In Zoroastrianism, which is based on the dualism of good and evil, the counterpart of Ahura Mazda, the supreme god of good, is Angra Mainyu, the supreme god of evil.

Of course, all the evil in this world is not the evil god himself.

It is impossible for gods to be summoned by this ritual.

If gods want to appear, they must either downgrade their spiritual base to the level of heroic spirits, or simply summon other individuals with the same name.

This is the case with the evil of this world.

He was originally just an ordinary villager in Persia. He was slaughtered as the incarnation of evil in this world because he was regarded as a substitute for the evil god Angra Mainyu by the villagers, and finally turned into a ghost.

Finally, in the third Holy Grail War, he was summoned by the Einzbern family in violation of regulations.

Because of his essence as a heroic spirit, it is the collective wish of everyone-hoping that he can bear all the evil.

Therefore, the Greater Holy Grail, which has the mechanism of accepting wishes, was contaminated by this collective wish and became the Black Holy Grail that can only distort wishes.

If Su Mo had not come to investigate, no one would have known that the Holy Grail had been contaminated.

Now, looking at the black mud crawling and wriggling inside the Holy Grail, how could Altria not know that Su Mo was telling the truth.

When she heard Su Mo read out the name of the god, she opened her eyes wide in surprise, and then her whole body became extremely alert.

Even though she had the heart of a red dragon and held a star-made holy sword, she did not dare to imagine the possibility of being an enemy of the gods.

Not to mention, the name Su Mo called was not an ordinary god, but the Supreme Evil God.


After Su Mo's words fell, accompanied by a rustling sound, the black mud not far away began to wriggle continuously, and finally formed a human-like shape.

"Who are you?"

As if he hadn't spoken for a long time, the human body made of black mud opened a mouth-like organ and stared at Su Mo.

"Do you know this flame?"

Su Mo did not answer the other party's question directly, but threw a small flame over.

Facing this scorching flame, the evil of this world, or Angora Mainyu, did not dodge and let it fall on him.


Like dry wood and raging fire, the flames instantly burned a huge hole in the black mud's body, and then burned more and more vigorously, as if it was going to spread out completely.

The original black mud, after burning, returned to colorless and intangible magic.

Faced with such a flame, all the black mud in the Holy Grail became restless and began to rush towards the location of the flame one after another. It took the evil of this world dozens of seconds to extinguish a mere wisp of flame.

While extinguishing the flame, Angora Mainyu did not care about the burn marks on his body at all, but stared at Su Mo with an extremely shocked look.

"The purifying flame of the sun... Are you Mithra, the god of light and contract?"

Although he was just an ordinary villager before his death, after becoming a heroic spirit and absorbing the evil of this world, he has acquired quite a lot of knowledge.

Although it is not systematic, he still recognizes the source of this flame, which must come from the good god of Zoroastrianism.

"No. Although it is Mithra's flame, I am not its original body, I just possess the godhood of Veleslana."

Su Mo shook his head and said without hiding anything.

"You can understand it as a fake like you."

The white horse incarnation of the power of Veleslana carries the power of the sun's fire.

This fire is actually a gift from Mithra, the god of Veleslana, so it's not surprising that it would be mistaken.

"Possessing godhood?"

After hearing this, the Evil of This World was completely boiling, and completely ignored the words of the"fake" afterwards.

In the cognition of most people, holding godhood is equivalent to admitting that one is the god himself?

Not to mention the Evil of This World, even Altria had the same reaction when she heard this.

In shock, she instantly understood why the magic power in her body was so full, even several times more abundant than her heyday.

If it was a god who provided her with magic support, it would not be surprising.

It is worth mentioning that after hearing this, except for Rin who already knew the truth, Sakura was not too surprised.

Maybe it was because in her eyes, Su Mo, who fell from the sky and saved her from a tragic fate, was no different from a god, right?

On the other side, after"confirming" that Su Mo was a god, all the black mud rioted at the same time.

The black mud, which was wrapped in the magic power accumulated by the Holy Grail for sixty years, was manipulated by the evil of this world and all merged together to form a black giant tens of meters high in the dark cave. The giant, as big as a mountain range, exudes astonishing malice and curses.

Even Altria felt a little overwhelmed by the enormous magic power. No matter how powerful the firepower of the Sword of Promised Victory is, it cannot cope with this massive magic power comparable to that of a god.

But if the Holy Sword of the Star is used, many conditions do not meet.

Just as she was worried, this black giant made of black mud suddenly laughed crazily, shaking the entire cave.

"Hehe, hahahaha! Hahahaha! The divine body that we mortals worship, we finally see you!"

"Bahram, the great god who controls victory, royal power, and aura, and is praised by Asht, please listen to our prayers."


Veleslana's name in Persian is Bahram. For the evil in this world, this name is the name of God that he is more familiar with.

After a brief pause, the black giant roared at Su Mo and asked:

"Who admits it?"

"Who allowed it?"

"Who bears the sin?"

As the incarnation of the source of evil, he actually asked such a question. His awareness as a god is obviously not enough.

However, he was just a fake. Although he has a lot of magic power, his spiritual level is only at the level of a demon. Considering his experience, it is normal for him to have such pain and doubts....

In response to this question, Su Mo gave an answer that was definitely not divine.

"People come to admit, people come to allow, people come to bear the guilt."

The other party obviously couldn't understand what Su Mo meant. Not only that, he was also deeply stimulated by Su Mo's words.

"People are here to bear the sins? Hahaha, as expected, in the eyes of the great god Bahram, we are also the incarnation of unforgivable evil, the demons who should bear all the sins?"

Thinking of his own experience, he only felt ironic.

He was identified as the incarnation of evil by humans, and was sent to the execution ground by humans.

If even the gods have the same attitude - the black giant clenched his fists, ready to give the gods a rebellious blow.

Just as he was about to take action, a golden giant sword tens of meters long pierced through the body of the evil of this world, locking the black mud to the ground. Just as he was about to struggle, the man with black hair and black eyes had flown in front of the giant's head at some point.

The scorching sun wheel appeared behind him, and the supreme divinity directly suppressed the curse in the evil of this world, and also suppressed the possible resistance of the evil of this world.

Facing the eyes of the incarnation of the evil of this world in front of him, Su Mo slowly spoke after completing the subduing.



The Evil of This World was slightly stunned and could not react.

"I said, you are not Angra Mainyu, nor are you the pure embodiment of evil."

Faced with the most depraved black mud and the most terrible curse, the young man in front of him said this.

"In the name of Bahram, the god of Zoroastrianism, I admit that your nature contains enough goodness. The curse you bear is not your own sin, but the manifestation of the sins of others."


The black giant stood still, the evil of this world trembled 4.5, and the will of the ordinary Persian youth deep in his soul finally emerged.

As a victim of Zoroastrianism, he is also a believer of Zoroastrianism.

But he never knew why he had such an experience, why he had to bear so many sins, and even began to doubt himself.

At this moment, Lord Bahram, the god of good, appeared in person and admitted that all these sins were not caused by him, he was innocent, and those villagers were the embodiment of evil, they were the evil of this world!

There is no need for any other gifts. For believers who have suffered injustice, the recognition and approval from God is more precious than any gift, and can move people's hearts more.


The black giant's eyes turned from hatred to incomparable fanaticism when he looked at Su Mo.

Noticing this change, Su Mo spread out his right hand.

"This kind thought, good words, and good deeds are as bright as sunlight and as thin as a knife blade.

Driven by the sacred words, a lightsaber burning with golden flames appeared in Su Mo's palm.

"You are in pain, it's over now."

The moment the words fell, the golden sunlight tore through the darkness and cut off all the malice.

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