A few minutes ago.

In the Greek divine domain, in the center of the ancient castle of the Acropolis of Athens, inside the Parthenon.

The goddess of victory, no, now it should be called the ancient mother goddess Athena, the Trinity, was standing on the top of her temple.

"In the name of the ancient earth mother goddess Athena, I call my master to come here!"

According to the agreement, the silver-haired goddess called so that her master could lock the coordinates here.

Athena was willing to accept the loss, and Su Mo's goal was her long-cherished wish, so Athena naturally had no reason to regret.

Through the master-servant contract, she quickly contacted Su Mo and helped Su Mo lock the specific location of the divine domain.

However, before she sent out the coordinate information of her location, a thunderous voice suddenly sounded from behind her..

""My daughter Athena! Who are you calling?"

Hearing this majestic voice, Athena's heart sank and she turned around immediately. Behind her, the one who descended from the sky was none other than the God King Zeus, who was wrapped in thunder.

This God King, whose image in mythology was not very good, was by no means as lustful as portrayed in mythology. On the contrary, after usurping the wisdom of Metis, he not only secured his position as the God King, but also surpassed the prophecy issued by the God of Fate and avoided the fate of being replaced.

Looking at all the myths, there are very few who can achieve such an achievement as Zeus.

Athena had tried her best to conceal the matter of contacting Su Mo, but she still could not escape his observation.

"I am just curious about the God Slayer who defeated me in the past. This is not something that needs to be reported, right?"

Athena answered naturally.

Which god in the God Realm has not gone to the real world as a disobedient god?

Therefore, it is an impeccable reason to say that his behavior was triggered by the fate of killing gods.

Of course, there is no unbreakable defense in the world.

No matter how perfect the excuse is, it can't beat a simple topic.

"If you really are calling for the God Slayer, then I really shouldn't ask"

"However, what on earth is the master you just mentioned?"

At this point, Zeus' eyes began to flash with thunder.


Athena was speechless for a moment.

"Also, can you explain your current godhood?"

Zeus said in a cold tone.

"The ancient earth mother goddess of the trinity... Ha, the prototype of a godhood that is so familiar that it makes people sick. Don't tell me that you are going to abandon your identity as the main god of Olympus and become a rebel against the king of gods again!"

As the king of gods, he has a keen eye after all. Even if Athena tries her best to cover it up, she can still see a lot of problems.

After hearing Zeus point this out, Athena no longer pretended. She replied coldly:

"So what? Without the wisdom of the Earth Mother, can you still hold the position of God King?"It is extremely rare that she, as a god in the divine realm, chose to actively rebel against the myth.

If she is described in the language of the modern world, she is undoubtedly a true disobedient god.

"The wisdom of the Earth Mother? Ha! You are still dreaming! Did the prophecy of the three goddesses of fate give you the courage?"

Zeus sneered at Athena's words.

According to the prophecy in the myth, the child born by Metis will be able to replace Zeus and become the new king of gods.

From the perspective of mythology, this prophecy itself is a replica of Zeus's mythology, and its credibility is not low.

However, in order to deal with this prophecy, in the mythology, Zeus directly devoured Metis and gained her power.

In the realm of gods, the Earth Mother represented by Athena was completely suppressed and became a vassal of the Hero God of Steel.

Now, Athena, who has taken the initiative to recall the ancient godhood, can be said to be openly rebelling.

"I can regain the glory of the Earth Mother and wash away the shame I once had without the help of the three goddesses of fate!"

As expected, Athena took a confrontational stance.

Seeing her, Zeus shook his head slightly and did not rush to take action.

"I can give you one last chance. Give up the Gorgon Stone, accept the identity of the main god of Olympus, and I can still treat you as my daughter!"

"No need for that!"

Athena naturally refused to compromise at all.

"The time of lying on the corpse of the Earth Mother and showing off my power is over. I have restored the Trinity God, the God King Zeus, accept the Earth Mother's Zeus!"

She pointed her spear at the Sky God in front of her, her attitude was obvious.

After regaining the posture of the ancient Earth Mother, her strength was greatly increased, no less than that of an ordinary God King.

Even if the enemy is Zeus, Athena feels that she may not have no chance of victory.

She is the goddess of victory!

"What a stupid choice!"

Looking at the confident Athena in front of him, Zeus shook his head, his eyes full of disappointment.

"At this point, do you still think you have a chance of winning?"

As the words fell, a thunderbolt as thick as a water tank struck down instantly, forming a short thunderstorm.

The violent thunderstorm enveloped the two gods at the same time. Zeus was bathed in the lightning, and his momentum began to rise rapidly.

Lightning, like fire, can temper and enhance the power of the Steel Hero God.

The power of the thunderstorm far exceeded Athena's expectations. Even the gods' defenses could not resist it. Even if Athena used the Shield of Aequis, she could not hold on for a while.

"A force of this magnitude, could it be?"

With the support of the temple's faith, Athena quickly guessed the reason. She turned her head to look in the direction of Mount Olympus, but found that the holy mountain had disappeared without a trace.

In front of her, after noticing her movements, the king of gods Zeus smiled grimly.

"What are you looking for, Olympus?"

"No need to look, I am Olympus!"

With these words, the shadow of Mount Olympus appeared behind Zeus, and the gods of Olympus appeared on the battlefield at some point, completely surrounding the rebellious Athena.

Facing the siege of the gods, Athena's sight was still locked on Zeus.

The siege of the gods was indeed terrible, but she had a vague intuition that the Zeus in front of her was much more terrible than all the other gods combined.

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