Veleslana was naturally unaware of the teasing and sympathy of the people in the chat group.

He did admit that he could not answer Su Mo's question.

Compared with humans who constantly explore themselves and surpass their limits, the overall behavior of gods generally seems to be a bit unenterprising, and few people would think of surpassing the existing limits.

Although being forced to be speechless by mere humans seems to undermine the dignity of gods.

But he can still maintain the demeanor of a god and did not get angry.

Not only that, he also showed a happy smile

"Language is light, language is sword. As a god, I have to praise your eloquence. Your words are sharper than swords. Even gods may not be able to match them.

As a god who is good at playing with language, he admitted Su Mo's advantage without hesitation.

Then, he changed his tone.

"However, thinking and reflecting are things that the God of Wisdom should consider! For the God of War, the only thing he needs to consider is victory."As he said this, the smile on his face became more intense, and he looked eager to try.

"How about experiencing the power of God for yourself?"

The ever-increasing momentum and the ever-accumulating divine power clearly showed that he was ready for battle.

"Just because you say you can't win, do you plan to use force to solve the problem?"

Su Mo asked calmly.

"Even when facing humans, your competitive spirit is so strong?"

"There is no way, I am the God of Victory!"

Veleslana shrugged easily. Unlike the previous communication, his eyes were obviously more joyful when facing the battle.

"My purpose of coming to the lower world this time is to seek defeat. Although I feel a little sorry for my previous opponents, I will let God King Mekal wait for a while. I think it will be more interesting to fight with you!"

When mentioning God King Mekal, Veleslana showed an expression of a child who was still unsatisfied.

This time, not one but two Gods of Disobedience descended.

In the previous battle with Mekal the Disobedient, his godhead was shattered by the opponent's artifact, which caused his incarnations to scatter all over the place and turned into various strange beasts.

Now, the battle between the two Gods of Disobedience has not yet ended. It can only be said to be a halftime break, and the opponent should not be changed at this time.

But he was greedy and obviously did not want to let go of such an interesting human, so he planned to decide the winner with Su Mo first.

Seeing that Su Mo did not show any refusal, Veleslana smiled even more

"If you can defeat me, you can become a godslayer directly and study the godhead up close. You shouldn't want to miss such a good opportunity, right?"

Eager to fight, he directly used the spoils to lure Su Mo.

This low-level trick, of course... is really useful.

Su Mo really wants to study the structure of the godhead up close, and wants to find out where the so-called gods are strong.

The disobedient god obviously would not be willing to be an obedient experimental subject. If he wants to study the godhead, the easiest way is to become a godslayer first.

So, he would not refuse the other party's invitation.

It's just that——

"I don't mind using fighting to communicate. However, wait until you gather all the incarnations before fighting!"

Su Mo said.

"That way it will be easier for me to obtain complete power, so I don't have to collect it everywhere later."

According to his understanding of the original work, there seems to be no power reward for killing the defenseless God of Disobedience.

Although the conditions for killing the God of Disobedience for the first time will definitely be much more relaxed, considering the maximum benefit, it is more cost-effective to wait for the other party to recover its full strength.

Hearing Su Mo say this, Veleslana was slightly stunned.

Before the battle even started, he was already thinking about the spoils after the victory.

It was the first time he had seen such a confident person who could be so arrogant in the face of a real god. Are all humans so brave now?

"If this is your request, no problem."

Out of basic respect for his opponent, Veleslana did not refuse this request.

The wild boar that was killed before returned directly to him. Next, he only has one incarnation to recover, which will not take long.

However, as a god, he still has to prepare everything and wait until he recovers to his full strength before fighting humans. This feeling makes him feel very awkward.

So, after thinking about it, Veleslana added:

"I recognize your courage to challenge the gods with a mere human body! For the sake of fairness, since you are willing to wait for me to recover my full strength, I am willing to let you prepare for the battle in advance, how about it?"

It would be too embarrassing to say that the battle between gods and humans must be restored to full health before it can begin.

He felt that Su Mo should be given a little advantage so that it could be considered balanced.

"Are you sure?"

After hearing this, Su Mo, who did not insist on fair duels, confirmed with a slightly surprised tone.

"Of course I am sure!"

Veleslana said firmly

"If you don't even have this little bit of leeway, what qualifications do you have to be the God of War?"

Let alone this battle being a crushing victory for the gods over humans, even if it wasn't, what would happen if Su Mo prepared a few minutes in advance? What could he do?

After all, it was just a human technique. No matter how much preparation one made, it would be useless and could be easily broken by the gods. What was the point?

"Is that so?……"

Seeing Veleslana's confidence, Su Mo did not refuse.

"Then I won't be polite."

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