
A clear voice sounded.

The young man's eyes finally fell on Matou Zouken.


A huge pressure came, causing Matou Zouken to fall directly to the ground.

The heavy pressure, the unimaginable pressure almost crushed his entire body.

The body made entirely of insects spread out on the ground like plasticine. These insects were also restrained by the strong pressure and fell to the ground and could not fly at all. The sharp mouthparts kept making a dying buzzing sound.


Matou Zouken was shocked.

He could not see any trace of magic flow, nor did he hear the spell chanted by the other party, and he could not even understand that the other party had any signs of actively attacking.

Just with that one look, he was pressed to the ground, without any room for resistance.

This was obviously his base camp and the magic workshop where he received the most support. He even had the confidence to fight with the servants here, but the other party's casual look completely destroyed his confidence and made him deeply understand one thing.

The person in front of him must not be an enemy.

At this time, the other party's voice came late.

"Are you talking to me?"

Hearing this question, Matou Zouken immediately changed his previous threatening attitude and began to become humble.

"May I ask what orders the Lord has for me? I will do my best."

It is impossible for a human magician to have this level of oppression, and the gods have disappeared for a long time.

Matou Zouken was not sure about Su Mo's identity, but he had a very accurate grasp of his position.

In any case, he had to save his life first.

But there was someone at the scene who didn't want him to save his life.

"Old bug! Lord Su Mo is here to kill you!"

After a cold snort, Toosaka Rin glanced at Su Mo's expression, and seeing that he did not object, she threw a gem directly at him.


The blazing flames exploded. Although it was only at the level of an average magician, it was enough to cause damage to Matou Zouken who was completely defenseless.

The blazing flames burned half of Matou Zouken's body, but only caused serious injuries. The remaining insects were able to maintain basic life.

"Lord Su Mo?——"

Holding back the intense pain, Matou Zouken had never thought of the existence of this god's name.

Just as he was about to ask something, he heard——


After running out of gems, Toosaka Rin started to cast fireballs, apparently intending to burn him to death.

"It's useless!"

Matou Zouken suddenly showed a twisted and ferocious smile.

This smile didn't last for two seconds before it was interrupted by Su Mo's words.

"This is just a bug clone."


Lin was stunned and began to worry.

If this was a clone, then the real body……


Seeing that his greatest support was exposed, Matou Zōken let out a low laugh.

"It's too late. My real body has already left Fuyuki City. You can't catch me."

He was an expert at saving his life and escaping.

But what surprised him was that when he heard this, Toosaka Rin didn't show much anxiety on her face.

On the contrary, she withdrew her hand and looked at Su Mo in front of her with admiration and trust.

"Since Lord Su Mo said so, are you planning to take action?"

No matter how many life-saving measures the other party has, it is impossible to be stronger than a god, so Lin does not think this will be an obstacle, on the contrary, she thinks it is a good thing.

If she is asked to kill, she is really worried that she will not be able to kill them all.

In response to Lin's question, Su Mo smiled and shook his head

"No, he had already made his move."

In front of Matou Zouken, who suddenly changed color, and Toosaka Rin, who was full of doubt, Su Mo moved his gaze to the center of the insect warehouse not far away and directly solved the mystery.

"The main effect of the Chou Hour worship ritual is not simulation, but curse."

"And good curses often point directly at the soul."

Just like the traditional witchcraft of stabbing a villain, this is a spell that can be effective regardless of the distance.

Matou Zouken, who has lived in this island country for many years, has naturally heard of this spell. Thinking of the effect of this spell, his soul trembled completely.

It was at this moment that the scarecrow in the insect warehouse glowed slightly, and its image turned into a piece of steaming live meat.

The insects in the entire insect warehouse were aroused and immediately rushed into the scarecrow, constantly gnawing at its blood vessels and muscles, and gnawing out one channel after another inside, and thousands of insects rushed.

At the same time, dozens of kilometers away, in the forest of Fuyuki City

""Ah~ Uh uh!"

A huge, scarlet-glowing zodiac worm suddenly fell to the ground, dozens of legs and feet began to twitch violently, and the body began to twist and roll at an angle that was not allowed by physical properties, as if it had suffered some unbearable pain.

At the Matou residence, Su Mo had already taken the two little girls out of the basement.

It was only natural that the zodiac worm would be eaten by thousands of zodiac worms.

But the scene of thousands of zodiac worms eating their hearts was too early for children of their age.


A few minutes later, in the library of the Matou family

""Master Su Mo, I found some information about summoning heroic spirits!"

Lin, who had been searching the collection for a long time, suddenly cheered and handed over a well-maintained papyrus book with both hands.

"I, I found some too."

Following closely behind was Sakura, who seemed a little unsure.

"But this doesn't seem to be the information of the Matou family. The emblem above seems to be that of the Einzbern family."

"Thank you, just leave it here."

Su Mo put down the development data of the Command Spell in his hand and glanced at the results of the two people's search.

"No problem, the Heroic Spirit Summoning is a ritual that the three families studied together, and the information about the Einzbern family is also very important."

Hearing Su Mo say this, Ying's eyes lit up slightly.

Fortunately, I helped.

Rin didn't care about such a small matter at all. She looked at the information that Su Mo had sorted out curiously and asked

""Master Su Mo, what do you want this information for? Do you also want to participate in the Holy Grail War?"

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