Dozens of Ex-Machinas made way, and a man with black hair and black eyes approached.

"I am just a passerby, entrusted by Miss March Seven to deal with the invasion of the Antimatter Legion."

""Stop! Stop coming!"

Seeing Su Mo getting closer and closer, Silver Wolf and Kafka's expressions became very nervous.

Being able to mobilize these intelligent machines and even dare to come in front of them showed that the other party was definitely not a weakling.

Although they didn't know where the other party came from, in the interstellar society, the unknown was the biggest danger. If they continued to let the other party approach, they might lose the initiative.

After multiple warnings were ineffective, Silver Wolf did not hesitate at all and aimed the quantum drive in his palm at Su Mo.

"Humph! If you don't listen to my advice, I'll teach you a lesson. Implant the weakness!"It's better to strike first than to be strong. Although she didn't know what kind of fate Su Mo was, it didn't stop her from implanting DEBUFF on him first.

As a game master, Silver Wolf was also good at fighting.

A beam of light shot out from the driver in her palm. Few people could avoid the light-speed attack.


As expected, the attack successfully hit the opponent.

However, Silver Wolf did not show a happy expression. Instead, she frowned.

"Weakness implantation failed? No, it was blocked!"

After putting on the quantum glasses on her forehead, she noticed that there was a thin energy shield in front of Su Mo.

Her attack hit the opponent's energy shield and was completely decomposed, so she had no time to take effect.

""Ha! Interesting guy!"

Seeing this kind of opponent, the girl's fighting spirit was ignited.


This is more interesting than the Ex-Machinas who can gain an absolute advantage with just the human wave tactics.

Seeing Silver Wolf's excited eyes, Su Mo also looked at her with interest.

"Is this the ether editing technology? Using the rules of energy to affect matter, 033 gamifies the real space. This mechanism is quite convenient and can also evolve iteratively.……"

Using energy to interfere with matter is one of the most basic rules of the universe.

Strictly speaking, all the authority of gods is effective according to this rule.

The concept of power needs to be transformed into reality through divine power. Even Artosh's unreasonable energy that seems to violate the laws of thermodynamics actually needs to draw on imaginary energy to truly shake reality.

Ether editing technology is to express this rule in the form of a game or program. After writing the basic rules of energy interference with matter into the program, you only need to rewrite the program to change the energy output and thus rewrite the world.

In a sense, the power of God is a specific program in ether editing. You only need to input the corresponding energy to get a fixed output according to the established rules. Compared with the encapsulated and non-disassembled power of God, the biggest advantage of the program based on ether editing is that it can be rewritten and evolved.

Therefore, the prospects of this technology are far more exaggerated than a single power.

"If we can get enough programs and perform sufficient iterations, this power will eventually be able to directly analyze the source code of all things in the world, giving the user the power of a creator god!"

Su Mo sighed.

As expected of the universe in the interstellar era, it is a generation ahead in terms of technological advancement. When the ether editor develops to the end, it must be similar to the ability to say what you want or the ability of a reality gem.

"Oh? You have good taste!"

Hearing this, Silver Wolf raised her eyebrows.

Although she tried her best to hide it, everyone present could see the smug smile on her face.

Kafka shook her head slightly. This companion has good abilities, but he is too childish. He loses his mind when others praise him.

But forget it, compared with other problem children, Silver Wolf is already a good one.

""Since you have good taste, if you admit defeat now, I can give you a quick death and make you faint temporarily!"

Miss Silver Wolf, who was too proud of herself, decided to continue to show her ability. She patted the driver on her right hand, summoned a translucent quantum short blade, and then bent her body slightly, as if she wanted to rush forward and fight Su Mo in close combat.

Seeing her confident look, Su Mo shook his head.

"You think too much. I am only praising the future possibilities of Ether Editing. As for the current technology, at least the technology you have, it is not mature enough."

Hearing this, Silver Wolf raised his eyebrows slightly angrily, and bent his slender white legs slightly, crouching his petite body like a cat hunting for prey, with his other hand hidden behind his back, as if setting something.

"Humph! How dare you brag!"

Su Mo's words sounded like a mockery of her own bad taste.

How dare someone say that she, the invisible emperor of Punk Lord, was a bad taste?

"It seems that I should teach you a lesson!"

After a light snort, the girl's slender figure burst out.

The next moment, even with Su Mo's eyesight, she could not see her figure.

Because, at this moment, the Silver Wolf was not in front of Su Mo, but appeared very abruptly behind Su Mo.

This was not high-speed movement, but space transfer. Her charging action was completely a trick.

The quantum light blade switched to a level that would not hurt people, but would definitely knock people unconscious. The forced coma program was activated, and the Silver Wolf flew in the air, holding the light blade high, and smashed it towards Su Mo's head.

"Tell me, who is worse now?"

After jokingly saying the winning line, Silver Wolf thought that a panicked face would appear in front of him.


"Is this the only extent of the space transfer edited by the ether?"

What she saw was only a faint look of disappointment and an irresistible defeat.

She didn't have time to knock the opponent unconscious, or even to swing her weapon, before she was taken away by the opponent's irresistible force.

The quantum drive in her hand was taken away on the spot, and the imaginary energy in her body suddenly disappeared, turning into the level of an ordinary human girl, and she almost fell to the ground.

"Is this the tool for ether editing?"

Take the Silver Wolf's driver, and almost instantly, Su Mo copied and analyzed its structure.

Knowing the technical principles, even the hacker skill of ether editing was quickly mastered by Su Mo.

"The core is not that troublesome at all. Is it because of Chuunibyou that it is made into this shape?"

After a complete analysis, Su Mo found that more than 90% of this driver was useless decoration, and the real core was only a chip the size of a fingernail. He looked at the girl in front of him with a little surprise, and it was not surprising after thinking about it.

If she is not Chuunibyou and treats the universe as a game, who else is Chuunibyou?

Seeing Su Mo's slightly dazed look, Silver Wolf's face immediately flushed.

Even though she has lost most of her strength now and is as weak as a 13 or 14-year-old girl, she can never tolerate such an insult.

"I'm not a chuunibyou, give me back the driver!"

She immediately jumped up, trying to snatch her weapon from Su Mo.

Her slender body rubbed against Su Mo unconsciously, but no matter how high she jumped, she couldn't reach the weapon in Su Mo's hand because she had lost her strength, so she could only get angry in vain.

Damn guy, he actually bullied her because she was short!

After just one encounter, the notorious star core hunter Silver Wolf was defeated by Su Mo.

Seeing that she couldn't reach it even after jumping up and down, Kafka's tense nerves relaxed a little. She didn't use heavy hands on the powerless Silver Wolf. It seemed that the other party was indeed in line with the previous intelligent machines and was not an enemy.

However, even so, rescuing her companions was necessary.

So she immediately stepped forward and said

"Listen to me, stop arguing."

For her, who possesses the power of words, using words to resolve disputes is the most effective way.

Although this power is also effective against intelligent machines, it will be judged as a mental attack by the networked intelligent machines, so it is not convenient to use it just now.

But if the owner of the intelligent machine appears in front of her, it will be different.

She only needs to appease Su Mo in front of her and use psychological suggestion to isolate the dispute, and they can retreat safely.

At least, this is what Kafka thought in her heart.


"I won't listen."

Su Mo's reaction was far beyond her expectations.

"Kafka, listen to me, give up resistance!"

In Kafka's career as a star core hunter, she has seen individuals who are immune to her Word Spirit Technique.

To put it bluntly, the Word Spirit Technique is just a psychological suggestion, which is only effective for people with cracks in their hearts, and not for those with strong wills.

However, no matter how knowledgeable she is, she has never seen anyone who can use her Word Spirit Technique on herself after being immune to her Word Spirit Technique.

And what's more terrifying is that the opponent's Word Spirit Technique actually works!


Two short guns hidden in the coat and a purple short blade were thrown to the ground.

It was Kafka herself who did this.

As if she could not control her body at all, after throwing these weapons to the ground, Kafka watched her body spontaneously raise her hands and posed in a surrender gesture. It was completely different from her word spirit technique that manipulated people's hearts and triggered spontaneous actions of humans.

The other party's words were arrogant and rude, like a mandatory requirement, which made her completely unable to resist.

If the other party was willing, I am afraid that even if she let herself commit suicide, her body would completely satisfy the other party's wishes, right?

Realizing this, Kafka's body trembled slightly. As a person born in the Five Planets of Tianyi and New Babylon, she was born without knowing what fear was. However, at this moment, she only felt a strange tremor.

She didn't know what this emotion was, but it was definitely an emotion she had never touched before. Just through words, her body reacted like this. Who is the existence in front of her?

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