Toosaka Rin naturally had no intention of changing the plan, so they went to the west building together and came to the living room of the Toosaka residence.

""Master Su Mo, can't father and the others see you?"

Su Mo was clearly walking in the front, and when he came to the center of the main hall, the two little ones followed behind him.

This level of presence should not be ignored.

But for some reason, both Tousaka Tokiomi and Matou Zouken just glanced in their direction, as if they didn't notice Su Mo at all, and continued their conversation.

After being surprised, Rin guessed that

"Could it be a hypnotic spell?"With the magic attainments of Tosaka Tokiomi and Matou Zouken, even ordinary Heroic Spirits may not be able to confuse their minds with their moves.

But Su Mo is a strong man above the gods. What ordinary Heroic Spirits cannot do is not a problem for him.

"No, it's just a simple cognitive barrier."

Su Mo shook his head.

"They can see me, just like they can see the sky above their heads, but it is precisely because of my strong presence that I am not easily discovered."

If a top-level Paladin was here, he might be able to see through the conceptual spells set up by Su Mo, but the two magicians present did not have such attainments.

In their opinion, Su Mo was like an elephant in the room. It was not that they could not see him, but even if they saw him, they could not form a specific cognition in their minds, as if he was justified in being everywhere.

"No wonder my father didn't react even when I spoke to you like this."

Rin sighed.

Even now, even though they clearly heard the conversation between her and Su Mo, neither Tohsaka Tokiomi nor Matou Zōken showed any concern, as if they hadn't heard it at all.

Such a terrible power was just a casual move by Su Mo.

Not long after, the conversation between Tohsaka Tokiomi and Matou Zōken came to an end.

"Sakura, from now on, you are no longer my daughter. You will completely abandon the surname of Toosaka and become the heir of the Matou family! In the future, you must not let your magical talent go to waste!"

Toosaka Tokiomi said this to his little daughter in a serious manner.

This sentence sounds extremely cruel, but in fact it is not completely without warmth.

If Sakura wants to become the heir of the Matou family, then she must not be too attached to the Toosaka family. The more ruthless he is at this moment, the more the head of the Matou family will be assured of Sakura, which will be beneficial to Sakura's future growth.

However, even so, it is still too difficult for her to expect a little girl to understand what is behind the cruel language.

At this moment, Sakura had only one thought in her mind.

——"Ah, as expected, my parents don’t want me anymore.

Although she knew she would be abandoned, she still held on to a small hope until this day.

Now, her fantasy was shattered and she was homeless.

She lowered her head slightly, like a kite with a broken string, without crying or making a fuss.

"I understand."

That was all she said in the end.

Anyway, no one would try to stop her.

Just as she was thinking this, the little girl with twin ponytails holding her hand suddenly tightened her sister's hand and for the first time showed an angry look to her father.

""Father, how can you say such a thing?!"

Rin roared like a lion.

She knew the meaning of what Tohsaka Tokiomi said, but she didn't think the damage it caused to Sakura could be equated with that illusory future.


Hearing his eldest daughter's voice, Tōsaka Tokiomi's body stiffened for a moment, but he still shook his head firmly.

"You are still too young. You will know when you grow up and become a real magician."

As a magician and as a father, he felt that he had made the best choice.

Rin wanted to say something, but she noticed that her sister held her hand tightly.


Ying shook her head silently, telling her not to argue anymore.

Rin also realized that she couldn't convince her father, and after a few seconds of silence, she gave up the argument.

""Father is such a stubborn old man!"

She finally complained in a sullen voice.

Then, a dry laugh like the sound of insects rang out.

"Haha! What a deep sisterly love!"

Matou Zouken, with an extremely sinister expression, looked at the two children in front of him with eyes that looked like precious treasures. Then, he showed a smile of great expectation.

"Since the adoption has been agreed upon, then Sakura Tousaka, no! It should be Sakura Matou, you should come with me to your new home!"

Deliberately using words to hurt the child in front of him, after seeing the other's eyes dimmed again, Matou Zouken turned and left, seemingly not worried that Sakura would not catch up.

In fact, after hesitating for a few seconds, Sakura did take a step to follow. However

, before she took a step, she was grabbed by the back of the neck by a large and warm hand, and was lifted up like a kitten.

She looked up and saw that it was Su Mo who lifted her back.

Before she could post a message, Lin started to complain.

"Are you stupid? He asked you to leave, so you really left?" Why is this sister so troublesome?

Is it because she was abandoned by her father that she was heartbroken and began to give up on herself?

Thinking of this, Rin couldn't help but feel sorry for this sister.

If she had known that her father would say this, she should have put laxatives in his tea.

However, what Rin didn't expect was that after hearing her question, Sakura just blinked and asked back

"Didn't my sister say that we should follow this old man?"

How can I follow him if I don't follow him myself?

"" Huh?"

Rin was a little stunned.

She still has the mind to think about this, it seems that her sister is in good condition?

In fact, facing the declaration of severing relations with her biological father, Sakura could not help but be sad, but at present, she has not reached the state of"no sorrow is greater than the death of the heart" as in the original work.

The key factor lies in the attitude of never giving up shown by Rin with the support of Su Mo.

For Sakura, those are two life-saving straws.

For humans, as long as there is hope, as long as there is the last life-saving straw, she will not give up, just like Sakura now.

Therefore, she tried her best to restrain her fear of Matou Zouken, follow him, and cooperate with her sister and Lord Su Mo's unknown plan.

After understanding Sakura's thoughts, Su Mo shook his head.

"You don't have to take the risk yourself. I have already arranged a replacement."

Hearing what he said, Sakura looked in the direction of Matou Zouken in confusion.

Then, she saw a scarecrow that looked extremely crudely made, huffing and puffing behind the sinister old man, like a naughty child.

Noticing her gaze, the scarecrow suddenly turned around and gave her a terrifying smile.

What was even more terrifying was that whether it was Tohsaka Tokiomi's gaze, or Tohsaka Aoi's gaze in the second-floor window, or the corner of Matou Zouken's eyes, they were all projected on the scarecrow. It was as if the extremely simple and extremely weird scarecrow was the real Sakura.

For a moment, Sakura trembled slightly, as if her existence was weirdly deprived.

Fortunately, Su Mo gave an explanation in time.

"Don't worry, that's a substitute created using the Ugly Hour worship ritual. It's mainly for your safety, and by the way, you can also see what the Matou family is planning to do."

"Don't be afraid! Master Su Mo and I can see you!"

Rin also noticed Sakura's uneasiness and held her hand again.

At the same time, feeling the attention of Su Mo and her sister, Sakura was completely relieved.

"Yes! I believe in my sister, and Master Su Mo!"

Anyway, the others have nothing to do with me. As long as my sister and Master Su Mo still remember me, it doesn't matter.

Seeing that Matou Zouken left with his scarecrow substitute without noticing anything, Su Mo and others immediately followed.

Soon, they arrived at a Japanese-style courtyard - the Matou residence.

Looking at this vast courtyard located in the city center, after the resentment towards her father dissipated a little, Rin remembered her plan and began to restore her father's image in Sakura's heart.

"Actually, although my father is stubborn, he still likes Sakura very much. He said that before only out of helplessness. Although the old man of the Matou family is ugly, the conditions of the Matou family are still very good. It must be the result of my father's careful selection."

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