The two of them were very excited, but the two of them were very excited.

"Yinhua Middle School..."

After leaving the registration office and arriving at the competition venue, Xingyan looked at Yinhua Middle School across the street.

Yinhua Middle School had some achievements in the past, but it was a pity that none of them could play in this batch.

They said they had a stomachache and gave up during the competition. This time, they haven't even played yet, but they are already discussing what excuses to make.

It's really disappointing. Can't they try their best to play a game?

Even if they will lose, at least try their best...

He had arranged his order in singles three, but he didn't expect that the other party didn't even dare to play.

It's so hard to get points!

"What's wrong?"

Sakaki Taro walked in from outside and looked at Xingyan with an unhappy look, wondering who had provoked his child.

"The other party is planning to give up..."

Xingyan raised his head, his eyes full of helplessness.

He told his father this morning that he must play.

However, the opponent simply did not give him a chance.

"If they want to run, you can't force them to play. If they want to play, they can arrange a practice match. Seigaku or Rikkai University are fine, and Rokkaku is also okay..."

Sakaki Taro looked at Xingyan helplessly, and he didn't know what his child was thinking.

It's normal to be interested in those professional players and play in the game.

But these weaklings who don't even dare to play, even if they really play, there is no point.

"It seems that it is indeed possible. Wait for them to give up, and then we can go to watch the next opponent's game."

Xingyan yawned and lay on the guardrail listlessly.

If he can't play against his opponent in this match, then he can find a school to train with, and then...

It's best to be a fan club, so that he can play with them all several times in the name of coaching.

Although everyone from Hyotei can also earn points in basic matches, playing with them all the time is too familiar, and there is no sense of surprise at all.

Moreover, he can only play coaching tennis with them forever, and he can't bully them for fun.

But which school is better to choose?

The regulars of Seigaku are very good, but if they are trained with, their coach is very annoying.

Otherwise, Rikkai University?

But Rikkai University is in Kanagawa, and Rikkai University's training mode is very hard, so it's not good to disrupt the mode.

Who else...


If you don't know them, it's better to find someone you know, then...

St. Rudolph is good!

Their game is over, and it won't delay the preparation training.

"Dad, can we arrange a training camp with St. Rudolph?"

Xingyan's eyes suddenly lit up, and when he looked at Taro Sakaki, they sparkled, making Atobe, who came over to say hello, feel dazzled.

"I have no objection, what do you think, Atobe?"

Sakaki Taro didn't expect Xingyan's choice to be St. Rudolph, because St. Rudolph had stopped this year's competition at the Metropolitan Games, and he himself did not consider this school as a reference.

But Xingyan's expression made him really unable to say no, so he simply pushed the matter to Atobe who happened to be next to him.

"St. Rudolph? We have no objection, Xingyan, you can just contact Guan Yuechu directly, haven't you been in touch with him all the time?"

Atobe looked at Consultant Sakaki, and was sure that he would never say such a word of disagreement at this time.

Not to mention St. Rudolph, even if he was invited to train with Yinhua Middle School across the street, he would not refuse at this time.

The sudden appearance of such a shining look was really too much pressure.

"Let's go to the competition area of ​​Rikkai University to find Guanyue later. He said he would collect information about Rikkai University and send it to us. He should be there."

Xingyan nodded in a good mood. As for the shining eyes...

That kind of thing was just that the sun was too dazzling. He didn't deliberately act cute, absolutely not!

"He really worked hard..."

Tetsube snorted. For a guy from St. Rudolph, he actually asked them to collect intelligence. I always felt that something was wrong.

Could that guy who is good at poaching have other purposes?

"Let's go. Although the opponent's intention is obviously to give up, we still have to go through the motions."

The referee and the recorder were all in place. Tetsube looked at Yinhua Middle School, who was still sorting out the tennis bags on the opposite side, and waved to take the Hyotei regulars to the court.

"Referee, we had a stomachache this morning, we give up!"

Yinhua Middle School didn't even have a reason and the competition was over.

Just like when they were playing, they didn't plan to think about it at all.

This also caused many people's impression of Ginka to collapse for a moment.

In the Metropolitan Tournament against Seigaku, they said they had a stomachache, and some people really believed it, after all, Ginka's reputation before was really good.

But now...

"Xingyan wants to watch Rikkai University's game, you decide for yourself."

Atobe was too lazy to mention Ginka. After returning to the rest area, he was ready to take Karachi with him to accompany Xingyan to Rikkai University to see the situation.

"We'll go too!"

Jiro and Yueren hurriedly caught up with their tennis bags. They must go and see together.

The two of them caught up, and the others had nothing else to do. Hyotei's regulars all came to the outside of Rikkai University's game.

"Rikkai University's game is really exciting."

Oshitari stood outside the guardrail, watching the doubles match on the field, and his evaluation of Rikkai University has always been very good.

Not long after the match started, Rikkai University's doubles team 2 had already won. Although Niou Masaharu and Yagyu Hiroshi, doubles team 1, had just come on the court, they could be seen crushing their opponents.

"Xingyan, is your match over? It was so fast!"

Kiriyahara Akaya was playing singles team 3 today. Just as he was about to warm up, he turned around and saw Hyotei's people.

He ran over to say hello and naively asked how they could finish off their opponents so quickly.

"Stupid, it's impossible to finish the match in this time. The opponent should have given up."

Sanada Genichirō came over and slapped Kiriyahara on the head.

Time is limited. Even if you play fast, you can only finish one game like them.

This is not a question of strength or not. It's just that serving and the two sides exchanging courts should use up this time.

"Well, they said they had a stomachache, and everyone had a stomachache, so they gave up..."

Xingyan still felt unhappy when talking about Ginka's giving up.

It was embarrassing for them to win when their opponent used this reason to withdraw.

"Ah? They had a stomachache, and everyone had a stomachache. Did they have breakfast together in the morning?"

Kirihara Akaya was still foolishly guessing how Ginka managed to have a stomachache together.

"Shut up, warm up!"

Sanada Genichirō guessed the truth, but he didn't say it out loud, just urged Kirihara to warm up quickly.


Turning around and running away aggrieved, Kirihara Akaya went to warm up nearby.

After he left, Xingyan just smiled and looked at Sanada Genichirō, and soon avoided the look of the vice-captain of Rikkai University.

He just wanted to get Kirihara to leave, he definitely didn't feel guilty, he definitely wasn't worried that Kirihara would continue to do stupid things...

"I'm going to warm up too, you guys can do whatever you want."

Sanada Genichirō found a reason to turn around and leave, as for whether he really needed to warm up...

Anyway, the Hyotei people didn't believe it.

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