A little earlier, when Su Mo had just defeated Athena, and because of Jibril's challenge, he decided to fight on the Moon.

Rome, Copper Black Cross Headquarters, underground prison.

"Marquis Vauban, are you really not going to come out?"

A young-looking man in a dark suit asked the old man in the prison.

"Although I have no way to help you, if I unite with other God Slayers, I may be able to remove the shackles from your body."

""Oh, Thunder Boy, put away your useless thoughts! As a loser, I haven't lost my dignity to the point of running away!"

Marquis Vauban snorted coldly without looking at the other party.

Although his attitude can be described as cold, there are only a few people in this world who are qualified to be treated by him as equals.

And just as he called him, the young man outside the prison in front of him was the God Slayer called the Speedy Prince by everyone - the Black Prince Yarek.

As an outlier among the God Slayers who likes to use his brain, he was not angry when he heard Marquis Vauban's words, but continued to persuade him.

"If you want to restore your dignity, shouldn't the most important thing be to join forces and defeat the new king who wants to dominate?"

When most of the godslayers only want to fight alone, he is a rare person who believes that everyone should join forces to defeat Su Mo.

According to general reasoning, this is also the most normal way to deal with it.

Just a newcomer, how dare he let all the other godslayers surrender? Isn't this a lesson for him from his predecessors?

But the facts prove that the brain circuits of the godslayers are not normal.

Even the Marquis of Vauban, who had suffered a loss, did not change his mind as Yarek expected.

On the contrary, he completely sneered at Yarek's proposal.

"Join forces? Have you ever seen a group of beasts?"

His attitude was still very refusing.


The Black Prince felt a little awkward for a moment.

At this moment, Tony in the cell opposite suddenly spoke up.

"I have seen it before. Wolves come in packs. Are you getting senile, old man?"

As a prisoner, he is becoming more and more free.

"……Shut up, sword boy, it's not your turn to speak yet!"

Marquis Vauban glared at Tony, but was perfectly ignored by Tony.

"What the Sword King said makes sense. Even wild beasts sometimes travel together."

Alec seized this opportunity and continued to persuade them.

"Besides, a defeat doesn't mean everything. Are you really going to stay in the new king's prison for life?"

As far as he knows, Marquis Vauban is not the type to have such a spirit of contract.

"It shouldn't be a difficult choice to choose between being imprisoned for life or joining forces with us to defeat the new king, right?"

He extended his hand and made an extremely sincere invitation.


"No need to say more."

Marquis Vauban still shook his head and rejected his proposal.

Just when Alec was feeling strange, Tony beside him sneered

"Don't ask anymore. No matter how much you say, he won't agree. This old man has been scared by the beating!"

Hearing this, Yarek couldn't help but feel something in his heart.

This idiot Jian is really good at adding fuel to the fire. With Marquis Woban's temper, he will definitely not be able to tolerate such contempt, right?

If the provocation method works...

Hey, wait? Why didn't Marquis Woban speak?

Realizing that something was wrong, he turned his head and saw Marquis Woban's face was deeply blue.

Facing Tony's ridicule, he rarely refuted.

What's going on? Is Tony telling the truth? Marquis Woban was really beaten into submission?

How is this possible!

Before Yarek could ask, Marquis Woban spoke in advance.

"You can't beat him.‖ "

It was neither an exclamation nor a doubt, but a statement like a statement of objective facts.

This tone undoubtedly proved that Tony's words

"But Marquis, haven't you already analyzed part of the effect of the new king's ritual? With your information, plus the combined efforts of the rest of us God Slayers, there's no way we can lose to the new king alone, right?"

Yarec still couldn't understand.

Five to one, how can we lose with a flying dragon on our face?

Marquis Vauban had no intention of explaining this naive statement.

"It's useless. You will definitely lose, no matter you know the effect of the spell or not.

Seeing his determined attitude, Alec also realized that this old man would not be able to go with him.

So he turned around and looked at Tony.

"Since the Sword King said that just now, then you——"

I was halfway through the invitation when I saw the other party wave his hand.

"Needless to say, I think this place is great and I won't go out with you."

Seeing the two of them treating the prison as their home, Yarek was a little confused.

"Why you?"

"I was beaten into submission!"

Tony said with his head held high and his chest puffed out without any shame.

"In short, the strength of my best friend is beyond your imagination, no matter how many God Slayers you gather, I have no intention of participating in this operation that is doomed to fail."

"It is better to say that when Erica comes back later, I will take the initiative to report you to her for instigating our jailbreak. Hehehe, with this merit, she should be willing to arrange a better pizza for me!"

Saying that she would report him in front of Alec, this thickness of face is amazing.

Even Alec was a little stunned when he heard this, and his face turned green.

He came here this time to seek allies to resist Su Mo, but he didn't expect that he didn't find any allies and was reported.

If the new king knew about this, and he stole his house while he was away, wouldn't the new king chase him in the future?

Seeing that he would lose more than he gained, and not knowing when the new king would come back, Alec couldn't help but want to retreat.

Anyway, knowing part of the effect of the new king's ritual is also a good gain.

Since his own speed authority is the key to dealing with the new king, no matter how he cooperates with other godslayers, he can take the initiative. If he really can't win, he can slip away.

Before leaving, Alec suddenly had an idea and asked Marquis Vauban:

"Marquis, you mean that even if I find Master Luo Hao, he will never be a match for the new king?"


Marquis Vauban glanced at Alec and guessed what he was thinking.

But he still said the words that the other party expected.

"Of course, that's an opponent you can't possibly beat."


Tens of minutes later, the other side of the earth.


"How could this be possible? How dare the Marquis underestimate me? How dare he insult my reputation!"

After listening to Yalek's description, Luo Hao was really furious.

It was unknown whether he was furious because of being underestimated by the Marquis of Vauban or because he was woken up by the guest.

Seeing that the provocation method was effective, Yalek felt relieved and continued

"The new king is indeed very powerful, otherwise Marquis Vauban and the Sword King would not have been defeated so easily."

"If the leader is interested, you can join forces with us. Hades and I have already contacted each other, and we can lead the leader and fight against the new king together!"

It's no wonder he is so active, it's really Tony who is not a human being.

Originally, Yarek was not very afraid of the new king. If he can't beat him, can he run away?

But after seeing the attitudes of Tony and Marquis Woban, he immediately gave up this easy idea.

Anyone who can defeat Marquis Woban must be a ruthless person. Facing such a ruthless person, he alone is definitely not enough.

Especially now, after being reported by Tony, he will inevitably be attacked by the new king.

Therefore, in order to maximize his own safety, he must establish a line of defense sufficient to fight against the new king.

Defensive counterattack has always been his forte.

So, after failing to communicate with Marquis Woban, he found Luo Hao and tried to use provocation to establish a coalition of godslayers capable of fighting the new king.

As he expected, after hearing his retelling, Luo Hao was angry.

As the mortal enemy of Marquis Woban, how could she allow such underestimation?

Unfortunately, unlike Yarek's expectation, Luo Hao is also a stubborn person

"Fight the new king together? No need! Otherwise, people who don't know would think I'm afraid of the new king!"

She waved her hand and rejected Yarek's proposal.

"The new king seems to be a fellow countryman like me. Even if this didn't happen, I would have gone to see what kind of person is the new king. I want to see what kind of person dares to challenge me, the ultimate warrior!"

Seeing that she was eager to fight and seemed to want to challenge the new king right now, Yarek was a little anxious.

"Leader, calm down! Marquis Vauban was so confident before, but he was captured in the last battle and has completely lost his fighting spirit!"

His original intention was to use this sentence to dissuade Luo Hao from a one-on-one fight.



After prolonging the tone, Luo Hao's eyes sparkled.

"Doesn't this mean that as long as I can defeat the new king alone, the Marquis will be nothing more than a defeated enemy of my defeated enemy?"


Faced with such a narcissistic person, Alec was completely choked.

"The new king's power is extremely strange and hard to guard against. Has the leader never thought that he might lose?"


Hearing this, Luo Hao showed an unhappy look, but he was not angry. Instead, he raised his head confidently.

"` 々I, Luo Hao, am the strongest godslayer who reigns at the pinnacle of martial arts. I am just facing a mere new king. Why should I form an alliance with others?"

"As a senior among the godslayers, if I were so afraid of the younger generations, I would become a laughing stock of everyone. I, Luo Hao, would never do that!"

"So, don't mention the alliance anymore. I will let the new king know what real power is!"

Faced with such passionate and narcissistic words, Yarek was completely unable to complain.

At this moment, he finally realized a fact - it was impossible for the God Slayers to unite.

After realizing this, he completely gave up the unrealistic idea of establishing a God Slayer Alliance.

Forget it, at worst, I can just run faster later.

Thinking of this, he shook his head and said goodbye to Luo Hao.

"I wish the leader good luck in martial arts!"

If Luo Hao could really defeat the new king, that would be a good thing. At least he wouldn't have to worry anymore.

Thinking of this, after saying goodbye, before he could take two steps outside, the moon above his head suddenly became as bright as day, and an astronomical phenomenon occurred.

"Is this the disobedient god or the godslayer?"

Luo Hao also noticed this astronomical phenomenon and immediately looked towards the moon.

"At this time... could it be the new king?"

Yarek, who didn't dare to enter the underground prison until Su Mo left Italy, calculated the time briefly and confirmed this.

"How did the new king end up on the moon? Is he fighting the God of Disobedience?"

Yarek was a little confused.

Was the new king too lucky? How did he meet another God of Disobedience so soon?

"Going to the moon to fight, the new compatriots are quite brave!"

Luo Hao commented with the attitude of a senior.

"When he returns from the moon and recovers his magic power, I will respond to his challenge and make him taste the taste of defeat!"

After a few tens of seconds, another torrent of light appeared.

"The energy of this scale……"

Yarek's expression suddenly became serious, and he looked very worried.


Although no sound was heard, the scene in front of him could not help but remind people of this sound.

Under the gaze of the two God Slayers, the full moon above their heads was directly shattered by Su Mo's blow.



Looking at the shattered satellite above their heads, the two godslayers on the ground looked at each other in complete shock.

Even Yarek, who was most wary of the new king, did not expect such a situation to occur.

What did they see just now?

The new king shattered the moon?

Although only a corner was broken, this is definitely not something a godslayer can do!

What happened?!

The martial arts king Luo Hao was completely silent.

As the pinnacle of martial arts and one of the strongest godslayers in the past, she understood very well how difficult it was to destroy a country, a continent, or a planet in one go.

She naturally also deeply understood what this scene before her represented.

No wonder even the Marquis of Vauban was defeated. Facing an enemy of this level, it is impossible to win.

After a long silence, she spoke in a trembling voice

"Black Prince, what do you mean by the God Killer Alliance?"She had previously said that she would let Su Mo know what true power is, but she broke her promise on the spot and no longer cared whether she would become a laughing stock.

Facing a Shattered Moon-level demon king, fighting alone is completely suicidal! At this moment, they understood the deep meaning of Marquis Vauban

's words.

The new king Su Mo is indeed an opponent that cannot be defeated.


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