After pondering for a while and finding it difficult to fully understand it in a short period of time, Pandora did not waste any more time.

Compared to boring techniques, Su Mo was more attractive.

Although the improved technique could also help other godslayers, Pandora had no intention of asking Su Mo for the technique.

In her opinion, this technique was entirely Su Mo's own achievement, and he trusted her very much by showing it to her.

If Su Mo's achievements were shared with other godslayers, even if it was just an idea, it would undoubtedly be a betrayal.

Even biological parents cannot really treat all children equally.

For Pandora, she naturally preferred Su Mo, the special case who could remember her.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Su Mo suddenly shake his head, Pandora immediately came up to him and asked with concern.

"It's nothing. I was planning to use the concept spiritual equipment to simulate the effect of the usurpation ring, so as to fix the technique of usurping power, but the divine tool with godhood doesn't seem to be so easy to replace."

Su Mo shook his head.

Even if one's comprehension is high, it is difficult to continue to deduce when encountering something that he doesn't understand.

It seems that he needs to study the godhood carefully next.

Hearing the first half of Su Mo's sentence, Pandora looked a little nervous, and she didn't breathe a sigh of relief until she heard the second half.

"Phew~ Fortunately, it didn’t work"


A question mark popped up in Su Mo's head.

"If you succeed, won't you be able to gain authority without me?"

Pandora said with a puffy face.

"If that's the case, you definitely won't come to me on your own initiative! Do you hate your mother so much that you don't want to see me?"

"……You think too much."

Su Mo shook his head.

He had no opinion on Pandora. The reason why he wanted to use the spell to replace the divine tool was just to make it easier to maintain this feature in other worlds.

If killing the gods of other worlds could also gain authority, it would be much more convenient.

"Hey, you mean you don't hate it, that is, you like being with your mother?"

Hearing Su Mo's denial, Pandora immediately perked up.

Seeing her getting more and more aggressive, Su Mo closed his eyes and chose to ignore the witch.

At this time, Pandora's Dark Festival had just ended, and Su Mo officially became a member of the God Slayer.

He could clearly feel the massive amount of magic power surging in his body, its scale even surpassing that of the dragon vein.

At the same time, there was a new force stirring in his body.

If it were an ordinary God Slayer, it might take until a week before he could slowly know the use of the power he had obtained. But

Su Mo didn't need that long.

With his profound attainments in magic, he only needed a simple self-examination to roughly perceive the changes in himself and detect the nature of the authority he held.

"There are still ten incarnations?"

Su Mo opened his eyes not too surprised.

Veleslana only has this one power, there is no room for choice.

I just don't know what the"real power" he mentioned is. Is it just nonsense?

"If you don't find anything now, you can wait until the battle to see."

Pandora suggested

"The greatest talent of the God Slayer lies in combat. Only in combat can your perception become sharper to the maximum extent."


Su Mo nodded thoughtfully

"That's right! It just so happens that the God King Mekar is also in Sardinia. This guy is not very smart. You can practice with him later!"

Pandora clenched her fists and cheered Su Mo.

Although Su Mo didn't need this encouragement, he still nodded.

"Well, by the way, we can also test the effect of the secret ritual after the restrictions are lifted."

If Mekar were here, he would probably be furious to hear these two people looking down on him.


Godkiller World, Present

【Erica:"Master Su Mo hasn't come back yet!"】

【Erica:"I wonder if I have become a God Slayer."】

【Toosaka Rin:"I calculated with my fingers, Master Su Mo will be back soon!"】

【Madoka:"Rin-sister can do this? That's amazing!"】

【Toosaka Rin:"Hehe! Who do you think I am?"】

【Kanae:"I think I can guess this too."】

【Kanae:"Just look at Lord Su Mo's level and you'll know."】

Hearing this, Erica was slightly stunned, and immediately realized something. She clicked on Su Mo's personal information and saw that Su Mo had successfully advanced from the second level to the third level.

This means that he has successfully become a God Slayer.

Toosaka Rin's speculation was probably based on this data.

It turned out that her speculation was correct. Less than half a minute later, a space crack opened in front of Erica, and then Su Mo's familiar figure stepped out.

"Lord Su Mo!"

Erica was delighted to see the familiar figure.

Then, without any hesitation, she knelt on one knee in front of Su Mo, held up her knight's sword with both hands very respectfully, and raised it above her head.

Seeing Erica's sudden action, several people in the group were a little confused.

【Kanae:"What does this mean?"】

【Madoka:"Kneeling on one knee, is this a proposal?"

Although it seems unlikely, Madoka really doesn't know what else this action could mean.

Among those present, perhaps only Rin Toosaka knows a little bit.

"Damn! This female vixen is really good at sucking up to someone!"

After complaining with a little envy and jealousy, Toosaka Rin gave the other two some scientific knowledge.

【Toosaka Rin:"This is not a proposal ceremony, it looks like a ceremony for knights to swear allegiance."】

【Toosaka Rin:"According to medieval customs, once a knight accepts his loyalty, he will follow him for life. From then on, no matter what happens, he must not betray his master."���

Just as Toosaka Rin explained, Erica made up her mind and slowly spoke.

"Erica, the Grand Knight of the Copper Black Cross Magic Society, hereby swears allegiance to Master Su Mo. From now on, I will strictly abide by the virtues of a knight, obey the orders of my master, and become the sword that my master trusts the most! I will be loyal to you until the last moment of my life!"

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