""Rin, why are you so irritable? How can you behave like that?" A middle-aged man's voice sounded gentle but slightly reproachful.

Looking at his daughter who ran out in her pajamas, Tohsaka Tokiomi shook his head.

"As the future heir of the Tohsaka family, you should remember to stay elegant at all times!"

""Yes, father!"

Faced with the majesty of her elders, the young Rin naturally did not dare to disobey.

But she also clearly noticed that when Tohsaka Tokiomi mentioned that the Tohsaka family was looking for an heir, the younger sister bowed her head even deeper.

As sisters, one was the future heir of the Tohsaka family, and the other was a burden to be sent away.

For a young child, such a comparison was too tragic.

After noticing this, Rin mustered up the courage to speak.

""Father, can you please not send Sakura away?"

Although she already had the insurance from Su Mo, she still wanted to give it one last try to change her father's mind.

As the heir of the Toosaka family, she understood the reason why Sakura had to be adopted out.

For individuals with extremely high magical talents, if they fail to get the help of the magic inheritance in time, they are likely to encounter extremely dangerous difficulties.

And she and her sister Sakura happen to be individuals with extremely high magical talents.

The inheritance of the Toosaka family can only protect one person, so in this case, adopting one out is the most appropriate choice.

If you consider this point, Toosaka Tokiomi's decision is also to protect Sakura's safety.

However, compared to separating from her sister and letting her go to a magic family with an unknown situation, Rin thinks another way may be better.

"Sakura and I can inherit the seal of the Toosaka family together. I've checked, and if we each take half, there won't be any problem!"

"So, can Sakura stay?"

After hearing what Rin said, Sakura, who had been looking down at the ground, looked up in surprise as she watched her sister struggling for her.

Then, together with her sister, she cast a vaguely expectant look at her father.

After hearing Rin's suggestion, facing the expectant looks of his two daughters, Tohsaka Tokiomi was not angry, but smiled slightly.

"As a father, I am very happy to see that you sisters have such a good relationship."

Hearing this, Rin and Sakura looked at each other with some excitement.

Could it be that their father was going to be convinced?

But before they could be happy for two seconds, Tohsaka Tokiomi changed the subject.

"However, Sakura's matter has been decided and cannot be changed."

This sentence made the two daughters' mood fall from heaven to hell.

Tōsaka Tokiomi seemed to have noticed this, so he shook his head helplessly and explained.

"Not to mention, the seals accumulated by the Tohsaka family to this day cannot be separated, which would be a stain on the family history."

"Even if you don't consider this, Rin, you have to learn to think from Sakura's perspective."


After hearing what Tohsaka Tokiomi said, Tohsaka Rin was stunned for a moment.

Are you sure you want to adopt Sakura out of consideration for her?

"Don't focus on the present, focus on the future."

Looking at his daughter's stunned look, Tohsaka Tokiomi shook his head.

"With your qualifications, you will definitely surpass me and become the most outstanding heir of the Tōsaka family. Your future can be said to be brilliant and colorful, and you may even be able to get close to our long-cherished wish as a magician - to get close to the root!"

When mentioning the root, Tōsaka Tokiomi's expression was extremely fascinated.

"In this case, are you willing to see Ying waste such precious talents and remain in obscurity?"

"The Matou family is also a famous family of magic, and their foundation is even stronger than our Tohsaka family. If Sakura can become the heir of the Matou family, then she will also embark on the path of magic and pursue the root like you!"

"So, don't worry about Sakura's future. Only by going to the Matou family can she maximize her talents. Even if it's for her own good, you can't deprive her of the right to happiness!"


Toosaka Rin was almost in a trance for a moment.

What's going on? Why is he talking like the villain?

After taking a deep breath, she looked at her father's face.

In contrast to Toosaka Aoi's expression, Toosaka Tokiomi's expression was a little reluctant, but more of expectation.

He sincerely believed that sending Sakura away was the way for him to be happy.

In Toosaka Tokiomi's opinion, being able to embark on the path of magic and pursue the root is the greatest happiness of being a magician. He is making plans for Sakura's future.

She couldn't convince her father on this point.

After being keenly aware of this, Toosaka Rin did not give up, but continued to question...

"What if the Matou family are all bad people, they don't like Sakura, and they treat Sakura badly?"

Isn't it worth worrying about sending such a young child there?

To this question, Tosaka Tokiomi gave a confident answer.

"Don't worry! Absolutely not!"

"Sakura's qualifications are so precious that even the Lord of the Clock Tower might be tempted by her. As long as the Matou family still has the most basic respect for the way of magic, as long as they still possess the basic ethics of a magician, they will never treat such an outstanding heir poorly!"

"You can be completely assured on this point!"

Tosaka Tokiomi has great respect for the Matou family, a famous family of magic that has been passed down for hundreds of years.

It is precisely because he knows the Matou family inside and out - at least that's what he thinks, that he wants to entrust his daughter to this trustworthy family of magic.


Lin was completely silent.

At this moment, she had deeply realized one thing.

That is, no matter whether she could ruin the adoption or not, her father and mother would not give up the idea of adopting Sakura out.

"elder sister……"

Sakura suddenly called out in a low voice.

Rin looked over immediately and saw Sakura shaking her head silently.

"I do not���"It's a problem."

She said in a very low voice.

Rin looked down and saw Sakura's slightly trembling fingers. She looked so scared, but was she okay?

"It's okay, trust me."

She immediately held Ying's hand, giving her sister confidence.

"I can definitely solve this problem!"


Hearing Rin's decisive tone and firm attitude, Sakura felt a surge of warmth in her heart.

Even though her parents had given up on her, her sister still hadn't given up on her.

As if grasping the last straw, she also held Rin's hand tightly.

At this moment, she heard her sister muttering very quietly.

"Even if I can't solve it, Master Su Mo will definitely be able to solve it!"


Master Su Mo, who is that?

When Sakura had a little doubt in her mind, Toosaka Rin had already asked for help in the chat group.

【Toosaka Rin:"Wuwuwu, Master Sumo, please save the child!" After being in the water group for so long, she has learned to act cute and ask for help without changing her expression.

At this moment, Sakura certainly couldn't imagine what this sister with a solemn and determined expression was actually doing.

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