Chapter 90: Program Application for the Festival? Illegal Society Light Sound Department!.

Light Sound Department classroom.

“Xiao Wei, come and see, I just cleaned up and found it.”

Tanai Nakaru didn’t know where to find the photo album in his hand, and beckoned to Hirasawa Wei on the side.

“Xiao Lu, what is this in your hand?”

Hirasawa Yui leaned over and asked.

“Hehe, let’s open it and take a look.”

Saying that, Tai Nakaru couldn’t wait to open the photo album and then looked at it.

“Hmm…………………… This seems to be a photo of the light voice part before. ”

Looking at the photo above, Nakaru Tai voiced his guess.

And Yui Hirasawa also sighed at the right time.

“Wow — that’s awesome.”

I saw several photos appear on the open album.

The people in the photos all have musical instruments in their hands, either strange costumes or colorful hair, revealing a full sense of age at that time.

As soon as Nan Wusheng entered the door, he saw the two women huddled together, discussing something loudly, and occasionally heard a few exclamations.

“Yo, you guys came so early?”

“Senior Nan, you’re here~”

“Good afternoon, Senior Minami.”

Hirasawa Yui and Tai Nakaru raised their heads and greeted Nan Wusheng one after another.

“What are you two looking at together?”

Nan Wusheng walked over and asked curiously.

“Xiao Lu found the photo album of the previous light voice department, we are looking at it, do you want to see it together?”

Yui Hirasawa sent out an invitation.


Nan Wusheng lengthened his voice, and then glanced at the photo album on the table.

Sure enough, I saw a few photos above.

Boy! What kind of demons and monsters are they!

It’s either heavy makeup or fancy dress.

Some boys’ hair is even straight into the sky, and they fight with their big brothers.

I don’t know if there are wild Sazo and teachers on it.

Nan Wusheng thought so in his heart, but he didn’t have the mind to look through it together.

Glancing around the society again, Nan Wusheng did not find the figure he was looking for, so he asked.

“Speaking of Akiyama-san and Xiaoxiao, why are the two of them not in the club?”

“Mio and Mio…”

Tanaka looked away from the album and continued, “I’ve gone to apply for an art festival program for our club. ”

“Art festival? Do we want to join the club? ”

Nan Wusheng asked while putting down the guitar he was carrying and sitting on the sofa.


Last year seems to have started around this time.

However, the Light Sound Department has only been established not long ago, right?

Tianjing Nakaru really dares to apply..

“Originally, I just tried it, but didn’t you join Nan Senpai? Maybe we can choose. ”

Tian Jing Zhonglu first smiled, and then glanced at Nan Wusheng, his eyes full of expectation.

“I feel a little suspended, and the art excerpt program is still quite strict, and our immature club will probably be brushed down.”

“Well….just try it, just think of it as a workout.”

Tanaka didn’t sound very concerned when he spoke.

When the two were chatting casually, Pyeongze Wei noticed the guitar that Nan Wusheng brought over, and saw her come over with a curious look.

“Eh… Is this your guitar Nanpai? ”

“So…….can I take a look?”

Meeting her big expectant eyes, Nan Wusheng nodded and said, “Well, yes.” ”

After that, he took the guitar case, opened it and took out the guitar inside, and then handed it to Yui Hirasawa next to him.

Yui Hirasawa stretched out his hands and carefully took the guitar, then held it in his arms and examined it carefully.

“Minami-senpai, can I try your guitar?”

“Well, you can.”


Receiving Nan Wusheng’s answer, Hirasawa Yui, who had a guitar on his back, began to play with excitement on his face.


In the next second, a strange song out of tune was played by her.

Although it is still a little unbearable, compared to yesterday, Pyeongtaek Yui has made significant progress.

She is not the kind to play it indiscriminately, but the kind to play it in the order of the score, but she is still very unskilled………………

“Pyeongtaek-san, there is progress.”

Nan Wusheng opened his mouth and praised.

Yui Hirasawa scratched his head embarrassedly.

“Hey, hey, hey”

“I searched for teaching videos online at home yesterday, and then my sister taught me to play them.”

“Your sister taught it? Has she ever practiced guitar before? ”

Tanaka Ritsuki, who had already closed the photo album, asked.

Hirasawa Wei slowly shook his head, and then said: “Xiao worry, she has not practiced guitar. ”

“Then it seems that your sister is very talented in this area…”

“Uh-huh! The little worry is very powerful! ”

The three of them chatted like this, and every two minutes, there was a movement outside the classroom door.

In the next second, I saw Mio Akiyama and Kotofu walk in one after another.

“We’re back~”


“Mio, Mio, how’s it going?”

Tai Nakaru ran to the two women and asked with a look of anticipation.

However, she was answered by two losses.

“I’m sorry, we didn’t report it.”

Mio Akiyama shook her head, and the black silky hair behind her also swayed from side to side with her movements.

“Just now, Mio and I went to apply for the stage of the art festival, but they said that our light music club as a club has not been recognized by the student council, so they refused.”


The piano player added in a soft tone.

As soon as the words fell, he saw that Tianjing Zhongru’s face was full of shock.

“Eh–The Light Sound Department has not been recognized as a society, what’s going on?!”

“Good fellow! Is our Light Voice Department still an illegal society? ”

Nan Wusheng, who was sitting on the sofa, complained at the right time

“Ahem! To, no one has said anything about us until now, it’s okay, definitely, well! ”

Tianjing Nakaru’s expression was a little panicked, mixed with a little embarrassment.

“Huh? Aren’t all the members already five? There should be no problem…”

Hirasawa asked the doubts in his heart.

“Yes, it should be like this…”

Tanaka was confused for a while.

Before Golden Week, five members had been assembled.

Although Arima-senpai withdrew yesterday, he added Minami-senpai in.

It stands to reason that it won’t!

So what’s wrong?

Although so many years have passed, Nan Wusheng can’t remember many plots clearly, but just recalled a little, he seems to have found a blind spot.

“Tianjingzhong-san, I don’t know if I should say it right now.”

“Huh? Nansenpai you say. ”


“You said that there is no possibility, you did not submit the application form for club activities.”

“Apply for club activities, I submit…!”

Tianjing was halfway through speaking, and then she reacted instantly.

“It’s over, I didn’t submit the application form for club activities.”

Screwed up! What to do?!

Tai Nakaru let out a wail.

“Is it really because of you?”


Mio Akiyama quickly ran over and pinched Tanaka’s cheeks, stretching to the sides continuously, expressing his inner dissatisfaction.

“Mio, tap, it hurts to say…”

Looking at the two who were fighting, Qin Zhuo asked a little worriedly,

“So what do we do now?”

At the same time, she also glanced inside the society.

Obviously, this club is not recognized by the student union, but it is full of sofas, tea sets, cupboards and cabinets.


It does seem a bit excessive!

Nan Wusheng got up from the sofa, then thought for a while, and proposed: “Go to the student union now and ask for an application form for club activities, just fill in all the information on the spot, it’s not a big deal anyway.” ”

“Yes, yes! Senior Minami is right! We will go to the student union now and ask for a club activity application form to fill it out. ”

Hearing what Nan Wusheng said, Tai Nakaru broke free from Mio Akiyama’s restraints, rubbed his reddened cheeks and said it out loud.

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