The game was played in a big way.

"Is it okay to play the best of three games?"

The next morning, Borg brought Xingyan to the competition venue.

Looking at the boy who seemed a little thin on the opposite side, Borg always felt awkward and doubted whether the previous evaluation and data observation were illusory.

"No problem, you pay, even if it's a tiebreaker."

Xingyan nodded, but still didn't forget to tease them that they were really afraid of losing.

Normal private practice matches are usually one-set.

The best of three games is basically used in official international competitions...

But he didn't have any objections. Anyway, it's a game, and it doesn't matter how many games he plays.

"You serve first in this round."

Borg ignored Xingyan's complaints and generously gave the serve to Xingyan.

"This is the first time I get a serve in a match, but it's a pity that I was given the serve..."

Xingyan looked at the tennis ball in his palm and complained about his eternal failure in guessing the pros and cons.

Borg, who was opposite him, heard his complaints and a strange smile appeared on his stiff face. It seemed that he also knew that Xingyan would lose at certain times.

"Borg, let me serve first, you will regret it."

Xingyan stood at the serving point, smiled and said something to Borg, and then threw the tennis ball in his hand up.

"Straight ball?"

A group of people in the rest area looked at the tennis ball that was lightly served by Xingyan with strange eyes, and they didn't understand what was going on.

A teenager who made Borg take him seriously and was willing to pay to play tennis, is this how he plays?

Each of them felt that they could hit this serve back when they just learned tennis.

"Sorry, I scored."

Xing Yan heard the voice outside the court but ignored it directly.

At this time, looking at Borg who was preparing to receive the ball on the opposite side, he pointed to the position behind Borg and told him that he had scored.

At the same time, the tennis ball that had appeared on Borg's racket also disappeared like a bubble in an instant.

"Wait a minute, we need to check..."

The referee shouted first, and then adjusted the monitoring and confirmed it after slowing down.

In the monitoring screen, the tennis ball fell behind Borg like a meteor the moment it left the racket. As for the tennis ball that everyone saw, it did not exist in the monitoring at all.

"Inbounds, serve and score, 15-0!"

The referee confirmed the result and reported the score after sitting down.

"Boy, your tennis is very interesting!"

Borg's sight was retracted. He was now very interested in this kid's tennis.

That should be a topspin serve, but the speed was so fast that he didn't even notice a trace before the ball appeared at the landing point.

But he believed that as long as he caught the trajectory, the kid's tennis ball would not disappear.

However, the referee showed the whole process, which was too much.

"This is just the beginning, use your eyes and watch carefully!"

Xingyan threw the tennis ball in his hand, glanced at Borg, and then locked his eyes on the tennis ball.

Bend your knees, lean back, and swing your racket!

It was still a relatively common serve state. Everyone saw a smooth straight ball that flew steadily to Borg's side.

"This kid, the same trick, does he think he can hide it from Borg's eyes after knowing the ball path?"

Some people in the rest area were very angry, and their words were full of ridicule and curious expectations for the next step.

Borg is currently the strongest professional player. This kid dared to play with Borg, which made them very angry.


They guessed wrong again this time.

"I scored again."

Xingyan carried the racket on his shoulder, watching Borg running to the corner to catch the ball, smiling as he watched the tennis ball slowly roll twice after landing.

This time, the tennis ball they saw was real.

And the sound of breaking through the air that Borg heard was just a "gas" ball that was hit at the same time.

A new round of growth in illusion tennis, when the real is also fake, the fake is also real.

Nothing, illusion, real nothing.

He talked with Shuji Tanejima for a long time last night.

When he knew that Xingyan's opponent was Borg, Shuji Tanejima told Xingyan all the concepts of "nothing" he practiced.

Xingyan naturally would not use Shuji Tanejima's special skills, but he could merge that guy's "nothing" with his own illusion tennis ball.

This is the real,

The disappeared tennis ball.

"You can watch the replay at any time, because my tennis ball can probably only be seen clearly from the replay now."

Looking at the confused referee, Xing Yan asked him to continue to adjust the replay.

At this time, in fact, except for the landing point of the ball, the two sides of the game should not be allowed to see the whole process.

Most of the tennis balls are incomprehensible, so people can't fight back.

And now he looked at the referee, who generously said that it was no problem to watch his ball path from beginning to end.

It's not that he is kind, on the contrary.

He was in a bad mood.

He felt bad when the referee projected the trajectory of the tennis ball directly on the screen at the beginning.

So, in the next tennis game, while winning the opponent, he also had to punish some rude people.

"How is this possible? How could Borg make a wrong judgment? This kid..."

The crowd in the rest area was glaring again. They thought Xingyan was too much when they couldn't find any traces just now. Now that they saw a clear ball, they felt that Xingyan was playing tricks on them.

In short, as long as they saw Xingyan score so easily, they would not feel good.

The referee confirmed the score, but he projected the ball that everyone could see clearly just now from beginning to end on the big screen.

"Don't show these next time. Just see if there is a problem with the ball landing point. This is not a show for you!"

Borg's eyes turned cold, and he gave an order directly when he looked at the referee.

This behavior was disrespectful to him and his opponent.

"It's too late to say it now!"

Xingyan blinked his eyes and told Borg very impolitely that it was useless to say it after it happened twice.

Now, let him see what kind of strength a world-class professional player, especially the guy who is called the strongest here, has.

Illusion tennis ball, nothingness, air, and...


You people, just enjoy the collapse of faith!


Raise your hand, the ball is facing down, let go, the tennis racket touches the ball.

A simple way to serve, but this time, everyone saw three tennis balls flying to the opposite side at completely different speeds and trajectories.

"Keep watching, I hope the referee will release the whole process, take a good look at the trajectory of this ball!"

After serving, Xingyan put the racket on his shoulder, without looking at Borg's reaction, just looking at the referee.

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