Facing Jibril's fishing, the innocent Madoka and Toosaka Rin immediately took the bait.

【Madoka:"The Dimension Chat Group is a place for people from different worlds to chat!"】.

【Toosaka Rin:"Not only that, the chat group also has a shopping mall function. As long as you have enough points, you can buy some amazing products!"】

【Toosaka Rin:"Although everyone's power can be used, here, I still recommend Master Su Mo's products first."】

【Xiao Yuan:"That's right, anything produced by Master Su Mo must be a top quality product."】

After hearing the two's enthusiastic popular science, Jibril immediately found the mall interface, and then saw a dazzling array of various products.

Originally, she didn't quite trust what they said, thinking that they might be Su Mo's agents.

But after checking the mall interface, she immediately understood that there should be nothing wrong with the two's recommendations.

Because the most contributed and highest-priced products in the mall were basically all bought by Su Mo.

In such a monopoly environment, there is no competition at all.

In addition, the more important point is that although she doesn't know much about those products, she can tell something from the names.

《Divine Fusion Techniques》、《Mythology ritual construction foundation》、《Power Disassembly Guide》……

All of these products are related to the power of God!

In Jibril's world, God is the strongest race.

Although there is no such title as God's species at this time, the power of God is still unquestionable. Even if Artosh is not considered the strongest in the world, even the weakest God's species is much stronger than their individual Skywing species. Except for the Dragon Spirit species, there are almost no races that are qualified to be compared with the God's species.

Based on this impression, the existence of being able to study the power of God is naturally the highest.

Even though Jibril now has not yet realized the true meaning of knowledge is power, out of respect for the Lord God, she has to care about Su Mo who can analyze his power.

"I didn't expect to find a power related to God or even beyond God so soon!"

Jibril's eyes became more and more fiery as he looked along the product introduction column.

"Hehehe~ If these powers are real, doesn’t it mean that I can gain the power to kill gods with the help of these products?"

"If that's the case, wouldn't Azriel come over and lick my feet? Even Senior Raphael will look up to me, right?"

The Flügel are the only race besides the Old Gods that can achieve the miracle of killing gods.

However, in order to achieve this miracle, the Flügel at that time almost lost two teams of individuals and paid a huge price.

Most of the earliest Flügel elites died, and even Raphael gave up half of his wings to barely survive.

Even at such a price, killing gods is still the most proud medal of the Flügel.

And now, Jibril has come into contact with an opportunity to analyze the power of gods.

If she can master this power and achieve the achievement of killing gods alone,——

"If that were the case, Lord God wouldn't have to keep making such a suicidal expression!"

Jibril tilted her head and immediately asked,

【Jibril:"Master Su Mo? I saw his name, he seems to be a member of the group. May I ask, is this master very powerful?"

Seeing her being so polite, even Kanae was confused for a moment.

【Kanae:"Yes! Master Su Mo is the strongest person in our group.々 "】

【Toosaka Rin:"That's right, Master Su Mo's strength needs no further explanation."】

【Toosaka Rin:"Just right, you are lucky to be there. Did you see the live broadcast? Lord Su Mo is fighting with the gods. This is a scene of mythical level!"

Jibril's tone is so much like a newbie that no one doubted it.

Everyone subconsciously thought it was just an ordinary person.

【Jibril:"The battle of gods!"】

【Jibril:"Great, thank you seniors, this is what I wanted to see!"

Jibril was immediately excited when she heard what Rin said.

She didn't expect to see a battle of God level right after joining the group.

In her world, except for the main god who created the Flügel, it was rare to see the Gods.

When Azriel and Raphael led the Flügel to kill the God, Jibril had not been created yet, so she missed that grand scene.

So far, she has not seen a God other than Artosh, let alone a God War.

【Toosaka Rin:"You're welcome. Actually, we haven't met many times."】

【Toosaka Rin:"Ah! It's about to start!"

Seeing the action on the live screen, everyone stopped talking and focused on the live screen.


In the world of God Slayer, Sardinia.

A little girl with silver hair who looked no more than 12 or 13 years old held up the Gorgon Stone and chanted the Word Spirit of the Trinity.

"I sing, I sing the hymn of the Trinity Goddess. Connecting the sky, the earth and the darkness, it is reincarnation and wisdom"

"I sing the song of the degraded goddess. Being a queen but being regarded as a forbidden snake is the queen's lament."

"I sing the songs of a goddess torn in body and soul. Being insulted by a noble father is a humiliation for a loving mother. My name is Athena, daughter of Zeus, patron saint of Athens, and eternal virgin."

"In the past, I was the mother of the earth who gave birth to all things! In the past, I was the lord of the underworld who ruled over darkness! In the past, I was the wise queen who understood the wisdom of heaven! I swear that Athena will return to her original Athena!"

Under Athena's chant, the three godheads of Medusa, Metis, and Athena merged perfectly together, restoring her godhead to the state of ancient times.���That is, the state in which she has not been defeated and humiliated by the Hero God of Steel.

As the ancient mother goddess of the earth returned to her heyday, the entire land of Sardinia and the nearby sea began to tremble.

A scene like a sudden change in heaven and earth appeared. It was clearly daytime, but the invisible night enveloped the entire island.

Athena, the trinity, is the god of wisdom, the god of victory, the god of monsters, the god of the earth, and the god of the underworld.

With her current posture, her strength is even greater than that of ordinary gods, and even among the gods of disobedience, she is also a leader.

If she wants, she can sink the island under her feet into the sea at any time.

Looking at this scene, Su Mo's heart was not disturbed at all.

"Relying solely on the power of the God of Disobedience, even Athena, who is a member of the Trinity, can only do this much!"

Athena's authority is by no means small among the Gods of Disobedience, and the effect of her authority is by no means weak. Her current status can even be said to be the strongest among them.

But even so, her strength is only slightly higher than that of the first-rate Gods of Disobedience, and she has not been able to make a qualitative difference.

The key issue lies in - energy!

As mentioned before, the authority of the gods in the world of God Slayers is actually well developed, and the actual effect is not bad.

However, the scale of the power of the God of Disobedience and the scale of the God Slayer's curse power prevent the power of authority from being exerted.

Just looking at the Last King, you can see that as long as enough energy is supplied, the God of Disobedience can be upgraded to the fourth-order Luchen level. Among them, the outstanding individuals can become the best at the Luchen level, and can resist... To the extent of clearing the surface of the earth.

In fact, as long as the energy supply is sufficient, the power of the godhead is enough to support the starburst level.

It’s a pity that most of the God Slayers and the Gods of Disobedience cannot get a massive supply of energy, so their output is limited.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, the God Slayers and the Gods of Disobedience are the type who squander mana and have enough energy to waste.

But in Su Mo’s view, they are both the type that values skills more than energy, so they are a bit stingy with mana when fighting.

In battle, no God of Disobedience will not calculate the consumption of divine power, and this in itself means that they are generally under-supplied.

Therefore, equipment similar to the Magic Holy Grail is particularly important in this world.

"With my current strength, even if I don't use the mythical spell, just by borrowing the power of the Holy Grail, it is enough to easily improve to the fourth-order Luchen level, right?"

Su Mo estimated in his heart.

If the mythical spell is taken into account, or even if he uses his full strength, he can even use the Holy Grail to clear the surface, and may even touch the edge of the exploding star.

However, even if it is possible, it is not necessary.

Becoming stronger is not for playing in the ranking competition, and there are no enemies that must be upgraded to a higher level to deal with.

What Su Mo pursues is not just an improvement in the combat power level, but a grasp of the essence of power, an improvement in essence.

Compared with the foolish way that anyone can improve their strength as long as they have energy, his goal is more difficult and the gains will be greater.


"々` Are you ready?"

Facing the Trinity of Athena, Su Mo asked calmly.

"You can still be so calm at this time. Should I say that you are arrogant or underestimate me too much?"

Athena, who has grown from a 12-year-old loli to a 16-year-old girl, was not angry after seeing Su Mo's attitude.

However, the divine power in her body suddenly fluctuated.

There was no need for too many words. According to the agreement she had made with Su Mo before, they only needed to speak with the results of the battle.

"Come on, my sharp fangs. Crush the Rakshasas king in front of you into meat paste!"

Accompanied by Athena's words, nine huge Hydras with a length of tens of meters emerged from the ground behind Athena, and each Hydra showed the power of a dragon.

At the same time, the earth shook, tearing open one gully after another, and hundreds of black pythons over ten meters long crawled out of the gullies, each of which had the power to approach the divine beast.

The earth was torn apart, the sky changed color, and countless divine beasts occupied the entire venue. The nine huge Hydras stood like nine huge mountains, which could easily destroy the mountains. The breath of the underworld enveloped everything, and the entire island was crumbling under the power of the gods.

Seeing this mythical scene again, several people in the group couldn't help but sigh

【Toosaka Rin:"The power of God is always shocking."】

【Kanae:"Yeah, any weakest beast can pass the level with me."(Good)】

【Erica:"What do the newcomers think?"

After sighing, everyone began to be curious about the newcomers' reactions.

You know, when they first saw the mythical battlefield, they were so shocked that they couldn't speak for a long time.

If Su Mo hadn't been too exaggerated, they wouldn't even know how to complain.

In front of them, although the scene of the disobedient Athena seemed not as loud as the battle with the God King Mekal in terms of momentum, it was definitely not less dangerous.

The nine-headed Hydra has an oppressive force that is like a mountain about to collapse. For ordinary people in the ordinary world, it is definitely enough to scare people out of their wits.

Just as everyone expected, after seeing this battle scene, the newcomers were silent for more than ten seconds before they were finally able to speak.

【Jibril:"Is this a god-level battle?"】

【Toosaka Rin:"Yes, isn't it shocking?"】

【Kanae:"Although it is very far from ordinary people like us, it is also good to read it as a myth and don't have any psychological pressure."】

【Xiaoyuan:"Well, as long as we work hard to sign in and practice, we will become stronger sooner or later."】

From the tone of the newcomer, they could tell that he was doubting his life, so they immediately spoke to comfort him.

But they didn't expect that the newcomer's thoughts were completely different from theirs.

【Jibril:"No, you misunderstood, that's not what I meant."】

【Jibril:"I mean, what you call a mythical battle……"】

【Jibril:"——That's it?!"】 As soon as this was said, the entire chat group fell silent.


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