The simulated godhood that Su Mo now possesses is mainly based on the power obtained from Vulcan's authority, so it is mainly suitable for weapons in nature, and is not very suitable for creating gods.

Guinevere's pseudo-god manifestation method is different. She can create a phantom of a god with only power to protect herself.

This is the self-defense technique she possesses as the creator of the Magic Holy Grail, and it is also the wisdom she retained when she was the Earth Mother Goddess.

The combat power of the simulated god is not important. What is important is that this technology has achieved the deduction of the simulated godhood to the god itself.

If this technique can be mastered, coupled with the simulated god outfit that Su Mo has already mastered, Su Mo will be able to fully master the power of simulated godhood and complete the comprehensive mastery from gods to artifacts.

If this can be achieved, the power of Su Mo's mythological techniques will be greatly increased.

The previous mythological techniques could only be constructed based on the godhood obtained by Su Mo, but the subsequent mythological techniques can be constructed based on the simulated godhood that has not been mastered.

Whether in terms of the effect of the technique or the degree of flexible adjustment, there will be a great improvement

"God Slayer... Lord Su Mo is very interested in the technique of false god manifestation?"

Guinevere also keenly noticed this.

She was originally desperate, but suddenly she had a new idea.

"If I offer this skill to you, will you agree to let us go?"

She asked tentatively.

At this time, she had not given up on taking Lancelot away.

Hearing this, Lancelot shook his head, thinking that Guinevere was still too immature to bargain with the King of Rakshasa.

When talking to a superior, sometimes it is more convenient to be straightforward.

She immediately said

"I don't need to. As a loser, there is no reason for me to run away.

After refusing, she looked at Su Mo and asked bluntly:

"Rakshasa King, what do you think of this deal?"

"Guinevere is not the God of Disobedience, and she is too weak for you, so there is no point in killing her."

Hearing her say this, Guinevere felt a little disappointed at first, but she also understood that the God Slayer would not spit out the meat in his mouth.

Then, she looked at Su Mo with a little expectation, hoping that he would agree to this request.

Unfortunately ,

"Of course not."

Su Mo shook his head and refused

"Why should I bargain with my spoils?"

Now that the prisoners have been captured, don't you think it's too late to negotiate terms?

"If you don't agree, I will never tell you this trick!"

Guinevere spoke immediately.

With her magic attainments, as long as she didn't want to speak, no one could pry her mouth open.

"You seem a little overconfident."

Su Mo calmly ignored Guinevere's words.

"If it's just dealing with the spoils, I don't need your consent. Needless to say, this isn't a very difficult technique."

It's just an extra layer of the mechanism for the manifestation of the Godhead. Su Mo can figure it out on his own.

It's just that there's no need to go through so much trouble right now.


It's not a difficult skill?

If she hadn't mastered this skill through the inherited memory of the Earth Mother Goddess when she was reincarnated, Guinevere would have almost believed it.

How could the wisdom of the Earth Mother Goddess over thousands of years be simple!

The negotiation failed, and Guinevere suspected that the other party was bluffing, but she had no evidence.

Su Mo naturally didn't need to care about their thoughts, and directly opened the space channel leading to the netherworld.


"Good morning, my dear child!"

As soon as he entered, Pandora gave him a bear hug, and then looked at Lancelot who was following Su Mo with sleepy eyes.

"Only one?"

Now, she was completely accustomed to Su Mo's frequent visits and mass killings of gods.

Rather, she was still a little uncomfortable seeing that he only killed one disobedient god this time.

"Yes, only one."

Su Mo nodded.

After the physical contact, he no longer rejected Pandora and walked directly to the middle with the goddess.

"Lend me the Disk of Usurpation"

"Well, OK!"

Pandora handed her most precious artifact to Su Mo in a daze.

It was not until Su Mo took out the world-saving sword that Pandora, as the Earth Mother, instinctively felt a huge threat that she was awakened.

"The Savior Sword?! Where are you from, little Su Mo?"

As a member of the gods, she naturally knows more about the Last King.

"Defeat her as a trophy."

Su Mo answered every question.

"Eh? This aura, damned Steel Hero God? She's actually a girl?"

Pandora realized the special nature of Lancelot's godhood.

Then, she also noticed Guinevere following behind.

""Oh~ I was wondering what was going on, it turned out to be the rebellion of the Earth Mother Goddess clan, that abominable Steel maid!"

The moment she recognized Guinevere, Pandora narrowed her eyes slightly, her expression became a little unfriendly, and her tone was rarely dissatisfied.

She has always been very careful to maintain her image in front of Su Mo, but only at this time, she could not hide her hostility.

This is no wonder, as the creator and mother of the God Slayer, her position is naturally consistent with the God Slayer. The

Last King is the tool used by the gods to clean up the God Slayer.

In other words, for thousands of years, all the God Slayers that Pandora reincarnated were killed by the Last King.

Even those God Slayers who have not been killed now are very likely to be killed by the Last King in the future.

Even if we don't take into account the Steel Clan and the Earth Mother Goddess, The grudges between the clans, and the outright enemies between Pandora and the Last King.

As a god-ancestor subordinate to the Last King, Guinevere naturally did not receive a favorable response from Pandora.

Not to mention, Guinevere was originally in the camp of the Earth Mother Goddess, but later betrayed and wanted to follow the Last King.

This kind of god-ancestor who ignored the tragic experience of the Earth Mother Goddess and only wanted to beg for mercy from the Steel Hero God was naturally looked down upon by Pandora.

It was because Pandora had a good temper, otherwise, if the radical Athena was here, she would have attacked Guinevere and beheaded this traitor.

Facing Pandora's sarcasm, Guinevere bowed and saluted, but her expression remained respectful.

"Lady Pandora, as the Earth Mother, it is our family's long-cherished wish to resist the Hero of Steel. But if we lose to the Hero of Steel, isn't it only natural that we should submit to the winner and recognize him as our master?"

"Do you think I should abandon the etiquette of battle and become a rogue who refuses to admit defeat?"

No matter how the battle between the Hero God of Steel and the Mother Goddess of Earth is fought, the consensus on the etiquette of battle is the same.

""Hmph! You are so sharp-tongued!"

Pandora pouted unhappily and turned her head away, not wanting to talk to this traitor.

Seeing that Su Mo was holding the Savior Sword, the Ring of Usurpation, the Sword of Promised Victory and other artifacts, as if trying something, she pulled Su Mo's sleeve and asked curiously,

"My dearest child, what are you doing?"

"Create the Sword of the Original】"

Su Mo explained his previous statement again and added some details.

"The Savior Sword symbolizes the most aggressive side of the Steel Hero God. It represents an extremely sharp blade, lightning-like high temperature, and can also extract the essence of the earth. It can be said to be the mortal enemy of the earth."

"The Usurpation Ring symbolizes the plundering side of the Steel Hero God, which means that the Steel Hero God can seize the enemy's power through fighting and make the enemy his own subordinate."

"The Sword of Promised Victory and the Protection of Steel correspond to the other two parts of the Source of Steel, plus King Arthur's divinity.……"

【The idea of constructing the Sword of the Gods is not difficult.

All you need to do is to fully extract the representative concept of the Hero God of Steel and construct it into a complete spell.

Steel is born from the earth, burned into shape by fire, fueled by wind, and finally quenched by water to form a sharp sword..........

The typical image of the Steel Hero God is a hero holding fire, holding a sword, stepping on the ground, and slaying dragons and snakes.

At present, Su Mo has several divine tools and divine natures, which are the power closest to the source of steel. He only needs to integrate the power of these divine nature weapons through mythological techniques to obtain a mythological technique similar to the [Sword of Victory].——【

Su Mo explained the principle in great detail. As the Earth Goddess who hated steel the most, Pandora did not fully understand the implementation details, but she roughly understood the principle.

"In other words, you want to obtain all the characteristics of the Hero God of Steel by creating the [Sword of the Original]?"

Pandora asked.

"That's right."

Su Mo nodded.

"Then you won't need the Ring of Usurpation to obtain the power of God anymore?"

Pandora's eyes widened.

"In this case, wouldn't the greatest role of a mother disappear?"Wow, mom, I don't want to be abandoned. I finally have a caring child. I don't want to be alone for the rest of my life!" With a strange way of thinking, she immediately thought of what it would be like to be an empty nester in the future, and began to hug Su Mo's thighs and howl.


Altria was no longer surprised to see this scene.

Guinevere, however, was amazed.

She secretly complained in her heart,"You yourself do not take the dignity of the Earth Mother Goddess seriously, what qualifications do you have to blame me?

At least, she has never been a spoiled child.

After all, she has not seen the Last King yet.

Pandora's worries came and went quickly. When Su Mo reminded her that they would definitely meet often even for Sakura's magic training, she immediately returned to normal.

"Ahem! In that case, let's start with this Hero of Steel! I'll activate the Disk of Usurpation to show you how to do it. You just need to adjust the effect of the spell."


Su Mo did not reject Pandora's kindness.

He was already very familiar with the Ring of Usurpation, and he could easily create a replica by simulating the divine nature.

However, the Sword of Original Art was designed to combine multiple divine natures, and with the amplification of the remains of the World-Saving Divine Sword, it still required careful control to get the desired results.

With Pandora's example, the adjustment speed would definitely be much faster.

After getting ready, Su Mo held the platinum-colored long blade and chanted the words to awaken the [Sword of Original Art].

"Steel destroys evil and reveals righteousness."

With the blessing of the Word Spirit, the platinum-colored long blade glowed with white light.

Then, the power of [Sword of Originality] was automatically adjusted, 3.5 with"Simulated Godhead·Ring of Usurpation" as the core, adjusting the nature of the Steel Source to Holy Plunder.

After realizing that the plundering attribute was adjusted to the best, Su Mo raised his sword and directly pierced Lancelot's heart with the long blade forged by [Sword of Originality]. The godhead of the God of Disobedience was instantly penetrated, and then it was plundered and absorbed bit by bit along the long blade of the Savior Sword, and all of it was superimposed on Su Mo's body.

Without using the Ring of Usurpation and activating the Pandora Dark Festival, Su Mo only used [Sword of Originality] to obtain the complete godhead of the God of Disobedience.


Guinevere showed a sad look as she watched Lancelot disappear completely.

The last person who could support her left just like that.

Just as she was lamenting that she would also leave soon, something strange happened.

After the power was completely absorbed, the effect of the [Sword Original] technique still did not stop, and the platinum blade was still glowing.

After a few seconds, Su Mo felt the cursed power in his body rolling back, but he did not stop it.

The gushing cursed power turned into light spots, began to condense bit by bit, and finally condensed into the body of a female military god.

As if time was going back, in front of Su Mo, Lancelot, who had already turned into a light spot and disappeared, suddenly reappeared in front of everyone.


Pandora was stunned.

"No, it worked." Su Mo shook his head with a satisfied look.


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