The ball was out of bounds, but the opponent was still alive.

"It's really scary..."

Yajiudou looked at the tennis ball he hit back and it went out of bounds, without any surprise.

Before he hit back, he had already calculated that the ball would definitely go out of bounds.

He plays data tennis, and has many ways to hit back and destroy various types of tennis balls, but...

Only this one, he knew the result from the beginning, but it was a result he couldn't destroy.

Straight to the point, absolute suppression of power and speed, every one of his hits was within the opponent's calculation.

"It's okay, the little guy is probably sealed by his family again, Yajiudou, you should work harder, if you are defeated without even removing the seal, then you are really lame!"

Tajima Shuji sat in the referee's seat and shook his head.

Although he urged Ajiudou to work hard, he knew in his heart that he would not be able to see this kid unsealed today.

The absolute suppression of strength and speed has given the little guy a 100% chance of winning, so naturally there is no need to do anything that may put pressure on muscles or bones.

"You can come down and play. How did he practice? He is so cruel at such a young age. It's a tragedy for anyone who is in the same age as him!"

Ajiudou looked at Xingyan who was silent and just playing tennis seriously, and had no choice but to complain to Tanedo Shuji.

However, after he finished speaking, he remembered that they were tragically killed by this kid in last year's session.

So, even if they are not in the same age group, they still couldn't escape, so they should sympathize with themselves.

"0-1, exchange venues!"

Taedo Shuji was not surprised at all when Xingyan won this game.

After changing the venue, he watched Xingyan use the outspin serve that had abused him a year ago to stun Yajiudou, and the smile in his eyes was almost unstoppable.

Sure enough, I still can't play tennis with this kid. It's really fun to watch him abuse others.

I have to think carefully about what kind of ball to play with next time I invite Xiaobitan out to play.

"The game is over, 6:0, Uchiha Xingyan wins!"

The game lasted less than half an hour in total. At the end of the final game, Xingyan didn't give the opponent a single point.

"Xiaobitan, I promised to treat this guy to Chinese food after the game. Do you want to go with me? There are a lot of delicious food."

After the game, Shuji Tanejima looked at Xingyan who was about to leave after packing his tennis bag, and walked over to invite him to have dinner together.

Although the purpose is to play a game, you can't really run away after the game. After all, they are all his friends.


Nodding, Xingyan did not refuse the invitation.

Although he could always have Chinese food at home, it was not reasonable to invite someone to play tennis and then leave after the game.

As for the meal, he brought a driver with him today, so he would treat him.

"Xingyan, this is the data I just observed. Take a look at this value and see how much it differs from your actual condition."

Mizutani Akuto lost the game, but he didn't seem unhappy at all. Instead, he took out a pen and wrote down several pages of records while Xingyan was packing his tennis bag.

With this speed, he definitely doesn't need to worry about the time limit when taking the exam.

"The records are very detailed and there are no mistakes. He is very good at observation and analysis."

Xingyan looked at the records in the notebook. The data on his speed and strength were very accurate. Although this set of data was limited to tennis, it was really amazing to be able to determine all of them after one game.

"Under what circumstances can the seal be unlocked?"

After putting away the notebook that had been confirmed by the person himself, Yajiudou walked with Xingyan carrying a tennis bag. When he was about to leave the club, he suddenly asked the only tangled thing about this game.

Seal, the concept that can be called a seal must be a very strong force.

But he couldn't even let the other party touch the seal...

"It was unlocked once last year, when I was with this guy in the finals. I remember you were there, right?"

Xingyan tilted his head and looked at Yajiudou. Didn't this guy run away without watching the game last year?

"I was there, but..."

Yajiudou scratched his soft hair in tangledness, and felt that there was no need to explain.

The truth that he ran to the toilet halfway through a tennis game and the game was over when he came back was very embarrassing.

"This guy left in the middle of the game

However, I don't know what he did. When he came back, the game was over. "

He didn't say it, but Shuji Tanejima didn't intend to hide it.

Anyway, that was the situation at the time. As for why he left...

I guess Shuji Tanejima will never know that someone went to drink a bellyful of cold water because he lost to him in the morning...

"Actually, there's nothing special about it. I just added some tricks when fighting. "

Xingyan has always described all martial arts competitions as fighting, and now it is the same again, which makes Yajiudou look weird.

However, Tanedo Shuji knows the truth, but he is happy to watch the show at the side.

The atmosphere is getting weirder and weirder. The three people went out. After Tanedo Shuji reported the location, Xingyan's driver sent them to the destination.

The meal was quite good, except that Yajiudou always looked at Xingyan with hesitation, and occasionally asked Tanedo Shuji with his eyes when he had some ideas, but he was very satisfied with watching the fun and would not give any reply at all.

After eating and drinking, the three also It's time to go home.

Walking at the intersection, Yajiudou had been holding back for so long, but he still felt the need to say something.

Otherwise, he would continue to be entangled after returning home.

"That... fighting is something that should be avoided if possible. If you encounter someone with a weapon or someone who is doing something dirty, once you get hurt, it will affect your future..."

Yajiudou took off his glasses and stood beside Xingyan. When he spoke, he didn't know which cloud in the sky his eyes drifted to.

Fighting, this kind of thing is really not good.

This little guy's family conditions should be very good, and there are many choices for the future...

"Ha, ha ha ha!"

Tajima Shuji has been holding back from showing it, but now he really can't hold it back. He turned around and held his stomach against the wall, laughing without caring about his image.

"Hey, hey, hey, what are you laughing at? You are very familiar with this kid, right? You always call yourself his brother, don't you care? "

Yajiudou was just embarrassed at first, but when he saw Shuji Tanejima laughing, he suddenly got really angry.

This guy came to him before and kept talking about how good little brother Xingyan was...

"That... the fight I'm talking about is on the ring, not on the street..."

Xingyan thought that this data collector should have checked his information in advance, so he would naturally know some of his previous competition information.

So he thought the look in his eyes during the meal was curiosity about how he was so young but could win the championship.

But he didn't expect that this guy didn't investigate any information at all, and now he thinks he's going to learn from others to be a gangster?

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