Then I'll send you some information tonight to find out first

If you are really not interested, you can stop the loss in time

Megumi Kato knows that the other party will definitely not ignore it, look, isn't this it?

This kind of behavior seems a bit selfish, but she, Megumi Kato, is not a saint. One didn't steal, two didn't rob, three didn't hurt others, what's wrong with her creating opportunities for herself, ~ who is in the way

Then congratulations to Mu Jun in advance for his help (???? -)

Although the class time and Megumi Kato passed the note, Gongliang Mu did not fall behind in the progress of the novel at all.

In an hour, he probably completed more than 20,000 words.

If you have a laptop instead of a smartphone in your hand now, the estimated speed of codewords is more than that.

However, the current speed has actually lifted the industry up and down, and pressed it down to rub.

After school in the afternoon, he and Hikiya Hachiman went to the club classroom as usual

"Knock knock...... Knock knock knock ......"

Not long after the ministry had settled down, a knock came from outside.

"Please come in"

It's still the snow that takes the initiative to speak, and it seems that this work has never been given to anyone else.

"At this point in time, will it be a new commission?"

Yui Yui Yuira just muttered, and the others didn't answer, anyway, they would know in a few seconds.

The door was gently opened, and a small head poked out from the outside, with an innocent expression and blinking purple eyes, and it was none other than Chitanda Airu.

Sure enough, last week's bewitchment had already moved the other party's heart, and Gongliangmu took the initiative to find a chair for her.

"Hey, it's Chitanda-san"

Yubihama saw that it was Chitanda Airu who came down from the upstairs with Kora Mu last Friday and left the school with them.

"Gongliang-kun, Yubihama-san, Yukishita-san, Furuhashi-san, Hikiya-san, how are you"

"Come to that (Reiner), you sit"

After Qiantantian bowed to everyone, she came to the place that Gongliang Mu had prepared for her.

"Thank you, Gongliang-kun"

While she wondered why he seemed to be smiling, it wasn't the time to explore.

"It's okay"

"By the way, you came here this time, you finally made up your mind to come and entrust us."

Under the snow, she originally saw that it was Chiantita coming over, and she thought she was coming to find Gongliangmu, but she didn't expect it to be a commission.

"Yes, I have a reluctant request to the Ministry of Ministry"

Chitanda leaned forward suddenly, and his tone gradually became emotional.

"Oh, is it a commission?"

Yuhihama began to look eager to try, Hikiya Hachiman also raised his head, Yukishita and Furuhashi Fumino closed the books in front of each other, and listened carefully to her in a different posture.

The commission is only one aspect, the main thing is that Gongliang Mu looks like an insider, so this time Chitanda came over, maybe he has some credit.

"That guy won't do anything superfluous"

Xue Nai thought that he knew something about Gongliang Mu, and before he heard the content of her reluctant request, he had already thought that the Ministry of Service was going to take it.

And this is the purpose of Gongliang Mu, he is not a speaker of the Ministry of Service, and he is afraid that he will refuse under the snow.

For the sake of his own face, he could only speak in advance, emphasizing that he was an insider, and she was recommended by herself, please give me some face.

Chitanda Airu saw that everyone turned on the serious mode, so she put her mind at ease and continued to tell.

"Actually, it was originally just my private business"

"I shouldn't have asked you for help"

"But last week, under the guidance of Gongliangjun, I decided to come"

"So, can you hear me first?"

After finishing speaking, Chitanda exhaled a long breath and finally spoke out, I don't know if everyone in the Ministry of Service will refuse.

"Well, if only to listen"

Yukixia knew that the other party seemed to have something to do with Gongliang Mu, and she also put away her aggressive side, and recently under the influence of Yui Yuhima and Furuhashi Fumino, she also began to become gentle.


Hearing the acquiescence of the Minister of Servant, Chitanda replied in a sonorous voice, as if the other party had already accepted the commission.

"I have an uncle named Sekiya Jun, I hope you can help me remember what my uncle once said to me"

After saying that, she saw the puzzled eyes of the other four.


"I'm sorry, my description jumped too fast, I'll say it in order"

Chitanda takes a deep breath again and contributes to global warming...

Actually, my uncle disappeared after he went to India seven years ago

"When I was a child, I used to pester my uncle, who would answer any whimsical questions I had, and there seemed to be nothing he didn't know"

Speaking of this, Chitanda seemed to fall into memory, but his expression was a little sad.

"When I was still in kindergarten, I learned that my uncle was a member of the Department of Classical Literature, and I became interested in it" (read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"One day I asked my uncle about the Classics Department."

"The result was only that time, for some reason my uncle was unusually reluctant to answer"

"I made a fuss about this for a long time, and my uncle reluctantly told me"

Speaking of this, Chitanda began to lower his head and look at the long table in front of him.

"But when I heard the answer, I cried"

"I don't know if it was because I was scared or sad, I cried a lot"

"As a result, even my mother was surprised and rushed over, but my uncle never came to coax me."

"I just remember being stimulated a lot, I can't remember anything else"

"But after I entered middle school, I began to wonder why my uncle refused to answer for a long time."

"Why didn't you come to coax me?"

The others heard Chitanda's voice and began to raise again, and they could feel the excitement in her heart.

I didn't expect this beautiful girl who looks soft and boneless to have a fierce side.

"After that, I tried to do my best and make contact with the Sekiya family, who were becoming more and more estranged."

"But I can't think of anything"

"So when I was promoted to the Sobu High School, I regarded the Faculty of Classics as my last hope."

But I didn't know that the Department of Classics had long since been abolished, and even if I went to the office and asked the teacher, no one knew about my uncle's high school student days 45 years ago

Under the snow, the snow is already understood. But to be honest, whether she can remember her uncle's words, this kind of idealistic commission, even she is not sure that she can solve it.

And, why did she just think of that phrase?

This is not only the doubt under the snow, but also the doubt of the other three.

"The law stipulates that if the life or death is unknown for more than seven years, it can be recognized as death"

"Chitanda's uncle's family also plans to end this matter early and hold a funeral"

"So the reason why Chitanda wants to remember it is to let her uncle remember what he said to her and go to his funeral"

Gong Liangmu cleaned the club classroom of the Department of Classics with the other party last week, and these situations have long been understood.....

No, last week, Qianqian Tantian didn't say it in such detail at all, Gongliang Mu just told the facts he learned through anime.

At this time, Qian Yantian was also slightly surprised when he heard Gongliangmu's words, but he didn't expect him to be able to guess her thoughts.

Sure enough, Gongliangjun is very smart, and perhaps with the help of the Ministry of Serving, she can really solve the mystery before her uncle's funeral.

Thinking of this, her eyes looking at Gongliangmu seemed to be shining, making it difficult for Gongliangmu to look directly.

"To be honest, there's no way we can really remind you of what your uncle said."

"But we took your commission"

"Until your uncle's funeral began, this commission was part of our ministry ministry."

After looking at everyone under the snow and getting unanimous affirmative looks, she still accepted the commission.

"Thank you very much, then I'll trouble you a lot"

After hearing Yukishita's reply, Chitanda stood up again and bowed to the crowd again.

Gongliang Mu also looked at her directly, nodded, and signaled her to relax.

"That being said, but where do we start?"

"Since everything originated in the Department of Classics 45 years ago, how do we start now?"

Although Hachiman Hikiya does not have a high presence in the community, he always gets to the point every time he speaks.

Xue Xia Xue nodded, in fact, she also thought of this just now, but unfortunately she was said earlier than Qigu.

"Forty-five years ago, the Faculty of Classics, last Friday ....."

Last Friday, Mr. Jing was in the press ten years ago

"That's right, it's the press"

Under the snow, the fragments of several current keywords were re-spliced little by little, and the word newspaper was found between the lines.

Think about it carefully, didn't Gongliangmu go to the Department of Classical Literature last week just to find newspapers and periodicals from Shi Qian?

So, did the press already exist 45 years ago?

After finishing speaking, Xue Xia turned his head to look at Gongliang Mu.

She knew that the other party had gone to the library yesterday to look for newspapers and periodicals from previous years, and that she had finally found them.

If you want to know if that part of forty-five years ago exists, then only he knows best among the few people present.

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