Everyone in the group knew Erica's strength very well.

Before Su Mo joined the chat group, Erica, as the only strong person who had entered the level, had always been the strongest in the group.

After Su Mo joined the chat group, Erica used the master version of magic refining techniques to improve her strength again, almost reaching the peak of the great knight.

But even so, Erica has always been at the first level and has not been able to upgrade to the second level.

In addition to Su Mo, who has no experience, the other people who have not even entered the level are very aware of the difficulty of strength crossing levels, and they also understand that the higher you go, the harder it is to go. Even someone as confident as Rin Tohsaka knows that it will take a lot of time for her to grow to the level of the first level.

The more people understand the difficulty of climbing in strength.

When they saw that Su Mo just waved his hand and Erica broke through to the second level, the greater the shock they felt in their hearts. It would be fine if Su Mo's own strength grew rapidly.

He could actually take others with him?

Isn't this thigh a little too thick!

Xiaoyuan was fine, she was just purely surprised, but Toosaka Rin and Kanae were really tempted.

Before, saying that they wanted to be Su Mo's maid might have been just a joke.

But now, it has become a route they need to seriously consider.

No one can resist this level of temptation!

Not to mention the second level, even if it is only the first level, for the two of them, it is enough to solve their problems.

If they didn't think it was too presumptuous, they really wanted to ask Su Mo if he would still accept people.

When everyone was silent with mixed feelings.

Erica opened her eyes excitedly, feeling the power surging in her body.

"Lord Su Mo's protection is so strong. If I were to fight against the wild boar beast before, I would never lose! Even my uncle can't be my opponent!"

If the normal protection can only bring her, a great knight, to the level of a regular paladin, then Su Mo's protection can be said to have brought her to the level of a top paladin.

Ordinary beasts and subordinate gods are not her opponents.

If the hidden back energy source - the true ether mode is activated, Erica is even confident that she can hold off the God of Disobedience for a short time.

"It's just a small amount of spiritual power."

Su Mo shook his head.

Erica might be very satisfied with this effect, but Su Mo felt it was not enough.

"The upper limit of the protection system should be more than this. Let me study the godhood in depth to see if I can directly grant the godhood-level protection."

"God-level protection?"

Erica couldn't believe her ears.

"According to what you said before, even if the one who possesses the godhood is not a god, he must be a god-killer, right?"

That is the third-order, the level of destroying a country.

Judging from what Lord Su Mo said, raising himself to the second order is not the limit, and the third order is possible?

Even the God of Disobedience himself can't do this, right?

There is no doubt that this is a statement that goes against common sense, but Su Mo's expression is still as calm as water.

"What's so strange about this? Can't the main gods or kings in mythology do similar things?"

Even without mentioning the only gods, stories of powerful gods upgrading weak beings to gods are common in mythology.

For example, the god of war Veleslana himself is a subordinate god of the sun god Mithra, but this does not prevent Veleslana from being the strongest god of war in Zoroastrianism and being revered as the highest armed holder among the gods of Zoroastrianism.

If you look deeper, the sun god Mithra is also a subordinate god created by Ahura, the source of goodness.

These myths clearly show that as long as the gods are strong enough, their subordinate gods can also possess divinity and become main god-level beings.

Of course , here we are talking about the original gods in the divine realm.

Most of the subordinate gods summoned by ordinary disobedient gods do not have divine nature, and when the disobedient gods themselves lose their divine nature, they will also become gods or subordinate gods of the same level as the divine beasts, and the level distinction is very obvious.

Hearing Su Mo say this, Erica was slightly stunned.


Even things that the gods can't do, Lord Su Mo may not be unable to do.

Now this is something that the main god and the king of gods can do, and it may not be difficult for Lord Su Mo.

After realizing this, she lowered her head

"You are absolutely right!"

Not only her, but also Rin Tosaka and others, after hearing these words, apart from the initial shock, they did not doubt Su Mo at all.

There was no other way. When dealing with a boss of this level, the so-called common sense did not apply at all.

"Then, Master Su Mo, what should we do next?"

After taking a look at the surrounding ruins, Erica asked

"The residents here have been successfully evacuated. If you need magic information, I have already prepared the copper and black cross in advance. If you want to see it, you can go directly to Rome."

No need to tell her, before successfully pledging allegiance to Su Mo, she had made all the preparations she could.

In terms of her qualifications as a secretary, Erica is indeed excellent enough.

"There is no need to rush for magic information."

Su Mo shook his head.

The magic in the world of God Slayers is almost all based on the mythological foundation. It is enough to read a few of these techniques. The extra ones are invalid repetitions.

Compared with this, he cares more about the authority he has just obtained.

He has not yet discovered the true power that Veleslana mentioned.

Pandora said before that fighting is the best way for God Slayers to integrate their power, so he should find a god to kill next.

It just so happens that there is a target nearby.

"I plan to deal with the remaining one who refuses to obey first.——"

Before he finished speaking the word"God", suddenly, a thunderous roar came from the sky above his head. The thunderous roar directly interrupted Su Mo's words.

"O cunning son of the fool! Come and die as the price for snatching my opponent!"

"I will complete the interrupted battle and build a military feat of victory here!" An extremely majestic voice, accompanied by wind and thunder, swept across the entire island.


Erica looked in the direction of the voice with a puzzled look.

She was more surprised than the fact that there was a second disobedient god hiding on the island. She didn't know why there were fools rushing to die.

Was this... tired of living?

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