After saying hello to everyone in the group, Erica went offline.

Looking at her last few words, Toosaka Rin couldn't help but want to complain.

【Toosaka Rin:"Why do you want to set a flag at this time?"】

【Toosaka Rin:"Is this idiot really not worried about anything happening?"

Generally, people who say this kind of thing seem like they won't be able to come back.

Hearing Toosaka Rin say this, Madoka suddenly became a little nervous.

【Madoka:"Sister Erica said she's going to war, isn't that really dangerous?"

Although Erica's current strength is the strongest in the group... no, she's tied for the strongest.

But after a long time of getting to know each other, they also know that Erica's world is not safe.

There are often god-level disasters, and there are idiots called God Slayers running rampant in this dangerous world.

A mere knight may not even be able to withstand the aftermath of a god-level battle.

Originally, Toosaka Rin was not very worried about Erica, but when she heard what Madoka said, her heart suddenly tightened.

Although she and Erica often quarrel with each other, they actually have a good relationship.

【Toosaka Rin:"That shouldn’t be the case!"】

【Toosaka Rin:"That vixen is more cunning than anyone else. If she really encounters danger, she will definitely avoid it. Don't worry."】

Thinking back to Erica's personality, she was not the impulsive and reckless type, so Rin temporarily put aside her worries.

【Toosaka Rin:"Besides, now that Master Su Mo is in the group, if she really encounters danger, she should ask Master Su Mo for help."】

Thinking of this, Rin Tosaka felt more relieved.

If it was before Su Mo joined the chat group, Erica, as the strongest person in the group, could only be the backup for the others when they were in danger, but no one could guarantee her own safety.

After all, their strength was still too poor.

But now, after Su Mo joined, the strength pattern within the chat group has completely changed.

With the amazing wisdom shown by Su Mo, I am afraid that he doesn't need to take action at all. Just creating a small skill is enough to greatly enhance Erica's strength and become a guarantee for her safety.

With Erica's intelligence, she must have thought of this.

So, as long as she doesn't ask for help, there is no need to worry about her.

Rin's reasoning quickly convinced everyone.

Although I'm not sure whether Su Mo will help, but seeing that he was willing to spend time explaining the principle to them before, he should not refuse.

Hmm! It feels like a thigh hug, it's really good!

The few people continued to chat for a few more sentences.

Not long after, the flower pillar in the Demon Slayer World-Kanae the Butterfly suddenly saw the chat group's points change prompt.

She received 100 points.

Did I sell my breathing method?

After seeing that the buyer was Su Mo, Chanahui was immediately surprised, as if she had won the biggest prize in the lottery.

"Mr. Su Mo actually thinks highly of my breathing method?!"

Everyone in the chat group probably had such a hope in their hearts that Su Mo would take a fancy to their strength and then optimize it to a stronger version.

Kanae was naturally no exception.

But she had never thought that the strength she contributed would really be appreciated.

After all, compared with the colorful magic system in the world of Erica and Toosaka Rin, these broken breathing methods are too simple.

Even if a pillar has fully mastered a breathing school, his strength is still not ranked in the chat group evaluation.

In Kanae's opinion, if she could get the lost Sun Breathing, it is estimated that Su Mo might take a closer look at her, otherwise she would not be valued at all. Unexpectedly

, the surprise came so suddenly.

After a closer look, Su Mo only bought the Breathing of Flame. I wonder if he is conducting research

"If I only buy one, can I study other sword types?"

Kanae was slightly worried, but she didn't say it in the group. It would be bad if she was misunderstood as wanting points. Compared with Master Su Mo's perception, the points were nothing.

【Kanae:"Thank you for your favor, Lord Su Mo!"

After thinking about it, Kanae still felt that she needed to thank him.

The more courtesy, the less blame!

In the Type-Moon world, seeing this expression of gratitude from a concubine who was turned over, the twin-tailed girl was slightly stunned, and then her eyes widened.

【Toosaka Rin:"Why did you say this all of a sudden? Even if you want to get closer to Master Su Mo, this is too abrupt.……"】

【Toosaka Rin:"Wait! Could it be that, in addition to Erica, Master Su Mo also purchased your skills?"

After the question was raised, Kanae immediately replied with a smiley face.

Oh my god, the clown turned out to be me?

【Toosaka Rin:"Wow! I'm so unwilling to accept this. Why are you guys so lucky?"】

【Toosaka Rin:"Master Su Mo, look at me! Look at me!"】

【Toosaka Rin:"Crying.JPG!"】

When faced with this kind of temptation, the young Rin still abandoned her usual arrogance and shame and tried to attract Su Mo's attention.

In this regard, Xiao Yuan, who saw Rin like this for the first time, suddenly wanted to cover her face.

【Madoka:"Rin-sister, calm down!"】

【Xiaoyuan:"Aren't you afraid that big brother will think you are crazy?"】

【Toosaka Rin:"Calm down, how can you ask me to calm down at this time?"

Rin slammed the table and shouted angrily.

Her sister looked at her in surprise and worry.

Sakura:"My sister's mental state seems to be very worrying recently."

Rin chose to ignore this look and continued to speak passionately in the group.

【Toosaka Rin:"Now I just want to be chosen by Master Su Mo, and then reach the peak of my life!"

Half of the people in the group have been picked by Su Mo, why is it not her turn yet?

【Madoka:"Even if that's the case, there's no need to get so excited!"】

【Xiaoyuan:"Look at me, I'm normal!"】

【Toosaka Rin:"Isn't it because you haven't come into contact with the extraordinary system of your own world?"】

【Toosaka Rin:"You are using Erica's power now, so of course you are not panicking!"】

The world where Madoka is is not an ordinary world, but she herself has not touched the extraordinary realm of her own world.

In this case, the skills of Erica's world that Su Mo has optimized are enough for her to use. It is none of her business, so of course she is not panicking.

【Xiaoyuan:"That's right!"

The pink-haired girl suddenly realized.

It turns out that my waist doesn't hurt when I talk while standing. That's fine.

Sister Lin, please continue.

【Kanae:"Although what Xiaolin said makes sense, there is really no need to be so anxious."】

【Kanae:"Instead of worrying about it, why not look for other types of products to sell? Maybe Master Su Mo will be interested!"

Kanae, who has a gentle personality, reminded after thinking for a while.

Since Master Su Mo even likes my simple breathing method, it means that he is interested in a wide range of things. Maybe some niche powers can attract him more.

【Toosaka Rin:"That makes sense!"】

【Toosaka Rin:"I will go to my father's treasure house tomorrow. He must have hidden a lot of magic that he didn't tell me."】

【Toosaka Rin:"Thank you, Sister Kanae, for the reminder!"】


【Kanae:"I don't mean to ask you to steal things"】

Kanae held her forehead helplessly.

Rin is good in every way, except that she is a little bit naughty. In this regard, Kanae is more well-behaved and cute.

Of course, it would be better if the two of them could combine their personalities.

【Toosaka Rin:"It's taking, not stealing!"】

【Toosaka Rin:"As the future head of the Toosaka family, I have the authority to dispose of these magic materials!"】

【Toosaka Rin:"Besides - as long as you're not caught, it's not a crime!"】


【Small circle:"?"】

【Toosaka Rin:"!"】

Obviously, everyone's question marks could not stop Rin Toosaka, a filial daughter, from helping her husband to explode his gold coins.

As the current offender of instigating the crime, Kanae began to reflect on herself.

When the chat group was busy,

Erica, who had been silent for half a day, finally came online.

The first sentence she said made everyone nervous.

【Erica:"Although I really don't want to disturb Master Su Mo's enlightenment, do you have any method that can quickly improve my strength? It's OK if it has side effects! Even if it costs me my life!"】

【Erica:"Help, help! Help..."】

【Erica:"@Su Mo!"]

Seeing the three messages quickly swipe across the screen, Toosaka Rin opened her mouth slightly.

Did the flag really come true?

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