Chapter 67: Tsurumi Rumi’s Sudden Second Encounter with Him!.

Tsurumi Rumi carried a not too heavy shopping bag to a nearby park that is now empty. She couldn’t say she was in a good mood today.

“Why do you have to make friends?”

“Mom, it’s true, those people are very naïve, why should I make friends with them?”

Sitting on a crunching swing, Tsurumi Rumi shouted into the gloomy sky, “Can’t this world live without making friends?!” ”

As soon as her voice fell, the gloomy sky seemed to give her a response, and the rain began to fall. The surrounding air appeared thick and dignified.

Drops of water from the sky dripped down Tsurumi Rumi’s eyebrows, the bridge of her nose, and then down her cheeks. Then it continued to flow down the white skin, sliding over the girl’s neck, and the water droplets came to the seductive collarbone. A drop….

Two drops…….

Moments later, a light rain fell in the sky, bringing countless dampness to this boring land. However, before Tsurumi could react, she turned into a pouring splash and drenched her. I saw her carrying a shopping bag, quickly jumped off the swing, and hid in the inside of the children’s slide on the side. The rain is constantly pounding on the plastic slide.

Tsurumi Rumi, who was hiding below, echoed in his ears with an endless stream of bangs.

The narrow circular opening, where the water flowing with broken lines constantly falls from above, resembling a curtain of water in a mountain stream cave house, isolating Tsurumi Rumi from the outside world.

The two 24-side exits are cut off by the current, and the ears are filled with the sound of water splashing after falling and hitting the barrier. Although there were some complaints in her heart, Tsurumi Rumi was unexpectedly bored with this shower.

Because this rain cut her off from the whole world, and at the same time seemed to give her a layer of protection, and no one bothered her. So she doesn’t have to think about it so much for the time being.

Just cherish the time you can spend alone now. There is no mother’s nagging here.

And there are no childish little children. Relaxed and cozy.

However, at this time, Tsurumi Rumi did not know that as long as people live in this world, they will inevitably intersect with others. Not even the rain that cut her off from the outside world.

After all, no one knows when the encounter will come.

But it is precisely because of this that when the encounter comes, it will be so overwhelming. Messy footsteps, splashing rain.

Mixed with the teenager’s hasty breathing.

And the words full of complaints…….

Someone broke Tsurumi Rumi’s isolation from the outside world.

Unauthorized shattering of the barrier of the world outside her. It was so easy to break into the lonely world she was in.

“What a dog this weather! Even if it rains, it’s still so heavy! I always feel that I am a little unlucky today, and finally arrived, and the voice of the boy talking to himself is getting closer and closer. ”

Before Tsurumi Rumi could think more, the water curtain at the mouth of the circular hole shattered as the boy bent down and appeared in front of her.

The teenager’s voice also stopped abruptly.

With some dim light, Tsurumi Rumi saw the boy’s face clearly. It’s him!

The one I just met at a convenience store! The boy didn’t seem to expect anyone here.

At this time, he was still frozen in place, maintaining the action of drilling into the inside of the slide, and I have to say that this situation is a little embarrassing.

“Oh, what a coincidence~”

The boy who suddenly appeared quickly contained the embarrassment on his face and greeted Tsurumi Rumi in a very familiar tone. Tsurumi Rumi, who already understood the situation, got up and curled up and moved back some distance, tidied up the slightly messy skirt with her hands, and then sat down with her legs on the hem.


Inside the narrow slide, the little girl’s cold response echoed. It rained all the time outside.

There appears to be no sign of abating.

So, Tsurumi Rumi began to hate the rain. Really, why isn’t it over………………………

Nan Wusheng put down the two large bags in his hand and sat next to Tsurumi Rumi.

After carefully observing this little girl, I found that she was really a beautiful embryo. It was as if it were another Koyukino.

The facial features are delicate and cute. Fair and delicate skin.

The rain-soaked hair clings to her cheeks, making the little girl look pitiful. The petite and delicate body is wrapped in a pink and white knitted shirt.

The short skirt did not completely cover the little girl’s fair thighs.

Exposes some tender and smooth skin to the air.

And the delicate little feet wrapped in black knee-length socks are very shy and hidden in a pair of small leather shoes, afraid to come out to see people. Tsurumi Rumi noticed Nan Wusheng’s gaze and subconsciously shrunk her feet, wanting to hide them. But no matter how she hides, she can’t hide it.

At this time, the narrow space seems a little dull…….

Nan Wusheng was not embarrassed at this time, and began to exert his “social fear” social skills.

“This is the second time we should have met, my name is Nan Wusheng, what is your name?”

However, the little girl next to him ignored him.

I didn’t even look up at him. Gee one by one! What a failure!

However, Nan Wusheng did not intend to give up. He really didn’t believe it!

If he can’t figure it out for a little girl, he’ll read his name backwards in the future.

“You know what? In this kind of episode on TV or in light novels, boys usually take off their clothes, lean on the clothes with the girls as a cover, and then rush home in the rain. ”

Tsurumi Rumi was still sitting with her legs folded, silently listening to what he said. This person is so strange…

Can’t you see that I don’t want to ignore him?

So Tsurumi Rumi made an evaluation of Nan Wusheng in his heart. A strange behavior……. Good!

If Nan Wusheng could read minds, his body and mind would have suffered a heavy blow at this time. Unexpectedly, he would actually be issued a good person card by a little loli who had just met twice.

“That kind of plot has to be said to be really romantic…”

Nan Wusheng didn’t know what Tsurumi Rumi was thinking at this time, he was still talking to himself.

“But I think sometimes it’s stupid!”


As soon as the words fell, Tsurumi Rumi, who was originally indifferent, began to raise her head to look at Nan Wusheng. She was aroused by curiosity.

She wondered what this strange good man next to her would say next.

Nan Wusheng noticed Tsurumi Rumi’s reaction, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but smile. I can’t cure you anymore?

“Under normal circumstances, we would use this kind of thing called [mobile phone] to attract friends.”

Nan Wusheng took out his mobile phone and held it up to Tsurumi Rumi, and shook it twice by the way.

“In this case, we just need to take out our mobile phones and call our friends to deliver umbrella 773. Cut! ”

Tsurumi Rumi gave Minami Wusheng a roll of her eyes and ignored it. She also thought that the other party would have some high opinions.

That’s how it is…….

What do you let those who don’t have friends?

“You shouldn’t be without friends…”

Nan Wusheng’s tone of voice began to be yin and yang strange.


Tsurumi Rumi hugged her legs, curled up, and remained silent without speaking.

“Hiss……. It turns out that you really have no friends…”

Seeing the little girl who began to shake, Nan Wusheng continued to be angry with yin and yang.

“You’re so annoying!”

Tsurumi Rumi couldn’t bear to shout out. All right! She retracted her previous evaluation.

This guy is just a strange person!

“Hmph, you’re still willing to talk to me…”

“Obviously looks so cute, but puts on a stinky face, isn’t it a waste?”

Nan Wusheng’s handsome face was filled with a triumphant smile.

However, in Tsurumi Rumi’s eyes, this smile is very annoying no matter how you look at it.

“What’s the use of being cute, it’s not that no one wants to really make friends with me.”

Tsurumi Rumi didn’t know why, but he actually said to Nan Wusheng so defenselessly the deepest words buried in his heart. Maybe it’s because he’s just a stranger who has met him twice…….

There are some things she can’t say without telling her relatives, but she can safely tell a stranger.

“I seriously make friends with them, but they say bad things about me behind my back, saying that I am just cute, so no one wants to make friends with me at all.”

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