"Wake up"


"Wake up!"

Yukinoshita Yukino suddenly opened her eyes, her head was splitting, as if the whole world was spinning

The surroundings are unfamiliar

The golden beach, clear water and blue sky make everything look so peaceful and beautiful.

"Great, Yukino, you finally woke up!"

Before she could come to her senses, two large balls of flesh came into view.

An inherently evil being!

Itori heaved a sigh of relief when she saw Yukino waking up.

God knows how stupid I was when that laser-like thing shot towards me, I actually used my body to block it!

Fortunately, a green protective shield covered several people at the critical moment, otherwise they might not have survived.

And the monster that appeared at the end……

Even thinking about it now makes people feel terrified!

Bei and Fangcun Aite also came over

They just briefly explored the surroundings and found no danger.

And they also detected traces of human life

Xueno shook her head, trying to recall what happened before, but her mind was only a mess.

I only remember the giant lizard-like monster and the cruise ship being hit by something.

When she was swept into the sea, she seemed to vaguely see a pair of giant hands.

After briefly sorting out her thoughts, Xueno asked,"Where is this place?"

Bei glanced at Fangcun Ate, and seeing that she didn't react, he said:

"We should have drifted to a large island. There are traces of human life here. Not far from us, there is a place called Heiwo Town."

Hearing that there were human beings living there, Xueno's eyes lit up.

Since there are humans living here, it would be much easier to collect intelligence.

First determine whether this is a supercontinent or a large island, and then determine the degree of danger here.

Then I tried to contact my brother

Just as Xue No was about to take action, Fangcun At suddenly said,"I don't mind if you go to Heiwo Town."


"Sometimes, it is not the monsters that threaten us, but human beings themselves."

Xueno is not a stupid person

I understood after hearing what Mr. Fangcun Aite said.

Indeed, in an unfamiliar environment, the most dangerous creatures are intelligent creatures.

What's more, she is so cute

"I suggest that you let them explore the way first."


Xueno looked at Fangcun Et in confusion.


"Ahem, is this Heiwo Town?"

Shinomiya Kaguya and his group came to the town with wet clothes on.

Currently, their small group consists of Hayasaka Ai, Hikigaya Hachiman, Yuigahama Yui, Miura Yumiko, Hayama Hayato and his two followers.

No one knew where Yukino Yukinoshita ran to. She was not with them when the cruise ship crashed.

Hanma Baki and Hanayama are also missing

There is no trace of S-level tornado in the surrounding area.……

But fortunately she survived!

It turns out that gathering these picturesque characters was the right choice!

"Miss, I suggest you observe for a while first." Hayasaka Ai said

"Well, I agree."Shinomiya Kaguya nodded.

But just as she finished speaking, she was interrupted by the dragon suit.

"Hey, we finally found the town, shouldn’t we ask for help first?"

Shinomiya Kaguya looked at this idiot with cold eyes,"No one is stopping you."

"Hey! What's your attitude?"


Hayato Hayama scolded in a low voice

He also thinks Yamato is a little stupid!

But after all, he was his younger brother, so he just said a few words.

Shinomiya Kaguya looked at this scene coldly

Now she is considering leaving the group.

After the goal of surviving is achieved, it seems that they are no longer needed.

However, Hikigaya Hachiman must be won over, as his abilities are crucial to the subsequent exploration.

"Haha, after all, we know nothing about this place now, it is better to understand the situation first and then make a decision"

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit tense, Yuigahama Yui tried to smooth things over.

"Okay, let's find a place to hide and observe the surrounding situation."

Miura Yumiko looked around and pointed in a direction and said

"There is an abandoned warehouse over there. Let's go there and take a look first."

Seeing that no one had any objections, the group quietly came to the abandoned warehouse and carefully stuck their heads out to observe the surroundings.

The streets were empty, with only a few stray cats wandering around.

"It seems that there are really not many people here."Ye Shanji frowned and said

"Why don't we go to town first?"

Isn't this back to square one?

Hikigaya Hachiman complained in his heart, then followed silently.


Quietly crossed the street and came to the town

The buildings in the town were dilapidated and the streets were overgrown with weeds. It was obvious that no one had taken care of them for a long time.

They walked carefully on the street, always on guard.

Suddenly, they heard footsteps and hid in an alley.

I saw several people in ragged clothes coming from a distance, holding iron bars and knives in their hands.

"Damn it, if anything happens to my daughter, none of you can escape!"

"I should be the one saying this! When I find my son, I will make sure he has no contact with that bitch in your family!"

"Stop talking, find someone quickly, I don't know what happened these days, a lot of outsiders came to the town"

"Humph, outsider? They should be from the next town. They better not do anything out of the ordinary, otherwise... hehe"

Hearing these words, the faces of Shinomiya Kaguya and his group became solemn.

It seems that the humans here are not friendly, and are even extremely xenophobic.

"Miss, we have to leave here quickly."Hayasaka Ai whispered

"Well, let's go back to the abandoned warehouse first."

The group quickly slipped out of the alley after those people passed by.

After returning to the abandoned warehouse, they began to discuss countermeasures.

"It seems that the situation here is much more complicated than we thought."Shigong Huiye frowned and said

Hayato Hayama said solemnly:"We must find Yukino and the others as soon as possible, and then find a way to leave here."

"But we don’t even know the direction now." Yuigahama Yui said anxiously

"We can try to split up." Hayasaka Ai suggested,"Some people stay here to guard, and the other part goes to explore nearby places."

"I agree." Ye Shan Jiren nodded,"I, Yamato and Ooka will explore the surrounding area."

"I will stay with Yui." Miura Yumiko said

"Then Hikigaya and I will go to the town again. Hayasaka, get ready, let's go."


As they acted, they didn't notice that

In the grove not far behind them, four pairs of eyes were staring at them.

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