too long ago, and there was no corresponding information in their database.

But after the Lord God appeared, the blessing from the gods immediately allowed them to confirm Hanlou's identity, and they offered their loyalty to their belated Lord God.

"【[Question], can you answer my question now?"

After summoning the Ex-Machinas, Fanlou immediately looked at Su Mo, like a child asking for candy.

"No rush."

Looking at the Mecha Corps in front of him, Su Mo shook his head.

"Before it is put into use, it needs to be slightly modified, otherwise it will not be able to meet the needs."

The computing power of the Mecha is indeed good, but if compared with the amount of information in a divine domain, it is still far behind.

If Su Mo wants to have a significant improvement, he needs to modify it himself.

"In addition to the magic adaptability, the computing power must at least be improved to the level of a second-generation quantum computer."

Thinking of this, he waved to the petite analyzer in front of him that was disconnected from the overall network due to an error.

"Come here, let me see your body structure"

"Yes! This machine is numbered as the analytical body Huvalzaq——"

She was allowed to reconnect to the Ex-Machina network and was about to give her full name, but was interrupted by Su Mo.

"Correction, from now on your name will be Hubie. Can you lift up the powertrain on your chest?"

"As promised, this machine is renamed as Hubi, and the powertrain has been turned on."

The petite Mecha accepted the order from the Lord of the Lords.

"Is it actually this structure... Is the self-evolution system of the Ex-Machina actually this structure?" Su Mo, who was disassembling it for the first time, immediately became interested and began to explore it carefully..

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