The two of them were very close.

"Coach Mifune, it's useless. If you want the kid to do his best, the demon's strength is not enough."

Tanishima Shuji shook his head and walked to the side of Mifune Nyudo. He didn't think there was any meaning in this game that was completely crushing from the beginning.

The demon Jujiro was not weak, but the star flame at this time was much stronger than the last time. The illusion tennis ball had left the demon no room to fight back.

"You can't do it either?"

Mifune Nyudo frowned. He didn't expect the kid's tennis ball to be so weird.

But he still couldn't figure it out. If other people couldn't catch it, it would be understandable. Why didn't Taneshima Shuji dare to try Yimiewu?

"No, I can see through his ball and can basically receive it, but because of this, I absolutely cannot play against him..."

Tajima Shuji sighed. The reason why he didn't play against Xiao Budian was because he saw it too clearly.

"Why? Since you can receive it, why can't you play it?"

Tokugawa Kazuya listened curiously.

So, Taneshima Shuji should be the only one who can break the illusion tennis ball at present.

"Because this illusion tennis ball is the protection that Xiao Budian leaves for his opponent."

Shaking his head, Taneshima Shuji said that he was helpless.

Although he has never played against Xingyan since the original game, the two of them often train together, or watch each other find other people to play tennis.

Xiao Budian has been watching how he practiced his "nothingness" since the beginning, and has given him a lot of suggestions. He even told Xingyan some of the things he realized later.

Similarly, he also saw very clearly how Xiao Budian's illusion tennis ball was formed in those years.

Even during the years when Xingyan was abroad, they often talked about these topics on the phone.

Because he knew everything, he understood better than anyone else how ferocious the little guy would be if he put down the illusion tennis.

Although Xingyan complained to him that if he didn't use the illusion tennis, he might not be able to score a point against Echizen Nanjiro.

But this was only for Echizen Nanjiro...

If it were anyone else...


Mifune Nyudo narrowed his eyes and locked his sight on Xingyan, and the more he looked at him, the weirder it felt.

This kid's tennis was already very ferocious, and there were only certain restrictions set?

Under their curious and tangled gaze, the tiebreaker between Xingyan and Oni Jujiro was over.

"I lost."

Oni Jujiro, with his arms shaking, walked out of the court and sat on a bench to rest.

This time he didn't use the alternate dimension, not because he didn't want to, but because he couldn't.

He wanted to open the alternate dimension field from the first ball, but he found it was useless.

"Can we lock onto the other dimension now that the game has started?"

Irie Kanata walked to Onijujiro with a water cup and handed him the water.

"I was suppressed as soon as I went on the court, but now I'm starting to recover. That kid is too scary."

Onijujiro took the water cup, took a sip to slow down, and then talked about his feelings just now.

He seemed to understand Shuji Tanejima's feelings a little bit. Playing tennis with this kid was just looking for discomfort. Playing a few more times might cause psychological barriers.

"Kid, let me test your strength and speed, don't let me down!"

Mifune Nyudo walked into the court with a racket. He wanted to see how strong this kid's strength and speed were, and what Shuji Tanejima meant by protection.

"This is not good..."

Xingyan looked at Coach Mifune who walked to the opposite side and shook his head to indicate that he didn't want to play.

Playing tennis with this guy is completely meaningless.

"Xingyan, you don't need to compete with the coach, just hit a ball and let coach Mifune see the strength and speed."

Tanejima Shuji looked at Xingyan's expression and reminded him outside the guardrail that he didn't need to compete with the coach.

"Full strength?"

Xingyan blinked. Wasn't the illusion tennis ball just now enough?

It's not that he didn't want to use his full strength, but some tennis balls are not suitable for playing here. The destructive power is too strong...

"Boy, use all your strength and skills to hit the heaviest ball for me to see!"

Mifune Nyudo confirmed again that this kid was deliberately ignoring him.

However, he now just wants to know what this kid's tennis ball is like outside of illusion.

"Change to a place that is not afraid of destruction. If this place is really demolished, everyone will have no training ground."

Shaking his head, Xingyan still didn't agree.

His full-strength attack now is definitely beyond the scope of what normal people can understand.

The most powerful light ball at present, wrapped with a "gas" ball, attached with chakra, and then the kind of rotating storm of vortex baptism, and the power amplification...

Generally speaking, this tennis court will be completely scrapped, and it will even affect more areas.

"Boy, I want to see what kind of destructive tennis you can hit!"

Mifune Nyudo glared again and again, but he still notified the helicopter and took people up.

The helicopter has limited space, and this time only Xingyan, Mifune Nyudo, Tanejima Shuji, and Kurobe Yukio went there.

Sakaki Taro wanted to go with him, but was stopped by Xingyan.

His father should not go to see the scene of that kind of destructive power that may be too brutal.

If he misunderstood that tennis is like this, wouldn't his father worry about him when he goes out to play a game in the future?

"Boy, this area is not afraid of you destroying it. Let me see how destructive your full-strength serve can be!"

The helicopter landed in the mountains, and when it stopped, there was an empty flat land.

Mifune Nyudo led people down the plane and signaled Xingyan to start.

He really felt that it was a bit too exaggerated to find a place to play alone. If this was not their future partner, he really didn't want to give this face.

"Just one ball."

Xingyan held the racket and a tennis ball in his other hand.

He actually wanted to try it, but he had never had such an opportunity.

By the way, I almost forgot just now that I can also open the limit of the thousand hammers and hundreds of tempers, so I can add another layer of amplification to myself.

In order to make my own decisions in future tennis training and various competitions, he now needs to let the coach see it.

"Light shot? No, what is that..."

Mifune Nyudo watched Xingyan walk more than ten meters away and stop. The tennis ball in his palm began to emit light. At first glance, he thought it was the light shot of the Phoenix of Byodoin.

But then he found that things were not that simple.

As Xingyan's racket was covered with a layer of purple light, the ball emitting dazzling light was thrown into the sky, and Xingyan actually jumped up.

When the tennis racket and the "tennis ball" came into contact, the surrounding air seemed to stop instantly.

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