As Jibril sighed, the Flügel girls did not feel humiliated, but their eyes lit up.

Azriel even put down her weapon and approached Su Mo eagerly.

""Master Sumo, do you mean that you are willing to revive Master Artosh?"

The other Flügels also showed expectant eyes. According to their understanding of Sumo, he did not seem to have the habit of killing simple enemies.

Although it was a bit derogatory to his own creator, to Sumo, Artosh was more of an obstacle than an enemy.

Even the forging god Okan could be resurrected, so Artosh should be no problem, right?

Facing this begging look, Sumo glanced at Jibril.

Jibril immediately understood and snorted.

"With the master's heart, he certainly wouldn't mind resurrecting Artosh-sama."

When these words came out, all the Flügel became excited.

For the created beings, the creator is often the greatest meaning of their existence in the world.

Before Azriel could cheer, Jibril crossed her arms and turned her voice to

"However, Azriel, your performance just now made the master very dissatisfied."

After hearing this, Azri was stunned.


"That's right!"

Jibril nodded and said fiercely

"It is obvious that the master and Master Artosh had voluntarily agreed to fight, and the final defeat was also a fair result of the battle. You are actually dissatisfied with this. Not only did you ignore Master Artosh's last order and did not submit to Master Sumo, you also raised your weapons against him. Do you know that your behavior not only violated Master Artosh's order, but also failed Master Sumo's kindness?——"

As she spoke, she took a step forward and concluded

"Azriel, you are disloyal!"

""Ah? Is this behavior considered disloyal?"

Azriel, who was not very smart to begin with, was immediately frightened. Not only did she retreat from her previous majestic posture, she also turned directly into her usual foolish self.

"Although I feel that something is wrong, I can't refute it, meow!"

Seeing her confused look, Jibril smiled slightly.

"That’s right, it’s because of Azrael and you that Lord Sumo no longer wants to resurrect Lord Artosh!"

"So, you must remember that it was not Master Sumo who killed Master Artosh, but you who prevented Master Artosh from resurrecting!"

These words were obviously nonsense and blaming others, but when Jibril said them in an extremely righteous tone, they directly shocked all the Flügel.

"Artosh-sama’s death is my fault, meow?"

Like a frightened little rabbit, Azrael pondered for two seconds, then revealed a tearful expression.

"Xiaoji, what should we do then? Is there any way to make Lord Sumo change his mind and revive Lord Artosh?"

She finally understood that whether to revive her Lord God or not was entirely up to Sumo.

Hearing this question, Jibril's mouth curled up slightly.

——These idiots are so easy to take.

"If you want to revive Master Artosh, how about showing your sincerity first?"

Jibril smiled with a wicked smile.

"How about starting by licking Lord Su Mo's feet?"

She asked this question, not only to deliberately bully Azriel, but also to test her obedience.

To her surprise, upon hearing this condition, Azriel did not hesitate or think for a moment, but ran directly to Su Mo, knelt down on the spot, and shook her non-existent tail like a pet, looking up at Su Mo with a firm look.

"If it works, don't just say your feet, you can use it anywhere on your body!"

As soon as these words came out, the other Flügel girls also reacted and rushed over, completely surrounding Su Mo.

"If Lord Su Mo can listen to our wishes, so can we!"

Moreover, these young girls of the Flügel race did not just talk about it, they even spoke directly.

Faced with this strange sight, Jibril, who was squeezed out, was stunned.

""Wait, wait! I haven't even bit my master yet, how can you get there first? Shut up!"

If these 1,000 Flügels really started to bite, even if one of them licked the master once, wouldn't they be able to swallow the master?

How could such a good reward be left to these idiots?

Just as Jibril was considering whether to use her power to grab the best position, Su Mo finally took action.

The result of leaving everything to Jibril was that he was covered in lolita.

For people with special fetishes, this is a lolita feast, but for Su Mo, it was still too extreme.

Although Jibril did a good job in the goal of conquering the Flügels, her casual divergent behavior was a bit bad.

If it weren't for the fact that the clothes on Su Mo's body were protected by authority, I'm afraid he would have been taken away by these Flügels long ago.


After holding down the heads of Azriel and many other Flügel girls, Su Mo separated them and made them line up in front of him.

"If you want to revive Artosh, there is no problem. But before that, you have to show me your value. Of course, it is not your value to talk to me."

As he said this, he glanced at Jibril.

Jibril immediately lowered her head and clasped her hands together to show her apology.

Seeing this performance, Su Mo continued to speak.

"As long as you have accumulated enough merits, I don't mind resurrecting Artosh and letting you repay the Creator's kindness."

This is a classic pie-in-the-sky rhetoric.

When can merits be accumulated and what level of merits is considered sufficient? These are all decided by Su Mo.

As for when to resurrect Artosh, it is even more of a metaphysical question.

If Su Mo is willing, he can postpone the resurrection to 100,000 years or even a million years later, which does not violate his promise.

"Really? Thank you for Master Su Mo's kindness... We, we are willing to submit to you! Master, please use our bodies as swords. We are willing to give everything for you, just to establish merit!"

After a few chattering discussions, everyone quickly reached a consensus.

With Azriel as the representative, all the Flügel knelt down, posed a gesture of complete submission, and accepted Su Mo's request.

They knew that Su Mo might delay time, but they still did not hesitate at all.

First, because they had no choice. It was already a luxury for the One God to give them hope, and they were not qualified to ask for more.

Second, for the immortal Flügel, time was not a problem.

Not to mention a million years, even if it was ten million years, as long as there was hope, they were willing to wait.

In fact, it was better to say that Su Mo gave them hope to live rather than a condition to resurrect Artosh.

It just looked a bit like the youngest daughter selling herself to bury her father - no, selling herself to resurrect her father.

Seeing these Flügels who were full of self-destructive desires completely surrender, Jibril was relieved.

In any case, it was great that her master was willing to use these idiots.

At this moment, she suddenly felt a familiar big hand grabbing her neck and pulling her up..........


Jibril, who was well behaved and didn't resist at all, tilted her head, not knowing what Su Mo wanted to do..........

"The Flügel have chosen to surrender, but they still need a manager."

Su Mo looked at Jibril in front of him and transferred the power he had just gained into this follower.

"So, I have decided that you will be the God of War!"

Hearing this, Jibril was slightly stunned, and then showed an incredible look.

"Master? Is this… the essence of Lord Artosh?!"

She quickly sensed the power Su Mo injected into her body.

Although Su Mo had previously given the essence to corresponding followers, she never expected that Su Mo would give the essence of the God of War as well.

You know, this is the essence that can shatter the stars in the night sky and surpass all gods. Its preciousness is definitely not comparable to other essences.

""This, this, this, you are too generous, aren't you?"

After feeling the power expanding in her body, Jibril was completely stunned.

If she was not dreaming, she would have surpassed Sanyueqi, who was on par with her before, and became a fifth-order starburst.

How could she, a small Flügel and a latecomer as a follower, be qualified to receive such a favor?

"I believe you have the potential to use this essence to its fullest extent, even as good as Artosh."

Faced with Jibril's surprise, Su Mo's answer was very calm.

Unlike Xinke and Roni, two geniuses at the level of the God Realm, Jibril has no special talent in creating spells, and is best at fighting.

However, in the field of fighting, she is an individual who is no less than a genius at the level of the God Realm.

In the field of breaking through her own limits and defeating enemies beyond imagination, her quality may even surpass Artosh.

After hearing Su Mo's answer and looking at her master for a few seconds, Jibril directly reached out and hugged Su Mo, putting her little head under his arm.

"Although I should thank the master for his gift at this time, to be honest, I suddenly feel a lot of pressure."

If the role I play is not worthy of this gift, it will be considered as a betrayal of the master's trust.

0.0"Then follow with pressure, there will be more similar situations later."

Su Mo touched Jibril's head, his tone calm and slightly expectant.

There are not many people who can keep up with his pace. He hopes that at least the followers around him will not lead the team.

"Yes, I will!"

Jibril nodded, her eyes firm, and then immediately returned to her usual playful state.

"By the way, what does the master want to do next? Since the world has been unified, should we call the newcomer over and make it a done deal? I always feel that with her intelligence, the master can let her voluntarily give birth to ten children.……"

Seeing the relationship between the two, Azriel couldn't help but feel a little envious.

At this moment, she suddenly understood why Jibril would identify the master in front of her. It was a certain trait that had nothing to do with strength.

Hearing Jibril's nonsense, Su Mo knocked her head speechlessly.

"Don't bully the newcomers!"

As he said this, he remembered the task assigned before the war.

"By the way, Okan has reported before that the research on imaginary energy has yielded results. It just so happens that March 7 is here, so we can check the results."

"Got it! I'll go and tell them to gather!"

Jibril immediately took the order.

Even though she had gained power above all the gods, she was very used to running errands.

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