As lively as Butterfly House is today's chat group

【Erica:"That’s right, Lady Su Mo is extremely intelligent and beautiful!"】

【Erica:"Wait, that's not right! Why can you see what's going on here?"

After escaping from danger, she realized that what happened just now was broadcast live.

【Toosaka Rin:"Even if you ask, we don't know!"】

【Xiao Yuan:"The moment the big brother passed by, the group live broadcast started automatically."】

【Erica:"Let me see……"】

【Erica:"I see. After inviting the crossover function, the group live broadcast will be enabled by default. This function can also be disabled automatically."】

Before, although they all knew about the group time travel feature, they had never tried it because it was a paid feature.

At the critical moment of life, Erica naturally did not care about the default options and directly summoned Su Mo.

After careful study, she found that it was a setting problem.

【Toosaka Rin:"I suggest not to close it, I want to see how Master Su Mo defeats the beast!"】


【Erica:"I have no objection, but I still have to listen to Master Su Mo."】

As she spoke, Erica looked up at Su Mo in front of her, with an inquiring look.

Not to mention that Su Mo had just saved her, even if she didn't mention this, the battle footage of the strong men could leak information.

Although Erica herself didn't care about this, she didn't think she was qualified to make decisions for Su Mo.

If Su Mo didn't want to, she would shut down the live broadcast without saying a word.

Although she felt a little sorry for those little sisters, she knew what was more important with the big brother in front of her.

Su Mo naturally understood what Erica meant and shook his head immediately.

"No problem"

"Knowledge should be circulated and shared. If you can gain something, it is your own luck."

【Toosaka Rin:"Great!"】

【Xiao Yuan:"Thank you, big brother!"

Su Mo didn't mind, so Erica let the live broadcast continue.

"By the way, Master Su Mo, what power did you use just now?

Seeing that the mythical beast wild boar had not yet climbed out of the sea, Erica couldn't help but ask out of curiosity.

"There is no doubt that it is also [Hermes Boots】"

Su Mo took a look at the cautious blonde knight and immediately knew what she was curious about.

"Are you asking, how can this technique be used to perform dimensional jump?"


Erica nodded like a chick pecking at rice.

This was her common magic. When would she be able to reach this level?

"In fact, it is very simple. The spell [Hermes's Boots] belongs to the magic of the conceptual spiritual equipment system. It is different from the traditional magic of the magic mechanism system. The core of this spell is not acceleration or lightness, but the name of God."

Su Mo explained casually while analyzing the great source magic environment of this world.

"God's name?"

Erica looked curious.

"That's right, the foundation of this magic theory system is idolatry, so the amount of magic power provided is actually not important, what is important is the imitation of the name of God, which is the key to improving the effect of the spell."

Su Mo said

"As a god, Hermes' existence spans Greek, Roman, and Egyptian mythology, and his duties are diverse. He is the messenger of the gods and one of the twelve gods of Olympus. He also has the fields of alchemy and magic, and is even known as the secret god in esoteric Buddhism."

"However, in this ritual, we only need him as the patron saint of travelers, so when constructing the ritual, we should try to exclude interference from other priests."

"In mythological times, symbols representing Hermes were often placed near villages, towns, temples, and national borders, representing him as the god of borders and crossing borders."

"For travelers, seeing the Hermes symbol means they have entered the next realm. Travelers often beg for the protection of the god Hermes. Based on this belief, the magic of the Hermes boots has the effect of improving agility and leg strength.……"

"……The original technique you used was built on this belief. Do you understand what I have said so far?"

After explaining the principle of the technique at a very fast speed, Su Mo confirmed.

"Hmm... I probably understand half of it!"

Erica looked a little dizzy.

In fact, half of it was just her trying to hold on. In fact, she only understood less than 30%.

And this was already the best performance.


【Small circle:"……"】

The other two people who didn't have much basic knowledge were completely confused.

【Xiaoyuan:"It feels harder than math, I can't understand it at all"】

【Madoka:"How's Sister Rin?"】

【Madoka:"@Tosaka Rin"】

【Toosaka Rin:"I only understood 20%, but it doesn't matter, I've taken notes on the key points!"

For this class taught by a master who is even more powerful than the second magician, Toosaka Rin is very pious.

No matter whether she can understand it or not, she will write it down!

This kind of behavior of a top student immediately won the respect of the two poor students.

【Madoka:"Rin-sister is amazing!"】

【Kanae:"With such hard work, Xiaolin will definitely become a strong person in the future."】

Seeing the two people's words of admiration, Toosaka Rin couldn't help but put on an embarrassed smile.

Just as she was about to say a few polite words, she suddenly heard the voice of Su Mo continuing to speak in the group live broadcast. She hurriedly turned the interface over and listened attentively to the following explanation.

"It is enough to understand half of it. After understanding the construction method of the old technique, the optimization method is clear at a glance."

After hearing Su Mo's words, everyone's eyes were dull, not understanding where it was clear at a glance.

Suddenly, it felt like I didn't understand the class, but was called on by the teacher to answer questions.

Fortunately, Su Mo was not asking questions. He immediately attached the principle after speaking casually.

"Obviously, if you want to change the effect of the spell, you have to adjust the corresponding priesthood of the spell precisely. Here, we need to abandon the broad priesthood of the patron saint of travelers and get to its core - the power of borders and crossing borders."

"In the mythological era, the borders between countries often represent the borders between different myths, that is, they can represent the borders between the realms of God. Hermes, who can cross different borders, naturally has the power to cross the realm of God. The so-called realm of God is considered to be another dimension. Therefore, Hermes naturally has the power of dimensional jump."

"Core replacement based on previous surgical improvements……"

"In summary, the dimensional jump technique can be easily constructed."

With the high-speed divine words that he had learned without a teacher, Su Mo presented all the core techniques without any reservation in a very short time.

"If she understands the principle I'm explaining, Erica should be able to use the advanced version of the technique directly, regardless of the others."

Speaking of this, Su Mo asked the blond girl who was lost in thought.

"Have you learned it?"


Erica, whose eyes were completely dazzled, tried her best to force out a smile that was not rude.

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