The King of Swords, Salvatore Tony, as the leader of the Southern European Magic Society, is very well-known in the magic world.

However, unlike the Marquis of Vauban who is famous for his brutal rule, he is famous because he is too good at causing trouble.

Even among the godslayers who are at the level of natural disasters per capita, he is a husky with very personal characteristics.

If it can be said that the Marquis of Vauban used the blood and tears of everyone in the magic world to shape the majesty of the godslayers, then the King of Swords is the type that lowers the reputation of the godslayers. At first, the reason why Erica looked down on the godslayers and thought they were all idiots and that she could replace them was largely because of the King of Swords.

Once you have come into close contact with this guy, it is difficult for people to have any respect for him.

"Although I had guessed that this situation would happen, wasn't Lord Andre with him? Didn't he stop the Sword King?"

Erica asked a few more questions.

Andre was a great knight, and also the butler and close friend of the Sword King. With him around, this kind of problem shouldn't have happened.

"Lord Andre said that he failed to intercept, and the Sword King secretly jumped off the plane when he was not paying attention.

The members of the Magic Society were shocked and speechless.

Even if the God Slayer would not be injured by the power, a normal person would never think of jumping out of the plane suddenly.

"All right……"

Erica shook her head.

Even if Andre was a great knight, he couldn't jump out of the plane with me.

"At which location did the King of Swords jump down?"

"Just five kilometers away from Fiumicino Airport, the Sword King jumped out of the plane ten minutes ago. According to the speculation given by Sir Andre, he should be in the Roman waters, heading straight towards us."

The members of the association immediately gave all the information.

Although the straight line is the shortest distance between two points, the only one who can really walk in a straight line is probably this kind of iron-skinned God Slayer.

After asking for the information, Erica pondered for two seconds.

"With the speed of the Sword King, he should have reached the beach by now. You should evacuate the people near the airport immediately and control all the beaches along the coast. If you catch the Sword King, report immediately!"

After giving the order, she looked up at Su Mo.

Thinking of what Su Mo said before the association members reported, Erica's face was a little incredible.

"Lord Su Mo, the little trouble you just mentioned, could it be that you are referring to the King of Swords?"


Su Mo nodded.

【Xiao Yuan:"Big brother, this is considered as foresight?"】

"Not really, I just found the abnormal aura in advance."

Su Mo shook his head.

Although he did know some magic of divination and predicting the future, these magics were not very effective for him, so he did not study them in depth.

The reason why he was able to find the trace of Sword King Tony in advance was just passive aura detection.

【Xiaoyuan:"So that's how it is"】

【Toosaka Rin:"I checked and found that the distance between Lord Sumo and Fiumicino Airport is at least 25 kilometers."】

【Toosaka Rin:"In other words, Lord Su Mo noticed the movement twenty-five kilometers away in advance?"

Isn't this perception range a bit too outrageous?

【Kanae:"At this point, this kind of thing is no longer surprising."】

【Kanae:"After all, to Lord Su Mo, even a being of the level of a God Slayer is only a minor inconvenience."】

【Toosaka Rin:"That’s true."】

Seeing the people in the group's values being distorted, Erica, who was also one of them, didn't think it was strange.

"With the Sword King's style, it's hard to get away once he wants to duel. Master, what are your plans?"

After giving a reminder, Erica asked

"Of course I will go to see him."

Su Mo answered without hesitation.

At this time, Erica noticed that Su Mo's eyes seemed to be somewhat expectant.


Could it be that Lord Su Mo is also the type who is keen on fighting?

After suppressing this doubt, Erica asked about the auxiliary work on her side.

"Are we going to fight the Sword King? Do we need to prepare the venue in advance?"

"No need."

Su Mo shook his head and added

"But you can prepare an underground prison, which should be sturdy enough to hold ordinary mythical beasts."


Erica immediately obeyed the order, and then she realized something.

"My Lord, may I ask you a question, what is your intention in preparing this underground prison?"

""It's a test subject!"

Su Mo said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"There aren't many experimental subjects with divine power, and it's rare that one comes to you on his own, so you can't miss it."

You don't need to ask to know that the experimental subject Su Mo mentioned is the Sword King who foolishly sent himself to his own door.

"So that's it, I understand."

Erica suppressed her inner complaints and nodded vigorously.

It turned out that Su Mo's expectant look before was not for a battle, but for an experiment!

After Erica passed on Su Mo's order, Su Mo directly drew a Mercury symbol with his hand.

A space gate immediately opened in front of him.

On the other side of the space gate was the beach that Erica was very familiar with.

If you have a sharp eye, you can also see a head in the waves near the beach, which is flickering with the tide.

"That is, the Sword King?"

The strengthened Erica keenly discovered the other party.

At the same time, the blond man who was dragging his heavy steps towards the beach in the waves suddenly raised his head.

His extremely sharp eyes directly passed through the space door, skipped Erica, and locked firmly on Su Mo.

In the field of combat intuition, this Sword King seemed to be terribly strong.

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