The host is a very important figure.

[The Mangekyo Sharingan is activated, the host's mental power exceeds the numerical calculation range of this world, please use it with caution! ]

[Susanoo is activated, please use it with caution! ]

[The host's strength exceeds the tolerance of this world, and the time to leave this world has been determined, please take it seriously...]

[Host: Uchiha Xingyan

Age: 12 years old

Special: Mangekyo Sharingan (mutated/eye technique not activated)

Five measurements: Speed ​​7.5 Strength 7.2 Stamina 8.5 Spirit? ? Technology 9 Total? ?

Skills: All-around tennis, mastery of illusion, self-protection, Susanoo level 1

Points: 89190

World: Prince of Tennis (Countdown...) Naruto (Paused...)]

[The time to leave the Prince of Tennis world has been calculated. The host will leave at the end of the U17 World Cup. Please prepare in advance. This world allows pauses. The points required for pauses are 200,000. The host still needs to continue to work hard]

Xingyan, who has less than 90,000 points, looked at the 200,000 points required to pause the world and suddenly felt that he was still so poor.

However, now is not the time to think about these.

The skeleton ribs behind him and the giant skeleton hand next to him must be retracted first.

If they are not restrained, even an immortal bird like the Phoenix may be finished.

"Ahem... What is that?"

After the strong momentum suppression was lifted, the Phoenix of Byodoin climbed up from the ground and reached out to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth.

He knew that Xingyan was very strong, but this sudden strong outbreak was really confusing.

If I'm not mistaken, the purple shadow seems to be...

Half a skeleton?

"Another dimension, not yet complete, not under control..."

Xingyan stood still without moving. He didn't feel anything when he released it, but it was still a bit uncomfortable to control it and put it away.

In this world, his Susanoo is just a shadow similar to the other dimension, which is different from the physical form in the ninja world.

But even so, this power is still a bit too much for this world, so the system calculated the time of departure before he finished his quest line.

When the results of the U17 World Cup are announced, it will be the time for him to leave this world.

Although his time point can be paused, it is still unknown whether he can really come back in the future.

Suddenly, I felt that time was a bit tight.

"I know you want us to see it, but next time, please give me a heads up. You almost broke my neck..."

The Phoenix of Byodoin shook twice before standing firm. When looking at Xingyan, I didn't know whether to be angry or laugh.

Being able to show them the immature alternate dimension is a kind of trust.

However, his alternate dimension is too strong, and he can't bear it without saying hello.

"Xingyan can choose this place to play tennis, originally to show something that has not been known to others, you are too stupid..."

Tajima Shuji ran over and handed Xingyan's coat to him first, and then came to support the injured Byodoin Phoenix.

Although he complained, he couldn't ignore it when he should take care of it.

"Why are you okay?"

Byodoin Phoenix was helped to the side, but the more he thought about it, the more unhappy he felt, especially in the state of Shuji Taneshima, it was obvious that he was fine.

It can't be that the stinky boy took special care of it?

Is it because of this face that the boy disliked it?

"Because of my 'nothingness', I have made myself disappear, so naturally I won't be injured."

Tajima Shuji raised his eyebrows proudly. Even if he was specially taken care of, he would not say it in front of Phoenix.

Moreover, he only gave a reaction time at the beginning, and then he really relied on his "nothingness" to dodge.


Between Innocent stared in anger, but it was not easy to say anything.

So far, apart from Xingyan, the guy who bothered him the most was Shuji Tanejima.

He could beat him, but it was too frustrating to fight him.

He played a "nothingness" technique and made it real and unreal.

"It's not a big problem. You can recover in two or three days. Go back and rest now. Take a plane back tomorrow morning."

Xingyan walked up and checked the situation of the Phoenix of Byodoin. He was relieved to make sure there was no problem.

However, Shuji Tanejima couldn't keep up with things like taking a plane.

And he said before that he wanted the Phoenix of Byodoin to

There is no chance to win against Borg for the time being.

"Can't you take a boat with me, or a plane or something..."

Taneshima Shuji was still complaining on the way back that he couldn't take a plane.

But he was just saying it. He knew how busy Xingyan was. Hyotei's next game was coming up soon, and they definitely couldn't lose.

This year's Rikkai University was particularly strong. If Hyotei wanted to win, they might have to strengthen their training...

It was too hard to do so many things at such a young age.

After returning to the temporary dormitory, they never mentioned Xingyan's opening of the 'different dimension field' again.

They slept well all night, and it was time to go home after having dinner the next morning.

"Come back when you have time. We have invited a Chinese chef. You can have eight major cuisines next time..."

Coach Kan Retulu was reluctant to leave. At Xingyan's request, he could only see them off at the door of the training base.

In order to get Xingyan to come to them again, the coach has already started the food temptation in a very down-to-earth way.

But unfortunately, his eight cuisines are still just empty words. At least from the previous meals, Xingyan was not very satisfied with the food.


Xingyan waved to the German team and got in the car after saying goodbye.

Several cars left the training base, and the destination was naturally the international airport.

Only one person, in a separate car, went in different directions.

"Is his phobia of airplanes really incurable?"

Equal to the Phoenix sat in the car, looking at Xingyan next to him, and suddenly thought of this annoying thing.

If it was before, he didn't expect that guy's phobia of airplanes to be cured.

But Xingyan has many special abilities that can awaken the puppet's self. It should not be difficult to solve a small problem, right?

"There are intervals between competitions, and he can still make it by boat."

Xingyan didn't know why Shuji Tanejima didn't like flying, and he didn't say it or ask about it.

But if the Phoenix of the Equal to the Phoenix could think of asking him if he could cure it, Shuji Tanejima would naturally think of it even more.

Everyone has their own secrets, and he won't make unnecessary changes to the people he cares about.

In the final analysis, it's because Shuji Tanejima and Phoenix Byodoin are completely different from each other.

"Just spoil him..."

Phoenix Byodoin snorted unhappily, he really shouldn't have asked.

However, it seems that the guy has always wanted to be someone's brother, and it doesn't seem to be wishful thinking.

This kid's concern for Shuji Tanejima is already the concept of family.

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