The research on the Holy Grail did not last long.

"It is worthy of being the limited edition of the third method. This level of soul materialization is not even considered mastery."

After the study, Su Mo was a little disappointed.

Although he did not fail to gain anything, it was far from what he expected.

In general, the Winter Saint's mastery of the third method, soul materialization, is probably only instinctive.

Here, it is not to praise her for her instinctive mastery of soul materialization, but to say that she has no systematic research or knowledge of soul materialization, and can only use it instinctively like a beast waving its claws.

Such instincts cannot be said to be useless, but they can never be improved by summarizing experience.

No wonder the disciples of the third magician gave up this rare creation.

The Winter Saint is like a black box that cannot be analyzed at all. There is no growth potential. The output power of the body is also pitifully low, which is equivalent to having no future.

It is difficult to see hope if we continue researching on this path.

The same is true for the structure of the Holy Grail in front of him. After research, Su Mo discovered that the structure here is simply the product of the materialization of the soul, and there is no knowledge related to the manufacturing product.

Relying on the wreckage of the Holy Grail is not enough to reversely deduce the complete third law.

According to Su Mo's speculation, if he wants to master the complete third law that satisfies him, it is likely that he can only go to the source in person.

The lack of critical information means that even if Su Mo's comprehension is high, so that he can reversely deduce and complete most of the information, it is still impossible for him to directly realize and ascend.

Otherwise, he doesn't need to look for the Holy Grail. He can just find a servant or even realize the third law by just sitting and dreaming.

"However, I have learned a lot about the interference with the spirit core."

Thinking of this, Su Mo was quite satisfied.

The effect of the third method of soul materialization can be simply understood as using the immortal soul as a template to shape a corresponding body.

But in fact, both the soul and the body are not such simple concepts.

The so-called soul is said to have three souls and seven spirits in the Far East, and one spirit and four souls in the Extreme East. Although it is generally believed in the West that the soul is given by God, it is also divided into different levels in the internal field of mysticism.

For example, according to the human energy field, there are seven levels: etheric body, emotional body, mental body, astral body, etheric template body, celestial body, and causal body.

Therefore, to study the materialization of the soul, we have to study what the soul is and which part of the soul is materialized.

Among them, the existence of the servant itself is the product of the degraded version of the third method. The reason why it is called a degraded version is that the servants themselves still need the magic power supplied by the Master, which obviously does not meet the definition of infinite magic power.

And the reason why it is related to the Third Law is that the servants have indeed achieved the result of materializing the spirits on the Throne of Heroes into the world.

Just as the godhead determines the basic structure and power of the gods, the soul core also determines the basic structure and power of the servants.

As for the core part of the Third Law, that is, how to package the mythical consulting body into the godhead, and how to package the consulting on the realm record belt into the servant's soul core, Su Mo has not yet obtained enough information.

However, in the field of how to interfere with the soul core and even the godhead, so as to change the structure and power of the servants and gods, Su Mo, who has already done some research, has made some progress again through studying the Holy Grail.

For example——

"Saber, come here for a moment, let me see your spiritual base~ˇ "

After gaining enough insights, Su Mo plans to conduct some practical exercises.


The King of Daimao was stunned.

What did the Master want to see?

"Don't worry, just stand still."

Su Mo directly took control and pressed down on the top of Altria's head.

"Yes! Master!"

Although she didn't understand what Su Mo was going to do, out of trust in her Master, Altria didn't resist. She stood there obediently, waiting for Su Mo's inspection.

"Isn't it a traditional servant's structure... But it doesn't matter, this spirit base can still be expanded."

After checking, Su Mo remembered that the King of Saber in front of him was different from those dead servants. She became a Heroic Spirit when she was alive.

Although Artoria in this state also has a spirit core, she is not the type of servant that is completely determined by the spirit core like other servants.

The structure of ordinary servants is similar to that of the God of Disobedience, but the structure of King of Saber is similar to that of the God Slayer, which is similar to the structure of a living god.

Therefore, the transformation of its spirit core is a little more complicated.

Fortunately, Su Mo has experimented on himself many times and has personally studied the impact of the structure of the godhead on the body. This difficulty is nothing for him.

Half a minute later, feeling the power in her body increased several times again, Artoria opened her eyes wide in shock.

"Master, why has my physical limit increased so much? It is several times stronger than the strongest time before!"

She has the heart of a red dragon, and her physique is stronger than that of ordinary servants. With the blessing of Su Mo's magic, her strength has already reached the A+ level, and her agility and magic power have also doubled.

Even among the three knights, this is a very excellent level.

But now, with Su Mo's further strengthening, her strength in all aspects has been greatly improved again.

She even suspected that her physical data has now reached the EX level, and the magic power provided by Su Mo is inexhaustible.

It only took a few dozen seconds of modification to increase her strength to this level?

Is this the power of the Lord God?

Facing Altria's shock, Su Mo was not surprised.

"¨. You originally have the blood of a red dragon, and you have the potential to be promoted to this level. Besides, it's just the physique of a divine beast. You may not be able to beat a wild boar based on your physical fitness alone."

Even after Su Mo's adjustment of her spiritual power, not counting the Holy Sword of Stars, Altria's strength level still remains at the level of a second-level paladin.

However, she used to have a hard time keeping up with the physical fitness of a divine beast, but now she has the physical fitness of an ordinary divine beast.

If the power of the Sword of Promised Victory is added, ordinary divine beasts will no longer be a threat to her, and even the God of Disobedience can be restrained head-on.

This is still the state without Su Mo's blessing.

It has to be said that she does have great potential in combat.

After expanding Altria's spiritual base to its current limit, Su Mo remembered that she seemed to be missing another piece of weapon.

"Avalon is not in your hands now?"

The scabbard Avalon, which can be compared with the Holy Sword of the Stars and cannot be interfered with by the five major magics, can be said to be another exclusive plug-in for Altria.

In the myth, if she had not lost the scabbard, I am afraid that the final outcome of Gladiolus Hill would be that she slaughtered all the rebels alone (Zhao Zhao).

Among the many mythological weapons, this treasure is also the most special type.

At least, ordinary concept spiritual equipment cannot simulate the exact same effect as it.

""Sorry, Master, I have lost the scabbard."

When she mentioned this, the hair on Altria's head drooped a little.

The loss of the scabbard could be said to be one of the key turning points in her life.

"It's okay, if you lose it, you can just find it again."

Su Mo shook his head calmly.

It's not easy to come here once, he will not give up this key prop.

As far as he knows, the scabbard Avalon should be preserved intact in the world, and it only takes a little search to find it.

Now, Altria has become his knight, and her scabbard is naturally Su Mo's scabbard.

With this alone, Su Mo can establish a spiritual connection and find Avalon's true body.

And soon, Su Mo confirmed the location of Avalon's body.


On the other side of the world, in Central Europe, in the forests of Germany?".

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