Tokyo Metropolitan College of Jutsu, playground.

At this moment, on the playground, dark pink and light pink cursed powers are raging.

Controlling cursed powers due to violent emotional fluctuations leads to cursed powers leaking out.

This is a mistake that every novice sorcerer will make.

Generally speaking, such leakage will only cause some minor effects and will not cause any major harm.

For example, shattering a cup or causing lighter objects to fly everywhere.

But Otsutsuki is different.

He possesses the cursed powers of ten special-grade cursed spirits.

Even if it leaks out, the destructive power it brings is amazing!

The cursed power generated by his anger is like a storm on the playground.

Seeing this scene, Lu Ling was also quite surprised.

It seems that when he just fought with him, Otsutsuki did not exert his full strength.

Or is anger the best driving force?


Lu Ling activated the spell power enhancement and passed through the spell power storm to reach Yuji's body, then gently placed his hand on Yuji's shoulder, trying to calm him down.


Lu Ling's touch immediately brought Otsutsuki back to his senses.

He realized that his temper here might cause inconvenience to everyone.

So he slowly withdrew his magic power.

At the same time, Otsutsuki also comforted Rika and calmed her down.

The playground of the technical high school returned to peace.

"Good Guy"

"If Yuta gets angry, he can be so mad."

Panda touched his forehead and found it was covered with sweat.

The curse storm just now refreshed the first-year students' impression of Otsutsuki.


""Is that Geto Suguru powerful?"

After a moment of silence, Otsutsuki asked Lu Ling.

He was eager to know the enemy's level so that he could be mentally prepared.

Otsutsuki Yuta was already planning to fight to the death with Geto Suguru!

How could he, a pure love warrior, tolerate someone thinking about someone else's wife?!

"Very good, I've fought him before."

"According to my estimation, he was already stronger than you are now."

"And during this period, he should have a major breakthrough"

"If you, Yuta, face him alone, there is no chance of survival."

Lu Ling did not hide anything and told him exactly what he was thinking.

Yutsutsuki listened to Lu Ling silently without changing his expression.

He had expected that the enemy would be stronger than him.

Otherwise, Lu Ling would not have come to remind me.

"So that's it......"

"It seems that I need to work harder."

Otsutsuki said calmly. He has made up his mind to practice hard.

"That's right, Yuta"

"You must become stronger, and you can definitely do it!"

Lu Ling said so.

The simple desire to liberate his lover's heart can make Yujitsuki progress so quickly!

Now add the sense of crisis that his lover may be taken away and the insecurity that his life is threatened!!

Under the pressure of these three factors.

Lu Ling is confident that Yujitsuki will definitely progress even faster!

"Thank you, classmate Lu Ling."

Otsutsuki bowed deeply to Lu Ling. He was very grateful for the information Lu Ling provided him!

If Lu Ling hadn't told him about this matter, he would still be wasting time!

If he met Geto Suguru at that time, he would definitely end up dying and Rika being taken away!!

"By the way, what does Geto Suguru look like?"

"Let me prepare in advance!"

"So that one day he might attack me face to face without my knowing it!"

Otsutsuki said so.

Although everyone who knew Geto Suguru knew that Geto Suguru would not do such a thing as a sneak attack, Otsutsuki didn't know Geto Suguru.

Hearing from Lu Ling that he planned to kill him and take away Rika, he subconsciously imagined him as a treacherous villain. He even robbed other people's wives, so wouldn't it be easy for him to do such a small thing as a sneak attack?

"Oh, don't worry about this."

"Xia Youjie is the most wanted criminal in the high school"

"We have all the information about him."

Lu Ling said so.

In the current world of curse, Noso and Sukuna have disappeared.

After all, they were curse masters from thousands of years ago, and no one could imagine that they could survive until now.

If someone mentions Ryomen Sukuna and Noso, it is likely that they are talking about some myths or legends.

From this point of view.

The biggest threat to the world of curse now is really Geto Suguru!

Who said he is the only special curse master?

For this reason, the high school has collected extremely complete information on Geto Suguru!

And these are not secrets, as long as Otsutsuki asks for them, the high school will give them!

"Oh, yes. There is also this."

Lu Ling seemed to remember something, and he gave a string of numbers to Otsukoshi.

"This is the phone number of our high school sophomore class teacher, Mr. Kusakabe."

"Youtai, if you have any problems in your subsequent practice, you can go to him!"

"Senior Kinji and Senior Kirara are both skipping classes......"

"As a result, Mr. Kusakabe had a lot of free time."

For Otsutsuki now, what he needs more than powerful skills is a good teacher to teach him the basic skills of a sorcerer.

In Lu Ling's opinion, no one is more suitable for this than Kusakabe.

In terms of teaching level, he is better than Gojo Satoru!

Otsutsuki silently wrote down Kusakabe's phone number in his mobile phone.

"Youtai, don't worry."

"If Geto Suguru dares to come, we will definitely stand by your side!"

Panda said so.

After Lu Ling told the first-year students that Ottokotsu might be harmed by Geto Suguru, they all expressed their willingness to help.

"I have a personal grudge against that guy. If I can teach him a lesson"

"Add me in."

Maki's face was gloomy, and it was obvious that she was still upset about her defeat to Geto Suguru last time!

"Pickled fish roe."

Goujuan nodded, he also wanted to lend a hand.

"Big, everyone......Thanks......"

Otsutsuki was moved by the words of the first-year student, and his voice began to choke up.

For many years, he had been living cautiously.

Now, he has the confidence to live and the bond with others.

These things he dreamed of, he now has them all!

I want to protect them all! Just like Lu Ling, Maki and others protect me!

Otsutsuki made up his mind!

""Don't even think about going head-on with Geto Suguru."

Lu Ling reminded the first-years. He could understand the desire to protect his classmates.

After all, Lu Ling also wanted to protect Otsutsuki.

He was just worried that Maki, Panda and the others would get too carried away and go head-on with Geto Suguru.

In that case, they, who were only second-level sorcerers, would probably end up being wiped out.

Not only would they fail to protect anyone, but they would also get themselves involved. Wouldn't that be putting the cart before the horse?

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